United "Church" of Christ's T.V ad?

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Anyone have the “privilege” of viewing that one?
I did, it was on ABC “family”. When is The Catholic Church going to run some ads?
Anyone have the “privilege” of viewing that one?
I did, it was on ABC “family”. When is The Catholic Church going to run some ads?
The Media delights in doing it free of charge here is Massachusetts…:rolleyes: Almost on a daily basis with all their negative converage of the church closings and the ongoing saga of the “abuse scandal”
Annunciata, I pity you~ It must be terrible to have your Church trashed and then have this ad shoved in your face. :mad: I think The Roman Catholics need to start kicking out some ads. The Mormons have ads.
By the way AFTER that ad for the UCC, there was another one for some series, I have no idea which one, where two teenage girls are talking about cute boys and how the cute boys might be gay. THEN the ad cuts to to teens, boy and girl, making out. I was watching this ABC"family" with elementary age children. :mad:
In several parts of the country there is an ongoing series of ads for Catholic Schools. Maybe you could inquire at your diocese’s communication office as to why your diocese doesn’t run them.
Annunciata, I pity you~ It must be terrible to have your Church trashed and then have this ad shoved in your face. :mad: I think The Roman Catholics need to start kicking out some ads. The Mormons have ads.
By the way AFTER that ad for the UCC, there was another one for some series, I have no idea which one, where two teenage girls are talking about cute boys and how the cute boys might be gay. THEN the ad cuts to to teens, boy and girl, making out. I was watching this ABC"family" with elementary age children. :mad:
You and I must’ve been watching the same thing. I couldn’t believe they showed that ad during the Rankin/Bass “Santa Claus is Coming To Town”. I had to put my hand over my four-year old’s eyes because the ad was so awful and suggestive.

I didn’t really like the UCC ad. It spoke of being accepting to everyone, no matter where in life someone is. While they’re saying this, they show clips of people, and one of the clips was of two women standing together-suggesting a lesbian couple. At least, that’s the way I perceived it. Interestingly, CBS and NBC have both refused to air the ads. I would’ve thought they’d have jumped to show such a “politically correct” religious ad.

Scout :tiphat:
I didn’t see the program, but the I saw excerpts from the ad when it was being discussed as to the why’s and wherefore’s of the major networks supposed refusal to air it…I forgot what program it was on…:confused:
Good grief, it just played on A&E during a program about Ben Franklin. It is EXTREMELY offensive because it suggests racial bias is a part of every denomination other than UCC. Further although certainly some denominations do not accept gay clergy, I have yet to see someone having to show proof of heterosexuality before walking in the door. Frankly talk about trying to look “holier than thou.”

I have some UCC friends.I am going to ask what they think.

Lisa N

Lisa, The UCC is very pro-gay. Not merely accepting but they promote this lifestyle. They are attempting to make it seem like Christians who view gay sex as a sin are mean and intollerant. Talking about prejudice.
We know, though, the gay lobby is a very strong hatefilled force.​

Scout, yep. It was ABC “family” 25 days till Christmas and it was “The Grinch”.
Annunciata, I pity you~ It must be terrible to have your Church trashed and then have this ad shoved in your face. :mad: I think The Roman Catholics need to start kicking out some ads. The Mormons have ads.
By the way AFTER that ad for the UCC, there was another one for some series, I have no idea which one, where two teenage girls are talking about cute boys and how the cute boys might be gay. THEN the ad cuts to to teens, boy and girl, making out. I was watching this ABC"family" with elementary age children. :mad:
We stopped watching ABC Family ages ago. I found both their programming and their ads anything but family friendly. Then again, I’m just a knuckle-dragging bigot.
Here in Ontario, the only ads I ever see for any church is The Church of Latter Day Saints (?)…I think they are JW. That and the Seventh Day Adventists? If the catholic church wants to “win” more souls (like its a competition?), they have to have ads. I guess that’s just the way it is. Apparently, ads work too. I have a friend who was a wiccan (3rd generation wiccan) who decided she wanted to become Jehovah’s Witness. I asked her why she chose that and she said because the ads on tv. “It must be right if it’s on tv” she said.

