Unconsecrated Single Vocation

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Is there such a thing as an unconsecrated single vocation?

If not, what about the people who aren’t eligible for the other vocations due to sexuality, gender, disability, lack of education, etc.?
Just a note to let you know that there ARE congregrations for people without “formal” education, disabilities, both for men and women. Homosexuality-probably not in most cases. Please clarify as to what you mean by sexuality; past, present or possible future activity. Gender? There are lots of “unconsecrated” vocations out there. You need to investigate. Ask a knowledgable Priest or Sister. Peace.
Please clarify as to what you mean by sexuality; past, present or possible future activity. Gender?
I am referring to the various sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as people who are intersex.
Just a note to let you know that there ARE congregrations for people without “formal” education, disabilities, both for men and women.
I didn’t know that.
There are lots of “unconsecrated” vocations out there.
Such as?
One might find one’s single vocation in a secular institute. Members of secular institutes live in the world but not of it. Theirs is a hidden consecration, as many of the institutes I’ve looked into ask members to keep their consecration a secret, if you will, only revealing this status on an as-needed basis.

There’s one secular institute that specifically welcomes members with disabilities (mental and physical).

You’d have to Google search “Catholic” + “Secular” + “Institute” to find the website that lists the different congregations. Can’t remember the website off the top of my head.

God bless you!
We are surely ALL and EACH consecrated by our baptism ?

And you are allowed by our Catechism, to make private vows also.
I have renewed private vows (evangelical counsels) at a Home Mass (Feast of Assumption 14.8.14) with the permission of my Archbishop. All in all, my private vows are now over 30 years standing. I have my own rule of life approved by my priest religious spiritual director.
One remains fully in the lay state in every way and is governed by all matters concerning the laity.
We are consecrated at baptism and private vows to the evangelical counsels are a means of building on our baptismal promises.
See my signature.

Yes, plenty of people are called to an unmarried, single life. Many of these people do not join a Third Order or Secular Institute. Nor do they make vows. The single life is a vocation. It is not just a stage one goes through while waiting to find a spouse. Some perfectly healthy people are called to the permanent single vocation. You can reach holiness in any vocation as long as you do God’s will.
Yes, plenty of people are called to an unmarried, single life. Many of these people do not join a Third Order or Secular Institute. Nor do they make vows. The single life is a vocation. It is not just a stage one goes through while waiting to find a spouse. Some perfectly healthy people are called to the permanent single vocation. You can reach holiness in any vocation as long as you do God’s will.
The only instance in which I’m willing to concede that there is a call to an unconsecrated single life is when a person is canonically ineligible for another vocation, most likely due to a divorce without annulment (which is the only time that I am aware of that the Bible commands one to be single - see 1 Cor. 7:10-11). Of course, technically that person is still married in the eyes of God and His Church. However, how many never-marrieds (that have never been ordained or vowed) honestly fall into a canonically ineligible category?
The only instance in which I’m willing to concede that there is a call to an unconsecrated single life is when a person is canonically ineligible for another vocation, most likely due to a divorce without annulment (which is the only time that I am aware of that the Bible commands one to be single - see 1 Cor. 7:10-11). Of course, technically that person is still married in the eyes of God and His Church. However, how many never-marrieds (that have never been ordained or vowed) honestly fall into a canonically ineligible category?
Fair enough as a purely personal opinion unless you can state where The Church agrees with you formally. Your first point is what you are willing to concede and therefore personal opinion only and valid as a purely personal opinion only, not what The Church formally states.
I can quote and have often quoted in threads on the subject Church Documents that agree with me, or more correctly, I am in agreement with The Church. Although I have quoted these Documents with links so often, I am totally reluctant to go around in that circle again. 🙂
However, how many never-marrieds (that have never been ordained or vowed) honestly fall into a canonically ineligible category
No way of knowing other than as conjecture or perhaps imagination, personal opinion.
Is there such a thing as an unconsecrated single vocation?

If not, what about the people who aren’t eligible for the other vocations due to sexuality, gender, disability, lack of education, etc.?
God has a purpose for everyone, even those with a disability. Even if they don’t belong to an ‘official’ category in the Church, God loves them just as much as anyone else. And, he has a plan for them too. God bless you.

We don’t live in a perfect world, but a fallen one. We need to love people where they are at even if they don’t fit into our nice categories.

Not all of us are called to live the same way. And there are exceptions.

People don’t always necessarily know what it is that God is calling them to. And they are just trying to do the best they can. And, if they desire to God’s will that is enough, regardless of their marital status or what anyone else thinks.
God has a purpose for everyone, even those with a disability. Even if they don’t belong to an ‘official’ category in the Church, God loves them just as much as anyone else. And, he has a plan for them too. God bless you.

We don’t live in a perfect world, but a fallen one. We need to love people where they are at even if they don’t fit into our nice categories.

Not all of us are called to live the same way. And there are exceptions.

People don’t always necessarily know what it is that God is calling them to. And they are just trying to do the best they can. And, if they desire to God’s will that is enough, regardless of their marital status or what anyone else thinks.
Excellent post and very well said indeed. Thank you 👍
Is there such a thing as an unconsecrated single vocation?

