UN promoting change to Pagan Calendar

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When the big hand says Thirteen Moon Calendar

by Judi McLeod, Canadafreepress.com August 27, 2004

The United Nations, which has a finger in every global pie, and ambitions to take over the World Internet, is inching its way towards calendar reform.

Long on lofty words and windy clauses, the official UN description for calendar reform is, “Calendar Reform and the Future of Civilization” (CRFC).

Ostensibly, the UN rejected considering calendar reform in 1995 as part of its 50th anniversary. Within four years, UN officials were passing calendar duty over to lifetime activist for peace, Dr. José Argüelles, an originator of Earth Day.

Dr. Arguelles’ World Summit on Peace and Time was convened on June 22-27, 1999 at the UN-owned University for Peace, in Costa Rica.

Why is the UN itching to change the method by which the world tells time?

It’s the Gregorian Calendar. Having replaced the Julian Calendar, the Gregorian was instituted by papal decree in the year AD 1582 and adopted by virtually all nations as the common world standard.

Accepted by virtually all nations notwithstanding, the Gregorian Calendar is irksome to New Agers because the whole world marks time based on the Birth of Jesus Christ. And as far as the occultist UN is concerned, that will never do.
So why not break and fix it?

If the concept of throwing the Gregorian Calendar out to replace it with the World Thirteen Moon 28-day Calendar of Peace isn’t ludicrous enough, calendar challengers say they are basing their reform on “common sense”.

“By rational discourse and common sense, it has been determined that the Gregorian Calendar does not represent a true or accurate standard of measure or belong to any systematic science of time, and hence, is worthy of reform,” states a CRFC resolution from the World Summit on Peace and Time.

The usual suspects were on hand when more than one hundred “followers of the World Thirteen Calendar Change Peace Movement” convened at the Costa Rican summit.

Letters of acknowledgement were sent to the summit on behalf of UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan; Secretary-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor Zaragoza; His Holiness, the Dalai Lama; and by Jonathan Granoff of the Lawyers Alliance for World Security.

Dr. Rodrigo Carazo, former President of Costa Rica and founder of the University gave the opening address for Peace. In attendance with Dr. Carazo was Gerardo Bidowski, acting Rector and representative of the then newly appointed President of the University for Peace, Maurice Strong.

Seven commissions were set up during a four-day period and participating was former UN assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller, now UP chancellor, who gave a guided tour of the archeology and history o f the site of the University of Peace which was concluded by a walk to his nearby residence.

The Thirteen Moon “Natural Time” Calendar is touted as “a universal application of the mathematics and cosmology of the Mayan calendar as deciphered by Dr. Jose Arguelles. Ph.D., and presents a simple yet so profound opportunity to shift our everyday consciousness.”

Described on his Internet home page as “both a visionary and a prophet”, Dr. Arguelles bestowed upon himself the pagan name of, “Valum Votan”. In a New Age magazine interview, he said it was “not until after he experimented with LSD that he realized he was a visionary.”

The final goal is to change the calendar from its present “artificial” 12-month year to a more “natural” 13-month year that more closely parallels the lunar and biological cycles.

The results and declarations from the World Summit on Peace and Time have been submitted to the General Assembly of the UN.

Wild and weird as it may sound, the Thirteen Moon Natural Time Peace Calendar could replace the Gregorian Calendar, courtesy of future UN resolution.

It is, after all, Canadian Maurice Strong and former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev who, under the auspices of the UN, are working on an agenda to replace the Ten Commandments with the Earth Charter.

*Canada Free Press founding editor Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the media. A former Toronto Sun and Kingston Whig Standard columnist, she has also appeared on Newsmax.com, the Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, and World Net Daily. Judi can be reached at: letters@canadafreepress.com. *
It could be 80 past 2 on April 47th of the Common Enlightened Era to the rest of the world, but it will never be anything other than Anno Domini to me. The world has no power over the Incarnation.
And people think the UN is a helpful benign organization.They get pats on the head while they continue to resurrect babylon:rolleyes:
And I get angry when somebody uses CE and BCE (Common Era and Before Comon Era) instead of BC and AD, ostensibly because Jesus really wasnt really born in the year 0. Now this!
How 'bout we start using Star dates?

