Unusual experiences

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I hope you all don’t end up thinking that I am nuts, but I would like to get some opinions on this.

I have a 10 year old daughter who is telling me that she sees people in the house that aren’t there. This is frightening to her, and we have explined to her that these thing were probably dreams since she was quite possibly dosing off at the time. I would just leave it at that, but there are other things that have happened when she was much younger. Once when she was about 3 she said to me “Mom, who is that lady” she was pointing at the wall in the kitchen. When I questioned her about what lady, she just continued to point, and then began to get frustrated as if she thought that it should have been plain to me. She did not get afraid at that time, but she did act as though she thought that I should also be seeing what she was seeing.

There have also been times when she was younger than 3 when she seemed to see people. My husbands grandmother died just shortly after we were married My daughter was born about 2 years later. She would often point and say Nana, again there was nothing there. Many times when she would do this a lightbulb would burn out in the room, sometimes 2, at the very moment that she said Nana.

In our home, we also have problems with some types of technology. We once had a wireless alarm system installed, and it would arm and disarm by itself. The tech said that he wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it. This is an impossibility with this type of alarm, there was never any explanation, we switched to a system with wires. We also have a similar problem with our internet going out, the cable company is puzzled at the problem we have, again, they claim that it is an impossibility. We have also had difficulty with our lightbulbs burning out in very short periods of time. Once we ordered bulbs with a 5 year warranty, when we called them three months later and told them that they had all burned out they refused to replace them because they didn’t believe us. We have moved since then, and the problem isn’t any better in this house.

I hope you don’t all think that I am crazy, but when she claimed that she saw someone walking up our stairway when we both new that there wasn’t anyone there, I put all of this together, and wondered what could be the explanation.

Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might handle it if the next time she is not about to go to sleep. The occurances when she was little happened when she was very much awake, I am afraid that I won’t know what to say if this is the case the next time it happens (if it does).:confused:
At the risk of sounding too Catholic, in the case behind the movie “the exorcist” the family too their son to a Lutheran minister, who after a few hours said: “Go to the Catholics, they understand this.”

Those things are real, I know I have experienced them too. Learn to use sacramentals like holy water and blessed holy metals, Rosaries help, (when used).

See also

An Exorcist Tells His Story
by Gabriele, Father Amorth, Nicoletta V. Mackenzie (**Paperback **- March 1, 1999)


An Exorcist: More Stories
by Gabriel, Father Amorth, Nicoletta V. Mackenzie (**Paperback **- February 1, 2002)

Two of the best books I ever read about spiritual warfare.

Also think about getting a mass said in your home.
I hope you all don’t end up thinking that I am nuts, but I would like to get some opinions on this.
I don’t think your nuts. I have a lot going on right now, but I will be getting back with you ( within the next day or so). In the meantime don’t worry too much about it, God is in control.😃

God bless!
Also think about getting a mass said in your home.
Is this possible? I didn’t think that they did that anymore?

Thank you for your response (ana too).

I will check into some books, but does anyone know of any sites that would have information on discerning spirits, and spiritual warfare, use of sacramentals etc.? I would appreciate some if anyone knows of them.
I have read both books by Father G. Amorth, I got them for about $10.00 each from Amazon, try this address for one of them.
amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/ref=dp_searchBox_1/002-5474142-0498457?url=index%3Dbooks%26dispatch%3Dsearch%26results-process%3Dbin&field-keywords=an+exorcist++tells+his+story&x=14&y=17 If you read these books you will learn much about the spiritual world, and how to rid a house of infestations. ** Did you ever have a babysitter near your daughter before she was 3? Was it a non-white person? Is there anything in your house that a stranger may have left there? Was your first house lived in by someone else before you lived there? READ Amorth’s books.
I do not think you are crazy, but I do wonder why you haven’t had your house Blessed by a Priests, any Priest. Any Priest has the ability to bless your house.
  1. Is your daughter having any problems at school?
  2. Has she done anything that made you take her to a psychiaratrist ( this to rule out a psychological problem, all exorcists require this.)If it started before age 3 - she most likely has no psychological problem.
I have read about the same thing you report and have actually experienced seeing “things” twice! Take a small jar to church and take holy water home in the mean time, look in an old missal and get the prayer “The Holy Michael. the Archangel, defend us in battle” thats how it starts. Sprinkle water in each window and door way that leads to the outside. Then go back and pray the St Michael prayer, then in each room , exclaim,“If you are not from Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Go! In the name of Jesus you Go now!” Do this when your daughter is not at home. Before you start, bless yourself with holy water and say an Our Father, one Glory be the the Father and three Hail Mary’s ask Our Lady to ask Jesus to help you, only after those prayers do you bless your house and Command the spirits to leave. Remember it is not you doing anything, it is Jesus- give Jesus the credit. PM me if you want, will answer…but your best bet is to have a Priest bless your house.
II do not think you are crazy, but I do wonder why you haven’t had your house Blessed by a Priests, any Priest. Any Priest has the ability to bless your house.
  1. Is your daughter having any problems at school?
  2. Has she done anything that made you take her to a psychiaratrist ( this to rule out a psychological problem, all exorcists require this.)If it started before age 3 - she most likely has no psychological problem.

