I have gone to the Triendentine Mass all my life though I have been to numerous Norvus Ordo Masses. I think that the Bishops should bring back the Latin Mass and encourage it. Since Vatican II many good things have happened but we also never had the problems we now have because of it. Communion in the hand (which was always a sacriliege pre-Vatican II), Eucharistic Ministers (when a priest is ordained his hands are consecrated so only he can touch the host.), altar girls (why are we promoting girls in a vocation they can not have? Boys were always altar boys to encourage them to the priesthood.), and no longer abstaining on Fridays (THIS HAS BEEN PROMOTED BY THE CHURCH!) are just some of the abuses. The Tridentine Mass also offers more reverence to God. Since Vatican II the argument has been that we need to bring more people to the faith. True! DEO GRATSIAS! But what has happened is that instead of praising God more and raising our souls up to him…the New Mass is bringing everything downward with less pomp and beautiful prayers. The most of the bishops have become liberals themselves-promoting birth control and the modern movement. That’s just my little opinion. Take it or leave it.