The problem is not only what he taught in the reply to obj. 3, Q.23. The problem is what he taught in the entirety of the question 23 where he treated the subject of predestination. And in his entire work in the Summa he never contradicts what he taught in the question 23.In conclusion, I’m not defending what Aquinas seemingly says at face value in the reply to obj. 3, Q.23
What Saint Thomas taught in the Summa about predestination is augustinianism at its finest. In fact, Fr.Most sees the contradiction in Aquinas because of what he wrote in SCG, Book 3, ch. 159. But the Summa is rather coherent, it is not contradictory. Maybe Aquinas just realized that he involuntarily taught a God who was a monster and he decided to tone it down a bit, that’s plausible and i can agree with Fr.Most on this. But to say that the Summa doesn’t teach a “strong” predestinarian view, a strong Augustinian https://www.ewtn.com/library/THEOLOGY/AUGUSTIN.HTM view, that, i cannot agree with.