Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act

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I have read that there is no measurable brain wave activity until a fetus is 6-8 weeks. I’m not sure at what point the nervous system is mature enough to feel pain. Remember, pain is a survival mechanism, but wouldn’t have a use in an undeveloped fetus, since a fetus has no way of protecting itself in response to pain. I would suspect that by 3 months post conception the fetus might feel pain. I seriously doubt that a baby in the very early stages of development feels pain.

I state this from a scientific perspective. The ability to perceive pain is unrelated to whether a fetus is a human being or not. There are some people who never feel pain due to a defect in their nervous systems. This is a very dangerous condition because they don’t have the normal self protection mechanism that you and I have.
Makes sense, but I believe the legislation would’ve been for those pregnancies after the first trimester. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I do agree though that pain is not really the issue. It’s the destruction of human life that is the issue, and anything we can do to slow or stop it, let’s do it!
Instead of talking lets take to the streets in arms and make these murderers pay.
Lets see how they enjoy being on the other end of razor tooth tweezers.


These adults. Trying to kill all of my brothers and sisters because they know we have a chance of growing up and taking their power from them. That generation has been alive too long. I think they need to die soon and meet their Maker. Rotten generation- I’m sick of them. White-collar Satans and murderers.
The contradictions in the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Ct, are numerous. But perhaps the most glaring problem is that the bill accepted as valid the Roe v Wade decision.

The National Right to Life Committee said, “This bill, supported by NRLC, would require abortionists to provide women seeking abortion after 20 weeks past fertilization (the beginning of the sixth month) a brochure explaining that there is “substantial evidence” that the abortion will cause pain to the unborn child, and advise them of their right to request the administration of pain-reducing drugs to the unborn child.”

Some pro-life groups actually supported the bill.
Of course, pro-life groups supported the bill. A war is won one battle at a time.
Let me ask you this. Would you support a bill that ensures death? How can you call yourself pro-life if the only reason you’re pro-life is because the baby feels pain? It is one of the most hypocritical pieces of legislation I have ever seen. We are to speak the truth and mean it!
Yes, but we cannot be foolish. By informing women that their children might feel pain, we plant a seed which might lead them to reconsider their action. And if they still don’t reconsider THEN AT LEAST SPARE THE CHILD THE PAIN.
Sorry for being a n00b but did this bill even pass? Just wondering if I should write my representative a nice little e-mail or something. It won’t do any good, he’s a child-butchering coward like the rest of them.

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