Univ of Co Prof in More Trouble

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Ward Churchill, the embattled University of Colorado professor who prompted a national furor by condemning 9-11 victims as “little Eichmanns” and praising the terrorists for their “gallant sacrifices,” later endorsed violence against people involved in the meat industry.

In a foreword to the book Terrorists or Freedom Fighters: Reflections on the Liberation of Animals (edited and introduction by Steven Best, a University of Texas El Paso philosophy professor and animal-rights activist), Churchill expands his Nazi comparison to modern medical researchers and meat companies. “To assault the meatpacking industry,” Ward Churchill writes, “is to mount a challenge to the mentality that allowed well over a million dehumanized humans to be systematically slaughtered by the SS einsatzgruppen in eastern Europe during the early 1940s, and the nazis’ simultaneous development of truly industrial killing techniques in places like Auschwitz, Sobibor and Treblinka.”

(Excerpt) Read more at worldnetdaily.com

Top state and University of Colorado officials say more radical comments by professor Ward Churchill calling for the United States to be put “out of existence” and saying that more “9/11’s are necessary” should be included in a review of whether to fire the professor.

Churchill, who is under fire for comparing World Trade Center victims to a top Nazi, made the comments in April in Satya magazine, a Brooklyn-based monthly publication that promotes animal rights and social justice.

University officials said they are gathering all of Churchill’s writings, interviews and statements to determine whether he violated his terms of employment.

Regent Michael Carrigan said the interview should be included in the review.

“These additional statements concern me, and I condemn anyone who thinks violence is productive,” Carrigan said. “I hope that chancellor (Phil) DiStefano includes these statements in his investigation.”

CU-Boulder spokeswoman Pauline Hale said the school soon will determine which materials will be included in the review and set the standards that will be used to judge whether Churchill should be disciplined.

The Satya comments have prompted Gov. Bill Owens to renew calls for Churchill’s dismissal.

“It’s amazing that the more we look at Ward Churchill, the more outrageous, treasonous statements we hear from Churchill,” Owens said. “Churchill has clearly called for violence against the state, and no country is required to subsidize its own destruction. That’s what we’re doing with Ward Churchill.”

In the question-and-answer interview, Churchill is asked what should happen to America. “I want the state gone: Transform the situation to U.S. out of North America. U.S. off the planet. Out of existence altogether.” Another question: What are the solutions to U.S. misdeeds? Churchill answers in the interview: “One of the things I’ve suggested is that it may be that more 9/11’s are necessary.”

(Excerpt) Read more at denverpost.com
This professor won’t be teaching anywhere by the time this is over. How many more Ward Churchill’s are in our universities?
This professor won’t be teaching anywhere by the time this is over. How many more Ward Churchill’s are in our universities?
Plenty.–and if you don’t feed them back their nonsense and lies, they give you bad grades.
This professor won’t be teaching anywhere by the time this is over. How many more Ward Churchill’s are in our universities?
He’ll probably end up at some place like Harvard or Columbia :banghead:

In the paragraph following where Gilliam left off, Churchill admits supporting terrorist organizations. ALF and ELF are considered domestic terrorist organizations, and I surely read this statement as being sympathetic and supporting of ALF/ELF:
Churchill contends groups like the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front haven’t gone far enough in defending “animal rights.” He claims that drawing a “line in the tactical sand” that embraces “property damage” but excludes murder is “arbitrary” – and again invokes Eichmann: “Given the opportunity to do either in, say, 1942, would it have been more effective/appropriate to have torched the office of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi bureaucrat whose peculiar expertise made an orderly implementation of the Final Solution possible, or to have eliminated Eichmann himself? The answer need not be rendered as an abstraction.”
If you look at his hate speech, encouragement of terrorist organizations, and treasonous statements, how is this guy not arrested, much less still employed by a state?
What is he a professor of, what does he teach? I would guess he teaches some innane subject as “Ethnic Studies” or "The “Scocialization of Man”…what earthly good are things like this.

He had been claiming he was part Indian. The large Indian tribe in Colo. told TV that Churchill WAS NOT Indian at all. So he slipped up a little bit. What’s next?

IF CU doesn’t fire him that action will cause loony tunes profs across the nation to ( as they say in the Gay parlance) to “OUT” themselves. To the detriment of young students, and ultimately the nation.
If you look at his hate speech, encouragement of terrorist organizations, and treasonous statements, how is this guy not arrested, much less still employed by a state?
The leftist extremists think they are above God’s law and the law of man. It is time they rethink this. Or I should say, it is time we rethink letting them teach our children. This is more that teaching a college age person to broaden their horizons and open theie mind.
What is he a professor of, what does he teach? I would guess he teaches some innane subject as “Ethnic Studies” or "The “Scocialization of Man”…what earthly good are things like this.
Correct, he teaches Ethnic Studies. He used to be the department chair.