If not, what about the people who aren’t eligible for the other vocations due to sexuality, gender, disability, lack of education, etc.?
Yes. In Opus Dei, single lay people live in community and work, study in normal everyday careers. You can live in community as a celibate (unconsecrated) member, or you could be an associate member who lives in your own accommodation but has an OD spiritual director and follows the OD spirituality.
It’s called laity and together with the laity who happen to be married also, IS an official category and indeed is THE most important calling in the Church.
It’s called laity and together with the laity who happen to be married also, IS an official category and indeed is THE most important calling in the Church.
What do you mean by 'THE most important calling in The Church?"

Never read anything in Church Documents where Laity are the most important calling in The Church (meaning more important than any other vocation). I have read that the Laity is very important, or that they have an essential role but never THE most important (meaning more important than any other vocation). The CCC says that Laity are in the “front line” of The Church - but still not THE more important.

Certainly without married Laity, we would have no priests nor consecrated men and women, but this does not mean Laity are THE most important. It can mean that Laity is essential and important and in the front line of The Church as The Church states. That does not mean that Laity are more important than the other vocations.

Without priests, Holy Orders, we would not have The Catholic Church at all. All the vocational states of life are vital to the life of The Church. They have been gifted to us by God.

Can you quote something please. With all due respect, without a sound source quotation supporting your statement it becomes personal opinion and valid only as personal opinion to which, of course, you are entitled, but not what The Church has to state.
Yes, plenty of people are called to an unmarried, single life. Many of these people do not join a Third Order or Secular Institute. Nor do they make vows. The single life is a vocation. It is not just a stage one goes through while waiting to find a spouse. Some perfectly healthy people are called to the permanent single vocation. You can reach holiness in any vocation as long as you do God’s will.
Citations, please?
But diversity is also a work of the Spirit. It is he who establishes the Church as an organic communion in the diversity of vocations, charisms and ministries. **The vocations to the lay life, to the ordained ministry and to the consecrated life can be **considered paradigmatic, inasmuch as all particular vocations, considered separately or as a whole, are in one way or another derived from them or lead back to them, in accordance with the richness of God’s gift. These vocations are also at the service of one another, for the growth of the Body of Christ in history and for its mission in the world. Everyone in the Church is consecrated in Baptism and Confirmation, but the ordained ministry and the consecrated life each presuppose a distinct vocation and a specific form of consecration, with a view to a particular mission.For the mission of the lay faithful, whose proper task is to “seek the Kingdom of God by engaging in temporal affairs and by ordering them according to the plan of God”,the consecration of Baptism and Confirmation common to all members of the People of God is a sufficient foundation.
  1. And while this perfect chastity is the subject of one of the three vows which constitute the religious state,[9] and is also required by the Latin Church of clerics in major orders[10] and demanded from members of Secular Institutes,[11] it also flourishes among many who are lay people in the full sense: men and women who are not constituted in a public state of perfection and yet by private promise or vow completely abstain from marriage and sexual pleasures, in order to serve their neighbor more freely and to be united with God more easily and more closely.
  1. To all of these beloved sons and daughters who in any way have consecrated their bodies and souls to God, We address Ourselves, and exhort them earnestly to strengthen their holy resolution and be faithful to it.
It is not necessary to make private vow or vows in order to live out the vocation of The Laity in the single celibate state of life: The Mission and Vocation of The Laity". We are consecrated by The Church into Her Life, Jesus and His Gospel, at Baptism. Private vow or vows are a way of building on our baptism in a particular manner. Not all are called to that vocation.
One’s vocation in life is best and most wisely discerned with sound spiritual direction - and on an ongoing basis. Pope Benedict pointed out that spiritual direction is for all who are serious about their baptism and spiritual life: zenit.org/articles/pope-recommends-spiritual-direction-to-everyone/

The Mission and Vocation of The Laity “Christifideles Laici”
Pope John Paul II

Precisely with this in mind the Synod Fathers said: “The secular character of the lay faithful is not therefore to be defined only in a sociological sense, but most especially in a theological sense. The term secular must be understood in light of the act of God the creator and redeemer, who has handed over the world to women and men, so that they may participate in the work of creation, free creation from the influence of sin **and sanctify themselves in marriage or the celibate life, **in a family, in a profession and in the various activities of society”(39).

***Lumen Gentium ***
Dogmatic Constitution on The Church
Pope Paul VIvatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19641121_lumen-gentium_en.html
A like example, but one given in a different way, is that offered by widows and single people, who are able to make great contributions toward holiness and apostolic endeavor in the Church. Finally, those who engage in labor—and frequently it is of a heavy nature—should better themselves by their human labors. They should be of aid to their fellow citizens. They should raise all of society, and even creation itself, to a better mode of existence…
…Finally all Christ’s faithful, whatever be the conditions, duties and circumstances of their lives—and indeed through all these, will daily increase in holiness, if they receive all things with faith from the hand of their heavenly Father and if they cooperate with the divine will. In this temporal service, they will manifest to all men the love with which God loved the world
No doubt that all the baptized, whether sIngle or married, cleric, lay or religious, have a calling to holiness. But as I am on an Android device, I was not able to highlight jaimeleglise’s remark above that “the single life is a vocation” (as such), which I call into question.
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