U.S. Demographic question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris_in_Mich
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I’ve seen demographics going back as early as 1950 showing that Catholics in the US are apprx 25% of the population, and that seems to be about where we are today. With immigration seemingly heavily Catholic over the last half-century, and birth control more widely used among non-Catholics why havn’t we seen far more growth in Catholicism then this?
I don’t know the answer to this question, but perhaps it has something to do with the fact that many American Catholics DO use birth control. (Far more than in 1950).
Chris in Mich:
With immigration seemingly heavily Catholic over the last half-century, and birth control more widely used among non-Catholics why havn’t we seen far more growth in Catholicism then this?
I think that the word “seemingly” is a key here. I don’t know if the Census Bureau or the INS keeps these kind of statistics or not, but the actual reported numbers would be useful.

Also implied in the statement is the large Hispanic immigration, both legal and illegal. In surveys, illegal immigrants are always underreported, and thus the actual percentage may be higher.

Of cousre, the religion of “ex-Catholics” is the gfastest growing religion in America. 😉
(I made that last one up, but wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.)
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