And by the way, the U.N. has been irrelevant for years.
And by the way, the U.N. has been irrelevant for years.
Pretty much since its inception.
And I get angry when somebody uses CE and BCE (Common Era and Before Comon Era) instead of BC and AD, ostensibly because Jesus really wasnt really born in the year 0. Now this!
How 'bout we start using Star dates?

And by the way, the U.N. has been irrelevant for years.
I was helping a college junior with a paper, and noticed that she was using BC and AD interchangably, and counting BC years backwards (i.e., someone was born in 50 BC and died in 100 BC, instead of the other way around). Apparently she was never taught it correctly.

If we can’t even teach kids the current calendar, how on earth can we teach them a new one?
Well I’m one of thsoe idiots 😛 who forgets how to use a calendar. Well no, but I always forget this one, What does AD stand for again? I always forget… Darn I’m so ashamed… :banghead:
sounds like a silly urban rumor at best
or fear mongering at worst :rolleyes:
Well I’m one of thsoe idiots 😛 who forgets how to use a calendar. Well no, but I always forget this one, What does AD stand for again? I always forget… Darn I’m so ashamed… :banghead:
AD == anno domini == in the year of the Lord, or more fully:

Anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi == in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ

BC= before Christ … or in Latin:
a.C.n. == *Ante Christum Natum == *before the birth of Christ
AD == anno domini == in the year of the Lord

:yup: Ah, thank you…
Pretty much since its inception.
Agreed. Pretty toothless machine with absolutely no success in eliminating the scourge of war. Useless piece of global trash, that’s what it is.
Sounds to me a little like the EU “Straight Banana” or “Square Tomato” stories of the early nineties, turned out to be a load of “Old Squit” as they say around here. A bit of delving will probably show this story to be the same.
Actually, I am not surprised that someone would want to change this. It’s really quite amazing that the whole world (at least for political and business purposes) uses OUR calendar! It’s kinda neat. But I never did get why the counting backwards for BC, still very confusing for me when reading Bible commentary and classical history.

That said, I would oppose any momentous change like that for all the havoc it would wreak.
But I never did get why the counting backwards for BC, still very confusing for me when reading Bible commentary and classical history.
Because the life of Christ is the absolute center of Creation, both physically and temporally. Anything prior is further away from this centerpoint, thus the increase as we go backward. Also, if we counted up, what would the year before 1 A.D. be? We don’t really have a good starting point for Creation (20 billion years, give or take a few dozen millenia?).
Well the year before 1 AD was 1 BC, there was no year '0’According to the creation timescale according to Biblical geneology, Adam existed at most somewhere near 10,000 years ago, so somewhat around 8000 BC… though you’re gonna hear differing dates… no ones concrete on this…
I have lost all respect for the UN. I can’t believe they are going to even look at this when they have so many other issues to look at. Did you know today they said that the crisis in the Sudan was NOT geocide? I will not believe them ever again because of their action in the Sudan, the people who sit on the Human rights committee, the stealing of money and the lack of leadership just to name a few of the horrible things they have done.

God Bless

Dr. Colossus:
We don’t really have a good starting point for Creation (20 billion years, give or take a few dozen millenia?).
What’s what I’m wondering. If they want to change the way we look at years, how exactly do they propose to do it? We do not have a fixed starting point of creation to go back to. If they want to continue to use a dividing line (like the Birth of Christ), how would they choose what event to use?
I also thought this might be a hoax, but there is a lot on the internet about this. In fact look at the following:

especially this section, it is sort of funny:

Rather than labeling today’s date as:
“Friday, May 7, AD two-thousand-and-four,”
to a growing global population who tracks the Dreamspell count, today is:
“Blue Planetary Storm, Limi Spectral 6, Year of the White Spectral Wizard.”

I can’t find this posted as a hoax in my usual sources… There are some pretty strange people out there who think if we change to a new calendar, we will all be happy healthy and in complete union with each other. :rolleyes:

Well, I’m sure this is all very true, we are being repressed by our calendars…so in the immortal words of the Monty Python cast

“HELP, HELP, I’m being repressed”

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