UN Kinda Condems Actions in Darfur

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The United Nations Human Rights Commission has passed a resolution on the condemnation on the actions in Darfur. Sort of. Predictably, the language chosen was the tamer version; “The commission condemns continued, widespread and systematic violations by all parties of human rights and international humanitarian law.” The UN is essentially blaming the victims for the crime committed against them by not naming the Janjaweed and Sudanese government as the aggressors. This is politically correct UN diplomacy at its finest. On a brighter note, the West was able to get the African nations “to remove wording that praised the Sudanese governments steps to improve the situation in Darfur.” Meanwhile, the citizens of Darfur continue to die at the hands of the Sudanese sponsored Janjaweed militias, supported by Sudanese helicopters and gunships.The United States has requested that NATO act decisively and prepares to intervene in Darfur. France, the nation instrumental in blocking the UN resolution to hold Saddam accountable for violating UN sanctions, stated, "NATO does not have a calling to be the gendarme of the world." Instead, France believes the African Union is well equipped to handle the crisis, even though their mandate provides for them to act as observers only, and not peacekeepers.

The humorous part of the entire travesty (insomuch as someone can find humor in the turning of backs on genocide) is French Foreign Minister Barnier has passed the buck on action to the world’s preeminent indecisive deliberative body, the United Nations:

“NATO is first and foremost a military organization,” Barnier said, adding that other bodies such as the United Nations were better suited to dealing with issues like the nuclear programs of North Korea or Iran.Perhaps Mr. Barnier forgets that the EU-3 is in [fruitless] negotiations with Iran and the Group of Six is in [stagnant] discussions with North Korean on their respective nuclear programs. The United Nations Security Council will not review these cases, despite the flagrant violations of nuclear treaties.

Hey, the U.N. and the West did such fine work in Rwanda with basically the exact same game plan…

– Mark L. Chance.
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