Besides, some forms of perfection are mathematically impossible.
The watch analogy is nonsense, there is no evolutionary pressure in that example that sort out fitting watches from non-fitting. Besides wathces don’t breed.
All those premises can be questioned, some conclusions are proven wrong by science today, and even if they would be correct, they do not necessarily point to a single divine creator. These are other options:
Untrue. Particles decay all by themselves, no external force required.
- Motion: Since no thing (or series of things) can move (change) itself, there must be a first, Unmoved Mover, source of all motion.
Disproven by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle.
- Causation: Nothing can cause its own existence. There must be a first cause that is not caused by anything else and that contains in itself the sufficient reason for its existence.
- Necessity and Contingency: Whatever exists must have a sufficient reason for its existence.
Disproven by Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle.If there was ever a time when there was nothing, there could never be anything. From nothing, nothing can come.
- Perfection: Real degrees of real perfections presuppose the existence of that perfection itself (the Perfect Being).
Besides, some forms of perfection are mathematically impossible.
Yes, it can. And it does every day. Gravitation builds structures out of chaos for example.
- Design: Design can be caused only by an intelligent Designer. Mindless nature cannot design itself or come about by chance.
The watch analogy is nonsense, there is no evolutionary pressure in that example that sort out fitting watches from non-fitting. Besides wathces don’t breed.
All those premises can be questioned, some conclusions are proven wrong by science today, and even if they would be correct, they do not necessarily point to a single divine creator. These are other options:
- There are many Unmoved Movers, Designers, etc… The arguments do not rule out polytheism.
- The universe is eternal, there is no beginning. (This btw is not disproven by the big bang, if the density of the universe is high enough it can keep contracting and expanding forever.) Then only #5 would apply.
- There is actually nothing, the total energy of the universe can be gauged to Zero.