Then again, I’m just a knuckle-dragging bigot.​

So am I! :cool:

\ Sarc, Lord have mercy!
We actually discussed this in my religion 103 class

For one its pro-homosexuality as the United church even admitted to in some document.

It also gives off scare tatcits: eg, you cannot belong if you don’t belong to us

it is condesending other churches: most kids felt it was referring to the Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran and Methodist followings

it espresses a unity that it can’t promise: every church in every state isn’t going to welcome people

my prof (a priest) read a quote that a priest said, a comercial that the priest said they should make–it went something like this

Preacher on pulpit-“your dressed oddly, c’mon in”
“you’re homesexual, welcome”
“you smoke drugs, anytime”
“you have sex outside of marriage, no problem, Jesus loves you”

pan out on people who in typical american fasion are not paying a speck of attention to the preacher…

fade to black

The Catholic Church

We stand for something.

hehe 😃
They have a billboard in my parents hometown that reads “Our faith is 2000 years old. Our thinking is not.”

Typical rethoric to dismiss something by distracting from it. In this case, they dismiss it as old without discussing it.

Just like how if you disagree with someone or a group, criticize their intentions instead of discussing merits. Call them a racist, sexist, homophobe, islamaphobe, whatever other kind of bigot, and never bother making intellectual arguments.

We have good, intellectual, non-bigoted arguments against gay marriage. None of them are rooted in hatred for homosexuals or being stuck in the past.

If they want to welcome gays–fine, welcome them. We don’t stop them at the door either. But they shouldn’t insinuate they are not welcome in other churches, or that other churches have a prehistoric mindset.

Meggie, exactly. One thing is The Catholic Church is CONSISTENT. It does not simply harp on homosexuality.
Annunciata, I pity you~ It must be terrible to have your Church trashed and then have this ad shoved in your face. :mad: I think The Roman Catholics need to start kicking out some ads. The Mormons have ads.
You know, you got something there. I was interested in the Church for years before I joined but there was no evangelization going on that I could tell. Just an ad saying hey, we WANT you would have been enough for me to go in and inquire. That sounds kind of facile but it’s true, and it could have made a big difference in my life IMO. In fact I did go to one RCIA inquiry meeting, but it was so vague and touchy-feely that I couldn’t tell if I was wanted or not. I read in a book recently about the decline of mainline churches that just an* invitation* made all the difference in the world as to why some people started going to church and which one they chose.

Frankly I’m still not convinced the Church wants new members. It seems cliquish, with RCIA basically being a vehicle to bring in spouses. That’s not good, is it?? And now I hear the Pope is stressing evangelization…duhhh. This had to come from him?
Well I am reporting in. I passed on some comments to a friend who’s VERY active in her UCC church. She then passed them on (no name) to several church members.

Oh MY what a hullaballoo. But the gist being “that stupid person who complained about the ads must be a bigot himself…” I guess I have proudly earned my knuckle dragging status. All but one commented that I must be extremely narrow minded, bigoted and ignorant if I were unaware people were routinely being barred from other churches. I asked my friend if she were aware that this actually happened anywhere and she said well no but it’s just not a “formal discrimination…” and people are made to feel unwelcome. Still waiting for evidence…

Lisa N (a stupid, knuckle draggin’ bigot)

asked my friend if she were aware that this actually happened anywhere and she said well no but it’s just not a “formal discrimination…” and people are made to feel unwelcome. Still waiting for evidence…​

Yes, the fact that certain churches teach divorce, homosexuality and adultry is wrong is a type of discrimination to the so called church of christ.

asked my friend if she were aware that this actually happened anywhere and she said well no but it’s just not a “formal discrimination…” and people are made to feel unwelcome. Still waiting for evidence…​

Yes, the fact that certain churches teach divorce, homosexuality and adultry is wrong is a type of discrimination to the so called church of christ.
You are right, that IS the real agenda although they are cloaking it in racial or economic discrimination since that is more politically correct. (i.e. black couple barred)

When I wrote back to my friend saying well obviously I would be unwelcome in HER church because I don’t think the same way (thought crimes!!!) she said well it was too bad that the controversy over the ad distorted the message that GAYS were welcome. Now I know the real story.

Lisa N
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