United Way supports Abortions!

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This may be old news but I haven’t seen any posts referring to this article and wondered what people thought of this.
I heard through Life Site.ca that the United Way funds Planned Parenthood which promotes abortions. I trust this site and I believe it to be true. I sent U.W. an email saying that I would no longer donate to this organization because of this and would persuade others to do so.
They replied right away saying I should talk to my local chapter. Well I live in a very small town and the United Way here said they do not fund Planned Parenthood, which may be true because of our size, but I’m sure the larger chapters do. I just came back from participating in the Life Chain demonstration, so I feel I have to give my (name removed by moderator)ut on this matter. We must stop these murders of innocent children in any way we can. Before we give to charities, let’s make sure we know exactly where the money is going.

United Way also funds many other immoralities as well.

I recommend that instead of United Way, pick a charity or two that uphold solid Christian values and support them directly (and not via United Way, even their directed funds, at all).

Why waste 7%+ on extra admin when it is not necessary.
My husbands’ company requires mandatory contributions of every employee to United Way 😦
In addition the abortions, I believe the United Way has withdrawn support from boy and girl scout troops in some places, because of their refusal to hire gay and lesbian scout leaders. I think there was a national story on this. Correct me if I’m wrong. I will not give them a penny!
U.W. does support P.P. big time! It was on Relevant Radio along with everything else they do…😦
The local chapter to which I would contribute (if I DID contribute to UW) does not support PP. The chapter in the next area over DOES. I do not give to UW because I select my charities carefully with an eye for pro-life issues.

Regarding being forced to give at work, you at least have the right to designate which UW organization your particular contribution goes to. Have your husband ask the human resources rep for the UW designation card. At least that will give you peace of mind.

I have been directing my UW contributions to avoid the funding of abortion for years. We are now allowed to direct our UW contributions to non-UW agencies. I directed my contributions to a Catholic organization that helps homeless women with families. I enjoy making the UW do what is morally and ethically correct!

I know that the UW does take out their overhead costs, but it does make my company happy to see me give to their charity. I just make sure that I am controlling what the UW is funding with my money.

My husbands’ company requires mandatory contributions of every employee to United Way 😦
You can designate the charity you wish to receive your contribution when you enroll to keep it out of the UW general fund which supports all kinds of objectionable activities besides PP. Investigate legal action because what his employer is doing is illegal in many states. the same problem exists with union dues, and some NEA members have successfully combatted this according to news blurb on AOL Friday.
I knew about United Way supprting abortions so I haven’t given to it since I found out. NEA also supports Planned Parenthood, and I do belong to that. I ask for my PAC money back and they retund a little of the money. However I am considering asking to be out of it altogether and then not joining. I know I will have to pay my fair share, but I am tired of their associations. I got an email from them recently and they join in with moveon.org to lobby in Washington. I just am very suspicious now.
First of all, Serenity, your husband’s company cannot “make” him support the United Way. That is against the law. They probably put him against the wall and coax him, right? This is soooo digusting! These companies want to look good so they “make” their employees contribute! How awful to be told how to give to charity! Secondly, I stopped supporting the United Way years ago, even before I found out their supporting abortions. Last week my hubby asked me about giving to the United Way (company drive) and I told him under no circumstances should he give and if they ask you why, tell them why…because you don’t support anything that supports abortion… This makes me sooooo angry!
I was at a wedding over the weekend, and the Catholic church had a poster asking people to direct their United Way contribution to a charity run by the diocese. I suppose this is the best solution, if you feel compelled to participate in United Way because of pressures from your employer. But it’s really sleight-of-hand.

Let’s say United Way prepares a budget that shows they expect to give $2,000 to a crisis pregnancy center. A bunch of people designate that center as their recipient. These designated gifts total $1,998. United Way throws in an extra $2 and the center gets the same $2,000 they were always going to get.

Let’s say that same budget shows they expect to give $20,000 to Planned Parenthood. The people who designate PP have contributions totaling $100. United Way throws in $19,900 from the undesignated gifts, and PP gets the full $20,000 they were going to get all along.

Now, it may be possible that the crisis pregnancy center was budgeted to get nothing from United Way. With designated contributions, the center gets something. But why not cut out the middle man, and contribute directly to the charity of your choice, and be sure that they’re getting 100% of your contribution?
I have been directing my UW contributions to avoid the funding of abortion for years. We are now allowed to direct our UW contributions to non-UW agencies. I directed my contributions to a Catholic organization that helps homeless women with families. I enjoy making the UW do what is morally and ethically correct!

