
Wow great post, I agree. It isn’t humanly possible with out the Grace from God in the Sacrament of marriage. you are right.I think we are all called to love our spouses unconditionally. However I think it’s humanly impossible to actually acheive that goal.
That’s why we have the Sacrament of Matrimony. We are incapable of loving unconditionally without the graces of the sacrament. If no sacramental marriage exits, because one or more of the parties is unbaptized or because the marriage is invalid for other reasons, then the couple could love each other, but they haven’t much chance to be loved unconditionally.
As others have said unconditional love does not include unconditional acceptance of all behavior. Seeking what is good for a spouse might mean depriving them of the benefits of continuing the bad behavior however painful that might be for either or both parties.