When the subjects are under sociology or anthropology, I can see some use for them.
The leftist extremists think they are above God’s law and the law of man. It is time they rethink this. Or I should say, it is time we rethink letting them teach our children. This is more that teaching a college age person to broaden their horizons and open theie mind.
Yes, we should only have right-wing extremists teach our children.
Yes, we should only have right-wing extremists teach our children.
Now that is not what I said.

My oldest went to a Jesuit High School, and was exposed to many left leaning Catholic view points. No problem. The problem I see is with extremists. That is cleary what I meant.
The leftist extremists think they are above God’s law and the law of man. It is time they rethink this. Or I should say, it is time we rethink letting them teach our children. This is more that teaching a college age person to broaden their horizons and open theie mind.
Columnist Dennis Prager apparently shares many of your thoughts - when discussing the recent censuring of the Harvard President for speaking what is generally scientifically held he said:

"…But for most professors, neither finding truth nor seeking wisdom nor teaching is the primary goal of the university; promoting leftist ideas is. Most Americans know this to be true – hence the chasm between most Americans and the university. But many Americans do not wish to acknowledge this. To come to realize that the highest institutions of learning often do not value learning but seek to propagandize their children (largely against everything they, the parents, believe in) is too painful. Most people can’t confront the fact that, unless their child is studying the natural sciences, they have paid huge sums of money for their child to be able to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex, read columns in college newspapers about American evil and tongue techniques for better oral sex, binge drink and, with a few noble exceptions, be propagandized.

*What is most amazing about the Harvard story is that by and large neither the Harvard community nor any other university seems to be embarrassed by it. And one can only weep for America over the president of its most prestigious university fully caving in and apologizing for saying what he knows to be true.

*Imagine the good that could have been achieved had Lawrence Summers said this:

Under my tenure as president of this university, never will a capable woman be turned away from teaching at Harvard. And we will scour the earth for women who will teach math and science at Harvard. But under this same tenure, no serious idea will ever be censured and its author forced to apologize. The motto of this university is ‘Veritas,’ ‘Truth,’ and I will not allow it to be changed.

*No wonder the Democratic Party is so keen on sending billions more dollars of taxpayer money to universities through tuition tax credits. They know that the university is a factory churning out leftists."


I listened to the endless chatter about it on talk radio. I read the news stories, along with the editorials condemning Ward Churchill’s essay. I have just gotten around to reading what the professor actually wrote.

The University of Colorado professor could have used a good editor. That’s the first thing I noticed. And certainly, he holds back not at all in casting blame for Sept. 11.

What struck me the most, though, is how familiar it all was. The Eichmann reference clearly was stupid and was designed to be incendiary. A fair reader of the essay will not, though, be tripped up by it. In no way was he saying children, police officers and firefighters deserved to die.

Instead, he is saying they were the enemy’s “collateral damage,” no different from the innocent Iraqis, Afghans, Vietnamese and a host of others who have been killed when our military weapons miss and, sometimes, hit their targets.

"(We) now have several thousand of our own disappeareds, and we are badly mistaken if we think that we in the United States are entirely blameless for what happened to them.

“The suicidal assassins of Sept. 11, 2001, did not ‘attack America,’ as our political leaders and the news media like to maintain; they attacked American foreign policy.”

Chalmers Johnson wrote this in the* Nation* magazine on Oct. 15, 2001, about the same time Ward Churchill wrote his essay.

“On the day of the disaster,” he continued, "President George W. Bush told the American people that we were attacked because we are ‘a beacon for freedom,’ and because the attackers were ‘evil.’ In his address to Congress on Sept. 20, he said, ‘This is civilization’s fight.’

“This attempt to define difficult-to-grasp events as only a conflict over abstract values - as a ‘clash of civilizations,’ in current post-cold war American jargon - is not only disingenuous, but also a way of evading responsibility for the ‘blowback’ that America’s imperial projects have generated.”

The article is equally as devastatingly self-blaming as that written by Ward Churchill, only much more factually based and eloquently written.

And Chalmers Johnson, president of the Japan Policy Research Institute and professor emeritus at the University of California at San Diego, has had no one call for his college position or his life.

The author of 12 books, he is best known for his 2000 book, Blowback: The Cost and Consequences of American Empire, long a best seller overseas, that was barely picked up by Americans until after Sept. 11, when it became a best seller here.

“Blowback” a term invented by the CIA in 1954 to describe possible results from its operation to overthrow the government of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran, refers to the unintended consequences of American policies, few of which, Chalmers Johnson contends, most Americans even know about.

He knew of Ward Churchill. His use of the Eichmann reference, he said, “was a stupid, foolish decision.”

“The bond traders and other professionals, you could argue, were part of the military-industrial complex George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower both warned about, but to say their deaths were warranted is a bit of a stretch.”

The rest of what Ward Churchill wrote “is little different” from what scores of others have written.

“I am not endorsing the professor one way or the other. Yet I and so many others are not alone in our view,” Chalmers Johnson said.

“In fact,” he adds, “I’ve actually had quite a favorable response to my work.”

The morning of Sept. 11, 2001, he actually believed the horrors were the work of Chileans. Sept. 11, he noted, is the date in 1973 when the U.S. sponsored the overthrow of the elected government of Salvador Allende, a date no Chilean, he says, has ever forgotten.