I know that the UW does take out their overhead costs, but it does make my company happy to see me give to their charity. I just make sure that I am controlling what the UW is funding with my money.

I do not give to charities though the United Way becasue doing so supports an orgnization that supports abortion.

That money that the United Way uses as “overhead costs” supports the United Way and the United Way supports abortion.

And you can not guarantee that the dollar you gave was not used to support an abortion because it all goes into a fund that they then draw the money out of.
Back when I was in military, there was an annual “CFC” (Combined Federal Campaign) push when our fine soldiers and sailors and airmen would be constantly harassed to donate by direct payroll deducation. Each squadron on the base would be given a “target” donation amount, and the squadron commanders would be “responsible” to ensure that the squadron met its quota (oops, “target”).

So, of course, the commanders would in turn pressure their subordinates. After all, who wants to be the only commander on base that fails to meet his quota (oops, “target”)?

CFC was handled by United Way, and there would be a tabloid-style “newspaper” listing all the various organizations you could designate. In the front of paper was a chart that cross-referenced rank and “suggested minimum” donation.

Some people handled the pressure with incredible deviousness. They would fill out the form for the monthly payroll deduction to get the hounds off their back, then immediately go to the base finance office and cancel the deduction.

But yes, there were a LOT of objectionable groups on the list. Planned Parenthood. Some group trying to get the Catholic Church to accept abortion and contraception. I even think I saw NAMBLA in there once! :banghead:

Me? I usually gave to The Rutherford Institute, a legal defense group supporting religious freedom, church rights, the sancity of life, and other related issues.
In addition the abortions, I believe the United Way has withdrawn support from boy and girl scout troops in some places, because of their refusal to hire gay and lesbian scout leaders. I think there was a national story on this. Correct me if I’m wrong. I will not give them a penny!
Unfortunately, you are right. I have given to UW but only directly to our local YMCA but I have reservations about even that.
Unfortunately, you are right. I have given to UW but only directly to our local YMCA but I have reservations about even that.
Years ago I did some Computer work for a United Way. I asked about the effect of designated contributions. I was told that your name is sent to the organization and you get a Thank You. The organization receives the same amount as was budgeted.

I further asked that, if the designated contributions to an organization exceeded theorganizations designated budget, would that organization get additional funds. I was told that they did not track that.

So you see you must keep the contribution out of the hands of UW or you are wasteing your time. If it makes you feel better… thats great… but you are not accomplishimg anything.

My husbands’ company requires mandatory contributions of every employee to United Way 😦
This is incredible. I worked for a company that did the same. I told them no. They pressured. I resisted.

There are heavy campaings throughout corporations across America to give to the United Way. Does anyone know where there money is really going? Oh, but I get a free vacation day or a dress-down day. Give me a break. To sell your soul? Not me.

There are countless quality organizations that need money - so many, they can’t be counted. Give your hard earned tythe to one of these organizations.

Stand up for what is right. It is these individual stands only that will change this country. We can do it one person at a time.
Years ago I did some Computer work for a United Way. I asked about the effect of designated contributions. I was told that your name is sent to the organization and you get a Thank You. The organization receives the same amount as was budgeted.

I further asked that, if the designated contributions to an organization exceeded theorganizations designated budget, would that organization get additional funds. I was told that they did not track that.

So you see you must keep the contribution out of the hands of UW or you are wasteing your time. If it makes you feel better… thats great… but you are not accomplishimg anything.

Thanks Don. While this makes me feel worse, it does enlighten me and I’ll take that and remember it next year.
Thanks Don. While this makes me feel worse, it does enlighten me and I’ll take that and remember it next year.
Same here. I thought I was doing good by directing my contribution to Catholic Charities :confused: . Next year, when the corporate drive starts, I will refuse and send my money directly to Catholic Charities. 👍

Just to let you all know that UW does support the Right to Life of New Mexico. I do not know however if they give donations to the other organization but the people are given the option of giving a portion to of thier paycheck to the Right to Life. Check to see if the UW in your area has a something set up with the RTL in that area and if they do not you can set up one real easaily. I
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