Understanding Of Forgiveness?

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So you forgive others because if you do not, it will hurt you. Well what happens to those hurt you then? I understand this is a bit invasive. If someone wrongs you, it becomes your fault for not forgiving them. Nothing seems to happen on their behalf. They move on, probably have forgotten you and are happy. It always seems like the selfish and cruel are always happy. Sure they may feel guilty. Some people honestly never do feel guilt, if they do, it is short-lived anyways.
There is always the next life that they will have to contend with; suffering in the next life will be much worse than all the suffering we have here on earth combined. Do not be deceived–nobody is getting away with anything, for God is perfectly just! God bless you.
Extract from the book ‘Reason to Believe’ by Ron Tesorerio (One of the Stigmata witnesses) said:
3) My Words are the same. Moreover, I have been repeating them throughout the ages to dozens of children and there are still many who do not recognize Me, who analyze, who look for faults… How blind are they!

Josh, I have spent many hours looking at supernatural phenomena. Consider 2 examples, 1/ Vassula Ryden, 2/ Katya Rivas. Ms Ryden’s writings seem completely false based on analysis I have read. As for Ms Rivas, I saw the video footage from the Fox news team and accusations that the wounds were self inflicted look impossible without the entire team creating a massive deception. So despite the ‘plagiarism’ I have no choice but to believe that the stigmatic experience she has is genuine.I feel I understand the skeptic’s or atheists position which is to focus on a fault or apparent inconsistency and not address the central point. I analyse for truth rather than to find fault.

Another example of this are the skeptic’s assessment of Medjugorje at csicop.org/si/show/politicizing_the_virgin_mary_the_instance_of_the_madonna_of_medjugorje/. The many scientific studies are completely ignored because they are very difficult to refute.

Josh, I appreciate the information you have put forth, since you appear to be someone with an open mind and the courage to base your belief on the evidence and do not get offended by irate comments. If I could be in a room with a few people like you it would be the most exciting discussion with exploration of the many supernatural events that have occurred over that last 20 years. The pure desire to know the truth is a wonderful energy to share in.

Kind regards,

Post #24 is majorly problematic, as I am quoted as saying something which I NEVER have even posted on this thread or elsewhere online.
Sorry, kind of new to quoting. I can’t correct it now. At the time I didn’t realize it would be attributed to somebody. My apologies. Kind regards, John
How about we investigate this one?

I would not write off Ms Rivas based on one reported incident. However I am very curious what she or Dr. Ricardo Castanon have to say in response. Would anyone try contacting him? If you view my other post it appears he is not living a cloistered life and it may be possible to find him.

Article on Catalina Rivas’ plagiarism:
The book:
The passage:
I put the text image through ocr program and manually corrected as many errors as I could, which was difficult since I don’t know Spanish. Then I put it through Google translate:

Fishermen O.- if farmers do not
If Jesus compared ordinarily the Kingdom of Heaven with elements of agriculture , the most logical thing would have called men of the field for this ministry. However , He called these fishermen and told them they would be fishers of men. Why not tell them that they would be tenants?

The reason may be that everyone does his job very differently , and Jesus needs people with the character of fishermen and not how to be a farmer .

The farmer, all still dark morning , is heading down the path that leads to your site . Even this path trodden by his tears come and go through the same place. Even their animals alone and go back to the field. Your itinerary is routine . Aecorre always the same way their ancestors. His children and nielos used the same path.

The fisherman case is very different. In the sea there are no roads or sidewalks. There will always be new paths . Waves are never the same . Every day wind is different and you have to invent a new way.

Every morning the fisherman to waterfront and asks God, and now, where ? Where are the fish are today? . The fisherman every day with the Psalmist :

" Show me , Lord , thy ways .
Make your path may encounter " : Psalm 25 , 4 . .​

The book quoted ‘Father of All Mankind’, in Spanish “Dios, Padre de Toda la Humanidad” by Ricardo Castañón. I could not find this book anywhere like Amazon:

I read some of thes published writings and clearly they were written by somebody who is at the very least a skilled writer:
loveandmercy.org/Eng-TP-Reg.pdf The Passion
loveandmercy.org/Eng-DP-Reg.pdf Divine Providence - A different vision about death
loveandmercy.org/Eng-FSC-Reg.pdf From Sinai to Calvary - Reflections about the last words of Jesus
loveandmercy.org/Eng-HH-Reg.pdf Holy hour
loveandmercy.org/Eng-SOC-Reg.pdf The Stations of the Cross
loveandmercy.org/Eng-HM-Lg.pdf The Holy Mass
loveandmercy.org/Eng-IA-Reg.pdf In adoration
loveandmercy.org/Eng-CL-Reg.pdf The Great Crusade of Love
loveandmercy.org/Eng-PR-Reg.pdf Praying the Rosary
loveandmercy.org/Eng-IHG-Reg.pdf I have given my life for you
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