United Way supports Abortions!

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Mperea75 said:

Just to let you all know that UW does support the Right to Life of New Mexico. I do not know however if they give donations to the other organization but the people are given the option of giving a portion to of thier paycheck to the Right to Life. Check to see if the UW in your area has a something set up with the RTL in that area and if they do not you can set up one real easaily. I

While this is true they, the United Way, also supports Planned Parenthood. Here in Rochester, NY, if you pick Planned Parenthood, they get all the money, that is UW does not keep any overhead from money designated for Planned Parenthood.

Now the issue for me is, even if I can choose Right to Life, some of the money is kept by UW as overhead and UW supports abortion, so that overhead is funding a group that supports abortion.
I personally have always not liked the United Way. Several years ago I complained about them to a person that works in the benefits department at the US Senate. He claimed that he called the United Way directly and asked them. They denied everything. A few years later, the scandels at United Way’s actual policies came out and they were exactly what I said they were.

I found out all my initial information from the local Boy Scout council. Since BSA is not considered PC they get very few if any non-designated money. The year I talked to an official in the council they said that for the last 4 years they hadn’t received a dollar of undesignated money and the percentages of designated money was extremely small.

Look at it this way, if you give money to a charity, no matter what charity a certain percentage of the money goes to pay expenses, a certain percentage goes to emergency funds, a certain percentage goes to further fundraising, and a certain percentage goes to the group that they are helping. The best organizations can keep all the expenses down to 10%, so that 90% goes to the people they help. To find out these breakdowns go to give.org an webpage run by the Better Business Bureau. You can find most major charities.

If you give directly to a charity that gives 90% to the actual people they help and 10% to expenses. 90 cents on the dollar go to help the people you want to help.

Now lets look at the United Way. The United Way takes 5% for expenses. So now that same amount of money you would give directly to the charity is reduced to 85 cents on the dollar. This only accounts for the administrative costs, it doesn’t account for the amount they take to help the non-designated charities. So why give to a charity that pays it’s CEO $500,000 and its former CEO $1,537,000 (includes lump sum payments from pension plans.)? Why not give directly to the organization you want to help?
There are plenty of good Catholic charities to give to. St. Vincent de Paul comes to mind. There are others in our diocese locally, but I agree with the thinking that it is better to give directly to the charity, or to the local diocese or parish.
Faustina said:

Read this very carefully. Note the bottom statements.

It’s more sleight-of-hand. They say that no United Way funds are used for “abortion services.” Okay, so they don’t pay the abortionist’s salary, but funds can still be used to pay rent, clerical salaries, advertising, printing costs, ‘trash disposal’, and all the other overhead costs of the building where abortions are performed.

They say funds are used for “communicable disease prevention.” That means United Way funds are used to pay for condoms handed out to teenagers. (Because they’re going to have sex anyway, and the condom will at least prevent the spread of disease.) That’s evil in itself, but then the condoms fail, and PP convinces the teens to have abortions.

Funds are used for “medical services.” She’s to young, or too skinny, or too whatever else, and having a baby will harm her health, so the abortion paid for with United Way funds is disguised as a “medical service.”

Funds are used for “family planning” --more condoms to teenagers, as well as older customers.

Funds are used for “health education.” Could be more condoms.

Funds are used for “public awareness services” --pro-abortion advertising, perhaps even lobbying against pro-life candidates.

Funds are used for “family preservation and strengthening services.” The slug tells his girlfriend that if she doesn’t have an abortion, he’s dumping her. So more abortions paid for with United Way funds are disguised as a family preservation and strengthing service.

Funds are used for “counseling and family life education.” That’s the salary of the “counseler” who talks the girls into having an abortion, convincing them that their family life will be so much better without this unwanted burden.
Nationally in 1999, local United Ways distributed an estimated $3 million to Planned Parenthood agencies. In 2000-2001, United Way organizations collectively raised $3.91 billion. Less than one percent of total funds are distributed to Planned Parenthood. Of that total, approximately one third of these dollars were donor designated to the agency by individuals.
So United Way voluntarily contributes $2,000,000 to Planned Parenthood, beyond the designated contributions. How much do they contribute to pro-life or pro-Catholic charities, beyond the designated contributions?

It is said that Satan is the best liar. But Planned Parenthood runs a close second, and United Way is absolutely complicit in trying to perpetuate the deception.

