This may be old news but I haven’t seen any posts referring to this article and wondered what people thought of this.
I heard through Life Site.ca that the United Way funds Planned Parenthood which promotes abortions. I trust this site and I believe it to be true. I sent U.W. an email saying that I would no longer donate to this organization because of this and would persuade others to do so.
They replied right away saying I should talk to my local chapter. Well I live in a very small town and the United Way here said they do not fund Planned Parenthood, which may be true because of our size, but I’m sure the larger chapters do. I just came back from participating in the Life Chain demonstration, so I feel I have to give my (name removed by moderator)ut on this matter. We must stop these murders of innocent children in any way we can. Before we give to charities, let’s make sure we know exactly where the money is going.
I heard through Life Site.ca that the United Way funds Planned Parenthood which promotes abortions. I trust this site and I believe it to be true. I sent U.W. an email saying that I would no longer donate to this organization because of this and would persuade others to do so.
They replied right away saying I should talk to my local chapter. Well I live in a very small town and the United Way here said they do not fund Planned Parenthood, which may be true because of our size, but I’m sure the larger chapters do. I just came back from participating in the Life Chain demonstration, so I feel I have to give my (name removed by moderator)ut on this matter. We must stop these murders of innocent children in any way we can. Before we give to charities, let’s make sure we know exactly where the money is going.