Stanley Joseph Ott, Bishop of Baton Rouge, Louisiana writes that he was given the inspiration to begin Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration over dinner with “Bishops Flynn of Lafayette. Jacobs of Alexandria, and Speyrer of Lake Charles.” In their dioceses priests were inviting Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament to begin Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in their parishes. Among the many blessings which encouraged Bishop Ott was that of vocations.
When his excellency, Bishop Ott, spoke to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, he asked her “how she got so many women to join her religious order”. She explained: "We were just like other religious congregations with few vocations. Then at our chapter in the 1970s we made a decision to have a holy hour in all our convents each evening. Many blessings resulted from this Holy Hour the Bishop witnessed, for Mother Teresa continued, “We began to see more clearly our mission to serve the poor in Christ’s name. We began to live a more fruitful family life among ourselves. We experienced double the number of vocations in our congregation. And we grew personally in our intimacy with the Lord present in the Eucharist.” The Bishop is “confident” that this will occur in his diocese too (“Bishop’s Notebook”, Stanley Joseph Ott, Bishop of Baton Rouge, The Catholic Commentator, August 5, 1992, p. 4).
At St. John Fisher Seminary in Stamford, Connecticut there is a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel. According to the rector, Rev. Stephen M. DiGiovanni, the reason for beginning Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration was to “encourage young men of the community to find a vocation to the priesthood.” The enrollment at the seminary rose 50 percent within the first year that the chapel was founded (“Worshipers find solace in perpetual chapel”, Robin Denaro, Connecticut Post, Saturday, January 6, 1998, C2).
Bishop John Magee of Cloyne in Eire, Ireland reports that vocations to the priesthood in his diocese have tripled since he started Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.In 1990 there were 16 seminarians and by 1993 the number had risen to 45 (‘By Your Fruits", Dr. J. F. Boyle. The Link, January 1996).
Allentown Bishop Thomas Welsh lauded St. Joseph’s PEA program for its large number of adorers. Msgr. Anthony Wassel of St. Joseph’s Parish in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania believes that a late vocation to the priesthood and a contemplative order of nuns are the result of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in his parish. He says, “the power is in the Eucharist” (“God’s Work!”: Perpetual Adoration, John Haut, Soul Magazine, January-February, 1998, p. 16).
Bishop Seamus Hegarty of Derry, Ireland says that when he was Bishop of Raphoe, there were 20 vocations in 1990, and 19 came from parishes that had Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. He believes that PEA is the greatest contribution he made as Bishop (“By Your Fruits”, Dr. J. F. Boyle, The Link, January 1996).
This is just a good read …
“Prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament had a significant part to play in my vocation and in my ministry,” Father Reilly said. “I think the prayers for vocations, especially perpetual adoration, is the greatest thing we can do.”
The presence of adoration in this archdiocese has been credited for the tremendous growth of religious vocations here.
Local priests offer a variety of answers. Some say it is unwavering allegiance to the Holy Father and Church teaching on the part of Arlington clergy and laity. Others p(name removed by moderator)oint parish-level efforts, such as perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Commenting on the place of his parish’s Perpetual Adoration Chapel in the faith community, Fr. Fanelli said "Sometimes its presence is like good weather. You don’t appreciate how much good it does until much later. I know our chapel has encouraged some vocations within our parish, but I’m sure it has contributed to many outside our boundaries as well.
An article in the Catholic World Report (May 1995) by Michael Flach analyzes the remarkable increase in vocations to the priesthood in the Arlington, Virginia diocese. Fr. James Gould, diocesan vocation director, explains the reasons for their success: unswerving allegiance to the Pope and magisterial teaching; perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in parishes, with an emphasis on praying for vocations; and the strong effort by a significant number of diocesan priests who extend themselves to help young men and women remain open to the Lord’s will in their lives.