Agree or Disagree:
The Church via its Bishops/Priests has lost its position of spiritual authority among most Baptized “Roman Catholics” in the U.S. And, the best option to reestablish authority and restart the process to bring these non-practicing Catholics to saving faith in the Good News is to forgo a focus on Magisterial/Traditional authority and instead, turn primarily to Scriptures as their platform of authority to proclaim the Good News and lead the Church.
Background for this assumption:
From the sex abuse scandal, to the lack of explanation/enforcement (from the average parish pulpit) of the decree on birth control, to the lack of teaching on the reasons for the definition of marriage, the Churches spiritual leaders in America have lost credibility in the eyes of most Baptized Catholics. They can no longer expect to be believed by the majority of U.S. Catholics when speaking on theological, moral or spiritual truths.
The VAST MAJORITY of Catholics in the U.S. don’t adhere to the Church’s decree on birth control. The MAJORITY of Catholics in the U.S. didn’t vote for life in 2012 election.
The MAJORITY of Catholics don’t go to Mass every week, don’t go to confession annually, and in fact, don’t even believe in the ability to have a relationship with the God of the Universe (as documented in Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell).
So, why should Bishops/Priests expect most U.S. Catholics to believe in the Gospel and the teaching authority of the Church?
The only remaining position of authority that remains for the MAJORITY of U.S. Catholics (knowing that the majority of Baptized Catholics are non-practicing) is the Bible. Scripture’s accuracy and authority is PROVEN through archeology/anthropology.
Our Bishops/Priests must study it, read it, teach from it, and preach from it, if they hope to regain a position of authority in the lives of the majority of Baptized U.S. Catholics. Only then will the fallen away Baptized Roman Catholics begin to return to saving faith in the Church.
The Church via its Bishops/Priests has lost its position of spiritual authority among most Baptized “Roman Catholics” in the U.S. And, the best option to reestablish authority and restart the process to bring these non-practicing Catholics to saving faith in the Good News is to forgo a focus on Magisterial/Traditional authority and instead, turn primarily to Scriptures as their platform of authority to proclaim the Good News and lead the Church.
Background for this assumption:
From the sex abuse scandal, to the lack of explanation/enforcement (from the average parish pulpit) of the decree on birth control, to the lack of teaching on the reasons for the definition of marriage, the Churches spiritual leaders in America have lost credibility in the eyes of most Baptized Catholics. They can no longer expect to be believed by the majority of U.S. Catholics when speaking on theological, moral or spiritual truths.
The VAST MAJORITY of Catholics in the U.S. don’t adhere to the Church’s decree on birth control. The MAJORITY of Catholics in the U.S. didn’t vote for life in 2012 election.
The MAJORITY of Catholics don’t go to Mass every week, don’t go to confession annually, and in fact, don’t even believe in the ability to have a relationship with the God of the Universe (as documented in Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell).
So, why should Bishops/Priests expect most U.S. Catholics to believe in the Gospel and the teaching authority of the Church?
The only remaining position of authority that remains for the MAJORITY of U.S. Catholics (knowing that the majority of Baptized Catholics are non-practicing) is the Bible. Scripture’s accuracy and authority is PROVEN through archeology/anthropology.
Our Bishops/Priests must study it, read it, teach from it, and preach from it, if they hope to regain a position of authority in the lives of the majority of Baptized U.S. Catholics. Only then will the fallen away Baptized Roman Catholics begin to return to saving faith in the Church.