It could, too, have been Greeks, Okinawans, any number of African nationals, Argentines, Brazilians - you name it, he said. That the attacks were mostly carried out by Saudis, he said, was not a surprise. Blowback.
There is more to it. The good professor has also advocated the violent overthrow of the US Government and lied about being a Native American to get a position in the Ethnic Studies dept.

Personally, I think he will be fired.
and lied about being a Native American to get a position
What an incredible fake he is! I think Native Americans should sue for back pay. They must have a case in there somewhere.
It sounds like Ward Churchill wants to be another Noam Chomsky.
Matt25 http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/statusicon_cad/user_offline.gif vbmenu_register(“postmenu_446749”, true);
Senior Member

Matt, your post reveals that your thinking is far removed from the thinking of the Vast Majority of the free world.

I didn’t read in your post about Islam declaring War on the United States of America. Do you know that it was not the Gov’ts of the Middle East that attacked the U.S., the leaders of Islam were responsible. Bin Ladin in particular.

When the U. of Colo. professor gave aid and support to the Islamic radicals he not only turned his back on the U.S. but he slandered the victims of 9/11.
Kevin Walker:
It sounds like Ward Churchill wants to be another Noam Chomsky.
Apparently he likes the “Eichmann” anology - it seems that he threw it around when he got into some local dispute over changing a street name where he lives - such a piece of work! Yeah maybe MIT will offer him a job too.
I didn’t read in your post about Islam declaring War on the United States of America. Do you know that it was not the Gov’ts of the Middle East that attacked the U.S., the leaders of Islam were responsible. Bin Ladin in particular.
Islam has not declared war on the United States. There is no Islamic equivalent of the Vatican to make such a declaration. Many Muslims have condemned the attacks on the USA. If you have the courage to allow your prejudices to be challenged try visiting ~ muhajabah.com/otherscondemn.php or news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1544955.stm or islamfortoday.com/terrorism.htm or cair-net.org/html/911statements.html etc etc.

The Catholic view might also interest you~ zenit.org/english/war/visualizza.phtml?sid=17249
Dialogue Not Enough Against Extremism, Say Catholics and Muslims

Vatican and Muslim Leaders Propose Integral Development

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 27, 2002 (Zenit.org).- Dialogue is not enough to combat religious extremism – integral development must also be promoted, says a statement issued by Catholic and Sunni Muslim leaders.

The text, published today by the Vatican Press Office, summarizes the conclusions of a meeting held last Saturday by the Committee for Dialogue of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, and the Permanent Committee of Al Azhar for Dialogue with the Monotheistic Religions.

The 1,000-year-old Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, is the most prestigious center of studies and research of the Muslim world. John Paul II visited the university in February 2000.

The debate addressed a crucial post-Sept. 11 topic: “Religious Extremism and Its Effect on Humanity.” Each side presented a paper; a debate followed.

Catholics and Muslims agreed that extremism, “from whatever side it may come, is to be condemned as not being in conformity with the teachings of the two religions.” Yet, to “counteract extremism, dialogue can be useful provided that the conditions for a positive outcome can be guaranteed.”

“There is always need for attention to basic aspects of society: family life, education, social development, the influence of the mass media, promotion of justice and solidarity within countries and on an international scale,” the religious leaders emphasized.

The meeting also served to give a description of “religious extremists.” Both sides agreed that such persons “can sometimes be sincere in their intentions, yet they tend to see themselves as the only ones in the right and to show intolerance to those who do not agree with them, not accepting others with their differences, tending to violate the rights of others, and sometimes using or approving violence.”

Cardinal Francis Arinze, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, led the Catholic representation at the meeting. Sheikh Fawzi Fadel Zafzaf, president of the Permanent Committee of Al Azhar for Dialogue with Monotheistic Religions, headed the Muslim delegation.
Vatican-Muslim Joint Condemnation of Attacks
 VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 13, 2001 [(Zenit.org)](http://www.zenit.org/).- The Holy See and important Muslim religious leaders have jointly condemned Tuesday´s terrorist assaults on Washington, D.C., and New York.
In a statement, distributed today by the Vatican Press Office, the Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee condemns “the horrifying acts of terrorism,” expresses “great sorrow at the number of victims,” and offers “condolences to their families.”

“Such acts of violence are not the way to bring peace to the world,” the committee adds. “As religious leaders, we wish to emphasize that the true basis for peace is justice and mutual respect.”

The objective of the Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee, created in May 1998, is to promote interreligious dialogue between Christians and Muslims.

It is composed of representatives of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, presided over by Cardinal Francis Arinze, and of the Al-Azhar Permanent Committee for Dialogue with Monotheist Religions.

Al-Azhar University is more than 2,000 years old, and the most prestigious center of Islamic Studies and Research in the world.

The press statement is signed by the president of the Committee, professor Hamid Ahmad Al-Rifaie, of the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue, and by its secretary, Bishop Michael L. Fitzgerald of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
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