U.S. Bishops Denounce Racist Violence and Fringe Ideology

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Headline reaction: Cool 👍

Article reaction: Hmm parts are good (obviously any part that refers to racism being bad is good; there’s only one race: the human race). One paragraph in particular stuck out to me though:
The archbishop said that the Asian-American population in his diocese has suffered from scapegoating over the new coronavirus pandemic. Blaming China for spreading the virus “flowed onto a lot of our Asian population here,” he said.
I’ll be honest, I couldn’t help but read that and imagine a potential parallel paragraph like:
The archbishop said that the Caucasian-American population in his diocese has suffered from scapegoating over the new racial hysteria. Blaming Caucasians for spreading racism “flowed onto a lot of our Caucasian population here,” he said.
Because yes, there is such a thing as a white person who is racist. And yes, it is true that the virus originated in China.

But at the moment scapegoating one group is (rightly) recognized as a no-no. Whereas scapegoating the other group is shouted into bullhorns and celebrated on social media and members of that group are indiscriminately shamed and commanded to submit to re-education over alleged subconscious wrongdoing others insist they must be inclined towards or participant in because of the colour of their skin.

Just noticing.
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Thank you USCCB for having the courage to speak out about the problems of race in America. Forget the fact you, mostly, said nothing to discourage the majority of Catholics in this country to vote for pro abortion politicians. But yes, now that we’re facing a “catholic” president who has already promised to take our rights and protections away and promote abortion up until the baby is born, yes, we really want to hear your opinions on race.
Forget the fact you, mostly, said nothing to discourage the majority of Catholics in this country to vote for pro abortion politicians.
The USCCB cannot campaign for any candidate nor dictate for whom people should or shouldn’t vote. Church teaching leaves that to conscience. Meanwhile, they have spoken out often and vehemently against abortion.

For once, I’d love to discuss other human rights issues without abortion constantly getting dangled as a whataboutism. Abortion is the most urgent human rights issue of our time. That doesn’t make other human rights issues unimportant.
The archbishop said that the Caucasian-American population in his diocese has suffered from scapegoating over the new racial hysteria. Blaming Caucasians for spreading racism “flowed onto a lot of our Caucasian population here,” he said.
Racism is a choice. For at least 99.99% of Chinese people, where COVID-19 originated isn’t.
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Thank you USCCB for having the courage to speak out about the problems of race in America. Forget the fact you, mostly, said nothing to discourage the majority of Catholics in this country to vote for pro abortion politicians. But yes, now that we’re facing a “catholic” president who has already promised to take our rights and protections away and promote abortion up until the baby is born, yes, we really want to hear your opinions on race.
Let alone, per my view, voting for abortionists is voting for:

Abortions overseas, Central America, Africa, Carribbean and who knows where else. Guatemala shut down International Planned Parenthood in that country.

Abortion demographics are very racist.

Most Planned Parenthood clinics in minority neighborhoods.

I have gone through the demographics before and do not care to again but let’s say abortion among minorities is greatly disproportionate.

If people support some candidates, they need to owe up to what they are supporting.

In fact, that’s exactly what I will never vote for, African Americans being 12-14% of the population but a 3rd of total abortions? No way will I support abortion-law-supporters.

The Bishops need to address the racism of abortion as well. I know, every soul counts but the statistics are shocking and would seem to show real shallowness about those who seem to be so against racism but would in turn, support choicers. I find it very hypocritical.
For once, I’d love to discuss other human rights issues without abortion constantly getting dangled as a whataboutism. Abortion is the most urgent human rights issue of our time. That doesn’t make other human rights issues unimportant.
Racism is a choice. For at least 99.99% of Chinese people, where COVID-19 originated isn’t.
And nothing is more racist in the US than abortion. And of course, violence too.
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To be fair, though, a count of how many times the bishops spoke, individually and collectively, about issues such as immigration, racism, etc. through a year and how many times they spoke about abortion through a year might be enlightening.

Remember we aren’t speaking about others jumping in to go ‘but what about abortion’, we are talking about the bishops actually addressing the subject in the way that they address other human rights issues.

There might be good reason that people are asking ‘but what about abortion’ if, in fact, the bishops are, despite its preeminence, not addressing it in the same way and with the same force etc that they address other issues.
Racism is a choice. For at least 99.99% of Chinese people, where COVID-19 originated isn’t.
Yes, of course. And it’s a choice most white people don’t make. 🙂

In fact, for 100% of white people living today, where and when and by-whom slavery took place wasn’t their choice.

But it has still become chic and fashionable to indiscriminately harass and accuse “white people” for alleged secret racism they’re accused of harbouring. Might as well be accusations against Japanese-Americans that they’re secretly harbouring patriotism for Japan instead of America. Guilty until proven otherwise, with much grovelling and supplications (and sometimes still treated as probably-subconsciously-guilty even then).

