UN Funds Some Strange Bedfellows

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The former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations says the global body, through several of its agencies, is funding terrorist organizations.

Citing documents captured by Israeli Defense Force personnel, Ambassador Dore Gold says funds flowed from the United Nations Development Program, or UNDP, to two leading Hamas front organizations.

In a column slated to be published today in the Wall Street Journal, Gold said donations of between $4,000 and $10,000 went to the Tulkarm Charity Committee and the Jenin District Committee for Charitable Funds.

“Receipts and even copies of thank you notes to UNDP were discovered,” he writes.

Gold says in 2003 Israel asked UNDP to stop funding the organizations, but the request fell on deaf ears.

“Timothy Rothermel, UNDP’s special representative in Jerusalem, turned down the Israeli request,” he writes.

In his piece, Gold points out another U.N. connection to terror:

“Another disturbing connection revealed from captured documents over the last two years is the support provided by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for the Quran and Sunna Society of Kalkilya.”

Gold says UNRWA is " heavily penetrated" by Hamas members.

Yet another U.N. agency has connections to enemies of the U.S., Gold claims.

“In October 2004, the Arab International Forum for Rehabilitation and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory held a conference in Beirut under the auspices of the U.N.'s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA),” he writes. “The conference announced a joint initiative between ESCWA and the Coalition of Goodness, an organization led by one of the spiritual heads of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradhawi. Who was this U.N. partner? A year earlier, Qaradhawi appeared in Sweden and spoke in favor of suicide operations against Israeli civilians. And two months before the Beirut conference, he signed a communiqué calling on Muslims to support the forces fighting the U.S. and the coalition in Iraq.”

Gold believes President Bush should kick the U.N. out of the so-called Quartet working toward Middle East peace.

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