But diversity is also a work of the Spirit. It is he who establishes the Church as an organic communion in the diversity of vocations, charisms and ministries. **The vocations to the lay life, to the ordained ministry and to the consecrated life can be **considered paradigmatic, inasmuch as all particular vocations, considered separately or as a whole, are in one way or another derived from them or lead back to them, in accordance with the richness of God’s gift. These vocations are also at the service of one another, for the growth of the Body of Christ in history and for its mission in the world. Everyone in the Church is consecrated in Baptism and Confirmation, but the ordained ministry and the consecrated life each presuppose a distinct vocation and a specific form of consecration, with a view to a particular mission.For the mission of the lay faithful, whose proper task is to “seek the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God”,the consecration of Baptism and Confirmation common to all members of the People of God is a sufficient foundation.