The truth is that most white people have no more interest in ‘white superiority’, than Japanese-Americans had in Japan prevailing over the US in WWII. But that won’t stop opportunists from trying to villainize a whole group of people in order to victimize and scapegoat them.

As I mentioned, yes, some modern white people are racist. Also, some modern black people are racist. Some modern Asian people are racist.

It’s unjust to target any one group as if that group is ‘inherently racist’, and ignore members of other groups who actually make the specific choice of racism. And we do, unfortunately, see a lot of this happening in the world today.
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Remember we aren’t speaking about others jumping in to go ‘but what about abortion’,
Actually, that is exactly what I’m talking about and exactly what happened to this thread.
we are talking about the bishops actually addressing the subject in the way that they address other human rights issues.
They give more weight to abortion than other issues! Abortion - Pro Life Activities | USCCB

To say or imply that they’re “not doing enough” is hyper-critical, if not downright false.

Again, I implore you: Please stop bringing up abortion in order to dismiss other human rights violations. It’s beneath us as Catholics.
In fact, for 100% of white people living today, where and when and by-whom slavery took place wasn’t their choice.
If your criteria for non-racism is not owning slaves, you may want to rethink where you’re setting that bar.
It’s unjust to target any one group as if that group is ‘inherently racist’, and ignore members of other groups who actually make the specific choice of racism.
Are you accusing Archbishop Sample, et. al of doing this? Remember, this is a thread specific statements from Catholic bishops condemning racism, not something you heard about racism somewhere on MSNBC. Let’s go ahead and address what the bishops said, and not bring other commentary into it.

The bishops have stated that racism is a sin. Are the speaking about a sin that doesn’t exist?
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If your criteria for non-racism is not owning slaves, you may want to rethink where you’re setting that bar.
If you actually think that’s what I’m saying (or are willing to misrepresent that as what I’m saying) there’s no point in discussing further.
The bishops have stated that racism is a sin. Are the speaking about a sin that doesn’t exist?
Nope, I’ll condemn it right along with them. Racists will rot in hell unless they repent.
I’m asking for clarification. That’s the only example you gave of racism. Surely there are other ways people can be racist?
I didn’t give slavery as an example of racism. Slavery doesn’t even require racism (as people of the same race have enslaved each other), though obviously in your country slavery and racism were deeply intertwined, historically.

I mentioned slavery because of how many people accuse modern white people across the board of harbouring secret racism (secret even from themselves) and point backwards at the attitudes that historically accompanied American slavery and claim modern white people still secretly hold those attitudes and want slavery (or some other form of race-based oppression) back.
At what point does somebody stop being a racist?
At the point at which they stop thinking ethnic phenotype, instead of individual human character, marks a morally significant difference between human persons?
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I’m not sure why you responded as you did when I was simply theorizing why people might respond with concern about abortion (as another poster had mentioned there was a reaction ‘from others jumping in’). I’m not sure why my post did not show that I was responding to that one poster with a reason as to why people might have a concern; no doubt my fingers didn’t hit a key correctly or some such.
Please stop using other social justice issues to dismiss abortion.
They can’t tell us who to vote for according to what? To protect their tax exempt status? They would be silent in the face of grave moral evil, so long as they can get some money? Some courageous witness. And they never had to endorse a candidate. They “did” have to tell people who they can NOT vote for, which was Joe Biden and the Democrats, given their public platform. No Catholic, in good faith, can vote for them. Any who did need to go to confession. They might hide behind liberal bishops who say it’s ok, but God will judge them/you/all of us accordingly.
No Catholic, in good faith, can vote for them. Any who did need to go to confession.
Only if they were specifically voting for abortion and not despite it. Many very good Catholics were impelled by conscience to vote against Trump and the toxic culture that fits right in with the culture of death. Abortion is the penultimate evil result of an evil culture. It’s like cancer is the penultimate evil result of a toxic lifestyle. If one says they’re against lung cancer but promotes smoking they are just a scammer.
Trump and the Republicans were promoting pro life policies across the board. The ones consistently getting in the way are democrats. If the democrats one issue was slavery of african americans, but everything else they did was morally good, would you vote for them? Could you look the other way on their wanting to enslave african americans, so long as they reformed immigration according to your wishes?
If the democrats one issue was slavery of african americans, but everything else they did was morally good, would you vote for them? Could you look the other way on their wanting to enslave african americans, so long as they reformed immigration according to your wishes?
If the opposition were running on a platform of anti slavery while at the same time fomenting a culture of hatred, fear, division, violence that was destroying the nation, I’d vote to get rid of that and pray for a better candidate next time.
Except the Republicans are literally doing none of those things. They are promoting the rights of all, creating jobs, etc. Trump reformed the criminal justice system, created job and educational opportunities for at risk families. Democrats want minorities living in squalor and dependent on welfare so they can farm votes election after election. They are literally a party built on racism.
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