Agreed. I think it is fair to critique the handling of certain events by the bishops, but it can easily go too far.
If I had to offer one particular thing which could have contributed to a decrease in the perceived authority of the Bishops it would be in the frequency that they comment on issues which have no direct Church teaching. Documents are put out, statements are made, etc. which are by and large ignored by the laity or, if they are payed attention to, are concerning in the direction they take. One of the Bishops noted this recently when they voted down another document to be put out on the economy by saying (to paraphrase): that we really don’t need to put out yet another document that no one is going to read.
The frequency of comment on things which might not rise to the level of actual Church teaching can, in my opinion, can contribute to people taking their statements less seriously when the big stuff comes around.
I agree totally. They comment on things that are not relevant and are silent on important issues.
Then most are silent about pro-abortion politicians. They say nothing about socialism, even though the Church condemns socialism over and over and over.
And again, one of the most rejected documents, Humanae
Vitae, is one that will bring about the most happiness to married couples, brings silence from them. They seem to have a secular outlook and don’t understand what Pope Paul VI was trying to teach.
And the most basic teaching is that Jesus became man primarily for our happiness here on earth. And the basic teachings of the Church come from God and they are to guide us on how to live a happy life and how we obtain the grace from God to live that life.
The bishops miss all this.
In other words, most of the bishops don’t teach that abortion will bring misery to those who choose to have abortions, not happiness. They don’t teach that if we choose to elect pro-abortion politicians that these will bring unhappiness to our country, because we are choosing people who have very little love for others. No one promotes abortion out of love for children.
They don’t teach that the very act of us choosing pro-abortion politicians damages our love for God and for others, which will cause our unhappiness because people who don’t love others are unhappy.
They entirely miss the point of Pope Paul VI on Humanae Vitae that if Catholics go against God’s law and contracept that it will bring unhappiness first to the married couples, then to society. Even though some bishops now point out the bad effects on society, they still seem to miss the point that going against Church teachings will bring unhappiness to the married couple themselves. Studies have proven that over and over. The high divorce rate from those who contracept is extremely well documented. But instead of promoting the good of the teaching, they are silent. Thus we have a high divorce rate, which leads to a high crime rate among the children, and so more unhappiness. The bishops seem to miss
that everything the Church teaches, is for our happiness, which is because everything the Church teaches comes from God and God only wants our happiness.
As Pope B16 teaches, “I therefore invite you every day to seek the Lord, who wants nothing more than for you to be truly happy.”
The entire purpose of the mass is to enable us to love God and others, so we can be happy. Because those who love others are happy, and those who don’t love, who are slaves to their feelings and immediate desires become imprisioned within themselves and can’t be happy, and they make others miserable also.
Since the bishops miss all this, it seems to ordinary Catholics that these bishops have no moral message. They are not relevant to society. They are silent about abortion, which is result of our secular society’s “me” generation, its lack of love for others, its materialism, and instead the bishops think the good is to promote socialism through national health insurance.
And then they wonder why Catholics will not back them up on defending freedom of religion, which is one issue they finally got right. They have entirely lost creditability and no one will listen to them now.