U.S. Middle school hangs LGBT flag in cafeteria, bans flag of traditional family

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A strange accusation - a tactic seen all too often here.
You can call it a tactic to somehow try to avoid the sudden change in direction and goalpost movement, a strategy seen all to often here.
The thread is about a pagan/secular/public/government school “seeming” to endorse gravely sinful behavior.
OMG…Marshall is in one of, if not the most, conservative county in the state of MN. That’s is quite an out-there claim to make about a school.
It endorses behavior which demonstrably leads to higher rates of depression, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide.
Citation Please.

I’ve read three local articles on this, and from what I haven’t been able to find is who exactly hung the flag. Did students say “we’re hanging flags of the world” then hang this one too? From my short investigation across some local articles, I can’t find it.
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Going a little too far, I think. It’s not the behavior per se that leads to all these terrible things, but rather the persecution of the behavior. And I can’t help chuckle a bit at your defense of Darwin.

I agree, however, that it is about endorsement, but I believe also inclusion. And I do think, legally speaking, the flag should not be permitted in a public institution due to other, religiously- and morally-based views including yours.
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Which religions, not cults or hate groups posing as religions, justify discrimination against Blacks or Jews today?

I agree that some use this as a cover, just as I think some use harsh criticism of Israel’s policies as a cover for antisemitism. But not all use it as a cover. Some honestly feel it is an affront to their religious and moral values. That population is shrinking with each younger generation, but it still exists, I believe. And those sincere people of faith are also a minority, as are LGBT people, whose rights need to be protected.
There were abundant religious justifications for slavery, and there are still people who justify discrimination against blacks for religious reasons. Just like there were and still are plenty of people who justify persecution of Jews for religious reasons.
An interesting point which reminds me of a great statement made by the late JFK

“Let all sides explore what problems UNITE us instead of belaboring the problems that DIVIDE us”

My own definition of this statement would be for us to use doctrine to better learn the things that unite us instead of using doctrine to better learn the things that divide us.
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Puberty was not kind to me. It isn’t for a lot of kids. This is just another huge log on the fire. There was a joke on this movie where this husband and wife are having a bit of an argument. I don’t remember how it came up but the wife asks the husband “You never… experimented before?” Apparently the wife had recently done just that, and the man exclaims, “that’s what college is for!”

I don’t know if that is true or not, but he point is middle school is WAY to soon to officially being tackling such things. Let me say right from the start I have no problems with anyone that has SSA. I don’t think it is something that is asked for, but I do fully support Catholic Teaching on this.

I fear that some kids seeing rainbow flags everywhere would be more inclined to look into it at that point. What would that research look like at such an age? Confiding in an adult I would imagine is risky in the best of times for a kid, can you imagine them bringing that up?

I wonder what comes up in a computer if you search for “am I gay” Probably some helpful things, and some things that are not so helpful. In the 70s, they still had the naughty magazines on the shelf, right in your face. It was on the top shelf, just to the left of "Outdoor world, and just above Newsweek. It just looked like was I was reading News week. [Surprised I wasn’t busted. What teen reads Newsweek?]

I do hope that school gets slapped with a lawsuit. Maybe if that county has to pony up a few million in legal defense, other school systems will think twice about such a thing.
Children or the under aged are not the ones that allowed the flag to fly in the first place

My initial point was:
maybe we need to tackle it with more of our open heart rather than what may be seen as strict learning.
More precise
for us to use doctrine to better learn the things that unite us instead of using doctrine to better learn the things that divide us.
Children or the under aged are not the ones that allowed the flag to fly in the first place
You were able to find it. So far I haven’t been able to.

Like I said up thread, this whole thing probably would have been done and handled 2 weeks before this thread started, but it looks like the school board wasn’t able to have their 3/2 meeting to handle the situation.
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My wife’s school has a program where teachers who are willing wear a little rainbow flag sticker on their ID badges so that a gay kid can go to them if they are feeling threatened.

I’m fairly lenient on the flag thing, honestly. If a community wants to support that its fine. I’m more of a stickler on the curriculum; and I think we need to take a more critical eye of the trans movement. There are kids in my middle school who have switched genders almost weekly. My kids are ‘meh’ but the kids in question are using it as a way to wrap up administration in knots, and you can’t question the kid or else you’re a bigot.
In the case of inclusion of Black Americans, I think we can all agree that there is NO basis in morality or religion to exclude this group. In the case of gay Americans, there is a basis of exclusion in the sense of those gay people who practice behavior that is contrary to the teachings of several religions; however, no basis for exclusion of gay people as people. Admittedly, it’s a fine line, but I think the gay flag symbolizes more than treating gay people as human beings; it also symbolizes their sexual and love relationships including gay marriage, which some find morally objectionable on the basis of their religious beliefs. I do not agree with the latter who object, but I can understand their perspective.
If the school took down the rainbow flag and decided instead to allow students who were interested in doing so to form a Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) club, would that be acceptable in your opinion even if some parents objected on religious grounds to such a club meeting on school grounds?
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Interesting question. I suppose it would be acceptable because, I believe, the main purpose of a Gay-Straight Alliance is to foster mutual respect for all people regardless of sexual orientation, to prevent bullying of gay students, and to afford equal rights with regard to jobs, housing, and so on. It gets tricky when other issues are raised by such a group such as the moral legitimacy of gay marriage. So I’m not sure where I stand on this. As is so often the case in real life, one group’s rights may infringe upon those of another group, and decisions have to be made. We do not AFAIK live in a utopian society.
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Interesting question. I suppose it would be acceptable because, I believe, the main purpose of a Gay-Straight Alliance is to foster mutual respect for all people regardless of sexual orientation, to prevent bullying of gay students, and to afford equal rights with regard to jobs, housing, and so on. It gets tricky when other issues are raised by such a group such as the moral legitimacy of gay marriage. So I’m not sure where I stand on this. As is so often the case in real life, one group’s rights may infringe upon those of another group, and decisions have to be made. We do not AFAIK live in a utopian society.
Another important consideration, too, is that such clubs are formed and led by students even if there is usually a faculty sponsor. A GSA Club would be no different than the Chess Club and other students with a different viewpoint could, I suppose, form their own club.
Another important consideration, too, is that such clubs are formed and led by students even if there is usually a faculty sponsor. A GSA Club would be no different than the Chess Club and other students with a different viewpoint could, I suppose, form their own club.
And, as I’ve said on other threads, if it’s student-initiated, they have to allow all groups if they allow any. That’s the law.
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