Unions seek 'menstrual leave' for Toyota workers

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Unions say they are negotiating a landmark industrial relations claim to allow women to take extra sick leave for menstrual pain.
The Manufacturing Workers Union (MWU) says some women have particularly bad periods and are genuinely forced to call in sick.
As part of negotiations for a new enterprise bargaining agreement at Toyota, the union has asked for women to be allowed 12 paid days menstrual leave a year.
The union’s national secretary, Doug Cameron, says the leave would be additional to the sick leave they are already entitled to.
“Our members tell us that they have to take their sick leave, some of them on a regular basis, because they’ve got chronic problems with their period,” Mr Cameron said.
“We believe that they shouldn’t be disadvantaged against men that don’t have a regular problem once a month.”
The Australian Industry Group has condemned the move.
Chief executive Heather Ridout says it is a particularly bad time to even propose such a claim.
“I think it will set a dangerous precedent,” she said.
"But more worrying it will put pressure on interest rates, the Reserve Bank, the federal Treasury - they’re all looking for higher labour costs to put pressure on our interest rate structure.
“We have to carefully weigh any increasing labour costs against the massive interest of all Australians to keep interest rates low.”
I don’t even know what to say to this one.
Almeria said:

I don’t even know what to say to this one.

Heavens! As someone who did miss school due to very serious cramps I do sympathize with the THEORY but the reality is that it would easily be abused (how do you prove menstrual pain–it’s not as obvious as a broken leg) Also there are many treatments that were not available when I was in that stage of life.

I agree a very bad precedent. Next thing you know men will want time off for overuse of Cialis.

Lisa N
How does this “idea” square with the notion of equality for women? Doesn’t something like this make employers desire men for critical positions?
Sounds like a good idea for women who suffer from heavy, painful periods.
How does this “idea” square with the notion of equality for women? Doesn’t something like this make employers desire men for critical positions?
Well, what do you know. They aren’t equal after all.
This was discussed on our talk station here in Cincinnati. Basically, this would make this even more unattractive to hire women in the work force. Companies already have to deal with maternity leave and also growing sexual harassment issues. Now this.

Also I would like to add that I do suffer from severe cramps, especially since I had my two children. I have discussed the issue with my doctor (as women should!) and he informed me to take 600mg ibuprophen every six hours starting with the first day of my period. He said it takes some time for the body to receive the pain medicine and it also relieves the pain much longer. Believe me when I say this, it has helped tremendously!!! I do get some minor cramping, but nothing like I had before.

Once again I suggest these women to see their doctor. If it is not working, then get a second opinion!
I really hate unions. They may have been useful in the beginning, but now they are corrupt and wasteful.
So should men have “menstrual days” as well who have a stay-at-home-mom wife. Otherwise, what are those mom s going to cope? :confused:
as a member of the generation who lobbied strenuously for women to have equal treatment and equal pay in the workplace, and equal access to jobs, and had to fight against the prevailing notion that women are unfit to work one week out of each month due to PMS and cramps, I find this a real step backwards. It never ceased to be amazed at the ability of this generation to wipe out the gains and hard work of previous generations.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Oh man, I just got so tickled, it makes you wonder if the guys on the job requested this or the girls:rotfl: I am terrible and emotional at that time of the month and men don’t generally take it that well.I can see it now Joe say good morning Patsy and Patsy swings her head around and says what do you mean by that:crying: Joe is horrified:eek: And Joe quickly runs to the nearest superior to make his case:D God Bless
I once heard PMS described as “Sweet angel to Hell on wheels in 5 seconds flat” And from my experience, I agree…This is going too far. Women already have to take time off to have children, take care of the children when they are sick. THis could discourage the offering of critical jobs to women. I agree that fathers should help, but from my experience with my own two children, when they are sick, all they want is MOMMY.
This reminds me of a story when I lived in the Washington DC area. I will try to relate it as much as I can remember since it was over 10 years ago.

A woman ran through a toll booth on the Dulles Toll road. When stopped by police, she attacked them. Her defense was that she had PMS. I cannot remember the verdict in the case.

Now onto Toyota. Something tells me I am definitely glad I did not get that job at the Toyota subsidiary in upstate New York.:whistle:

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