So United Way voluntarily contributes $2,000,000 to Planned Parenthood, beyond the designated contributions. How much do they contribute to pro-life or pro-Catholic charities, beyond the designated contributions? <—​

They didn’t even have a category for pro-life back when we had to contribute to United Way, I wanted to not contribute because I don’t like the idea of financing this organization even though I’m more pro-choice than most folks here. I wanted my money to go to Pregnancy Centers, but they were not an option. I finally designated St Ann’s Home Orphanage, but I wasn’t thrilled at being forced to contribute, or I should say coerced.

So United Way voluntarily contributes $2,000,000 to Planned Parenthood, beyond the designated contributions. How much do they contribute to pro-life or pro-Catholic charities, beyond the designated contributions? <—​

They didn’t even have a category for pro-life back when we had to contribute to United Way, I wanted to not contribute because I don’t like the idea of financing this organization even though I’m more pro-choice than most folks here. I wanted my money to go to Pregnancy Centers, but they were not an option. I finally designated St Ann’s Home Orphanage, but I wasn’t thrilled at being forced to contribute, or I should say coerced.
I wouldn’t care if they gave 99% of their money to pro-life groups and 1% to pro-death groups like Planned Parenthood. We cannot support an organization that gives any money to pro-death groups. Give the donation directly to the pro-life group instead.
My husbands’ company requires mandatory contributions of every employee to United Way 😦
That is illegal, your husband’s company CANNOT compel their employees to contribute. Your husband should demand his right to refrain from participating through HR, and if he is denied, he should consult a lawyer.
You can designate the charity you wish to receive your contribution when you enroll to keep it out of the UW general fund which supports all kinds of objectionable activities besides PP. Investigate legal action because what his employer is doing is illegal in many states. the same problem exists with union dues, and some NEA members have successfully combatted this according to news blurb on AOL Friday.
The so-called designated giving is a total scam. They budget X for each charity ahead of time. Your money goes to the general fund. If the budgeted amount is exceeded, your money is going elsewhere… plus 10% or more is going to the UW headquarters, which can do whatever they want with it including use it to pad their own salaries.

Always give directly to the charity you want to support.
The so-called designated giving is a total scam. They budget X for each charity ahead of time. Your money goes to the general fund. If the budgeted amount is exceeded, your money is going elsewhere… plus 10% or more is going to the UW headquarters, which can do whatever they want with it including use it to pad their own salaries.

Always give directly to the charity you want to support.

United Way should be avoided. “directed” contributions are one thing, but think of all the people that do not designate their donations - the budgeted $$$ for immoral organizations get their allocation from these “non-designated” donors. Think about it…
I wouldn’t care if they gave 99% of their money to pro-life groups and 1% to pro-death groups like Planned Parenthood. We cannot support an organization that gives any money to pro-death groups. Give the donation directly to the pro-life group instead.
Eventually, I did that.
Is it wrong then to give your old clothign to UW? Your donations won’t help PP, only those in need.

Though i don’t do this, it’s just a question…I give mine to the salvation army or value village. Makes more sense because they are closer. I don’t make monetary contributions because I can’t afford too.
Years ago I did some Computer work for a United Way. I asked about the effect of designated contributions. I was told that your name is sent to the organization and you get a Thank You. The organization receives the same amount as was budgeted.

I further asked that, if the designated contributions to an organization exceeded theorganizations designated budget, would that organization get additional funds. I was told that they did not track that.

So you see you must keep the contribution out of the hands of UW or you are wasteing your time. If it makes you feel better… thats great… but you are not accomplishimg anything.

Thanks for the information, Don. It’s “United Way Season” at my office. You helped me make my decision to abstain. Mary:thumbsup:
Even though you can direct your United Way contributions to your chosen charities, why would you? Not all of your money is going to them. The United Way will take their administrative costs out of the donation. You would be much better off sending your donations directly to your favorite charity or charities.

I have heard the same thing that Don1852 mentions. Each organization is budgeted an amount of money. If that organization receives pledges for greater than that amount, they will not receive it. Who is going to check to make sure that each organization is getting what it deserves? I work for a large non-profit organization that gets some United Way money. If all of our employees that contribute were to direct their pledges only to us, it would not change the amount we are going to receive from the United Way. Sometimes I think the United Way benefits more by being able to use our name.

We have an annual pledge drive where some pressure is put on all employees to contribute. As has been said, they can not require you to make a contribution. I sign my pledge form with $0 contribution and don’t feel bad at all.
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