Unsupportive husband

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I have never seen the public school kids on our town wear any of these things and in all honesty in the NY/NJ area that we live if my kids went to public school wearing these things they would get picked on or laughed at (not a religious area unless you are Orthodox Jewish)…that is one of many reasons they go to and will go to Catholic school!
I’m a public school teacher and the kids in my elementary school do wear these things occasionally. I also frequently have kids coming into my library asking for books on Jesus. We are in a unique position though because in my district our 1-6 students are relased DURING THE SCHOOL DAY for religious ed, both Protestant and Catholic. All the Protestant kids got “Jesus Loves Me” tshirts this year and wore them all the time!

In fact, during testing this spring our principal (raised Catholic) said during the morning announcements that we should offer a prayer for a group of kids testing that day! My mom was a little shocked, I was tickled pink!

So, in my area, Jesus in definitely “cool at school!”
Thanks for all your post. I’ve read them and find it very helpful. To answer all of you. He have a very profane mouth infront of the kids to try to get me to look bad. He really hates that catholic faith. He did not start out that way. He wanted to covert to be catholic when we got married and when through the RCIA program. Then just this year he has made it a point to denounce the religion. Always calling us hypocrites and liars. I thank you all for the prayers. I pray every day. I think I will need them. 🙂 Just don’t know what to do.
Although dissimilar in some respects, I recently have gone through this process with my wife. I reverted back to the church a few years ago and this never sat well with my wife. Prior to my reversion, I was a secularist and an agnostic/atheist. She is still very secular in her mindset and is very liberal in terms of morals i.e., she’s pro-choice, pro- same-sex marriage, etc. and I have changed my views on these same issues and am now very in line with Catholic teachings. She does not like the Catholic church, particularly since the scandal and this has caused a great strain in my marriage. I pray for her everyday and pray that the situation can be resolved in a healthy way - I leave it up to God. I will pray for you and hope that your husband’s heart softens. Keep being faithful and stay strong.
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