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I have a question for all of you,

I would like to ask and see what unity means to you? What do you all think unity will be like and how it will come about for all the Churches? I will post my thoughts later, I’m at work now.
Hi Kaily, This is what the Bible says about unity.Psalm 133. How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity. It is like precious oil poured on the head running down the beard,running down on Aarons beard,down upon the collar of his robes. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mt. Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing,a even life forevermore. Praise God,the annoiting of oil,like brotherly unity, shows that we are dedicated to serve God wholeheartedly. God Bless.
Dear friends

This is a very fruitful discussion. Thank you very much indeed and to the original poster who brought this topic to everyone’s attention.

I have a copy of an old Catechism that was my late father’s. I must admit I have not read the old Catechism thoroughly, just flicking through from time to time. (I find there is so much Catholic material on the whole, that if a person was to read all the books written by the Church or by members of the Church it would take from the minute you open your eyes until you sleep for numerous years and probably all of our lives to read properly and absorb all of the writings 😃 ) So on what I have read, which was pre-Vatican 2, it is on the premise that only Catholics would be saved and this was commonly thought, that if you were not Catholic there was no salvation for you, this is no longer held.

It is thought as far as in I understand …and someone with more and a precise knowledge and perhaps backing up with scripture and perhaps other sources to cement what I am saying would be more than welcome to expand on what I believe and understand the case to be…that God desires no soul to be lost from Him and will show mercy to all people’s and offer them , even at the point of death the opportunity for repentance. This is possible because all people are bought salvation by Christ Jesus who will be the judge of all people’s and there is salvation for those outside of the Catholic faith, but the fact remains that the Catholic Faith is the One and True church of God.

I understand that there is not absolute unity with other Christian faiths in that we cannot have joint worship of the Holy Mass because of the ‘Consubstantion’, ‘Transubstantion’ dilemma and for other reasons, such as Jevovah Witnesses are still waiting for the Messiah as are the Jews. BUT, whether those parties believe in Christ they are in Him, Who is perfect, and have a union with all other people’s of the earth regardless of creed or no creed and this is what joins humanity in a less than perfect union, yes, but it is still a union, it is not anything lacking in Christ and the unity He desired in people’s in Him, it is lacking in us and I say us, because we have as much responsibility to work for unity of faith as other Christian denominations or non-faith persons.

We are bound to see the face of Christ in every other human being, this does not bring about a unity of faith, but it does unify humanity in Him on a broader sense. Those who are baptised whatever their denomination in Christ, are now brothers and sisters of Christ, they lack union with His one True Catholic and Apostolic church, yes, there is not full union with Him in this sense, but they are nonetheless in Him and are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

It is correct that we should be a prophet in Christ, at baptism we are baptised ‘Priest, Prophet and King’ in Him. We should teach and spread the Word to the best of our abilities either by word or action and those who are not in full union , should be given the full facts of the Catholic faith, to then make an informed choice in faith, BUT if a person has never heard the full and absolute truth, they cannot be called heretic , nor can they be held to a premise than what they know. They are called then to live to the best they can within what they know and believe and we are to respect and tolerate and love them as God loves them. We may spread the word , but it is the gift of faith by The Holy Spirit that works in a soul and then that soul has to open their heart and ‘see’ and hear’ the Word.

Continuation One.

We must pray for unity, but to despair is not what Christians do, we cannot despair, we must have hope in the Lord our God, that He in His infinite wisdom will bring about a unity whether it is something we understand or not, a mystical union or otherwise, I have no idea how God may bring about unity, but I trust in Him He will. His will endures for all eternity, and so shall we in Him, if our will is united to His.

Pray, hope, never worry, never despair, we are all loved beyond any depth we can imagine and God desires all to be with Him in heaven forever and ever.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you and those you love

Good Mourning,Sister Teresa. In reading your post,there is a sentence that really popped out at me. It is; IT IS NOT ANYTHING LACKING IN CHRIST,AND THE UNITY.IT IS US THAT IS LACKING. Jesus does give us a full infilling of the Holy Spirit. He has done His part,the rest is up to us. 👍 God Bless
Glory to Jesus Christ!

Greetings RSiscoe,
Upon re-reading your post on communing the Orthodox I came upon this line:
But since it does lacking something, there is actually no supernatural union at all: therefore, no true Christian union. That is why they are unable to receive communion, because to receive Our Divine Lord, there must be in supernatural union with Christ’s Church.
Actually, Orthodox Christians are permitted to receive communion in Catholic churches.


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