I will do as you suggest. I have not had a priest bless the house, because it wasn’t until the past couple of days that I really put it all together. These are things that have puzzled us at different times, but I really wasn’t concerned much. The oddities of the alarm, and the cable connection, didn’t worry me in themselves, technology can be a funny thing.

My daughter is not having any trouble in school or otherwise. When I put this all together I just thought that I would deal with it right away rather than waiting to see what else might happen.

No, no psychological questions. There have been 2 incidents within the last few days, and none before that for quite some time. Although I might have forgotten some things that were maybe dismissed as her imagination.

The fact that a small child (baby essentially) would see a relative who died before she was born makes me wonder if that in particular is not from God. Could it have been from God? Could this be of God, and the rest be coincidence, or possibly a toatally different issue?

I will check into having the priest bless the house when I go to mass tomorrow.
I have St Benedict medals above every door way. A little holy water fount on the way to the garage (if you knew how I drive …)

Call the rectory, ask the priest over for dinner and ask if he will say a mass in your home and bless your home after the holidays before dinner.

Start, if you haven’t a prayer life with your daughter, daily rosary & Chaplet of Divine mercy, maybe the St Bridget prayers?

That will clean house.
Yes, it does say just what I said. I know that it is common for little children to see things like that. I became more concerned when it happened again at 10 years old, as well as the other strange things that tend to happen in our house.

Thanks for the link.🙂
I am convinced that we must begin again to understand, as it was known in times past, that we are at war, a spiritual war, and thus we must act like it is war. We must act like soldiers in God’s army and fulfill our calling as apostles of the latter times.
Bro. JP Ignatius, OLSM

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about demons. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.
C.S. Lewis,
The Screwtape Le
A Spiritual Warrior’s Prayer
"Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain the forces that would seek our destruction. Grant us the courage and wisdom to do Battle for Thy greater glory and not for our own. Graciously hearken to us as Thy soldiers who call upon Thee, that armed with Thy power and love and with the Sword of Thy Spirit, we may advance from victory to victory and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies. With our Blessed Mother help us oh Lord to crush the head of Satan and to establish Thy justice and love among men and nations. Amen."

Adapted by Bro. JP Ignatius, OLSM from the Prayer of General George S. Patton
Go to this website, and let the know what is going on.They are solidly Catholic, and this kind of thing is their ministry.God Blesssaint-mike.org/qa/default.asp
I checked out this site, read some posts, and found some prayers that I can use with my family, or by myself. Thank you for the link.🙂
Call the rectory, ask the priest over for dinner and ask if he will say a mass in your home and bless your home after the holidays before dinner.
Start, if you haven’t a prayer life with your daughter, daily rosary & Chaplet of Divine mercy, maybe the St Bridget prayers?
I think I will invite the priest over for dinner, and to say mass, and bless the house. I will do that after the holidays.

My daughter and I have a prayer life, but I will be concentrating on it more in the future. We pray the rosary together, but I think that I will add the prayer to St. Michael the archangel, or something like that. I have also found a novena to St. Michael that we could pray.

Thank you all for your help.
i really am fairly certain that, without his bishop’s permission, a priest isn’t allowed to say mass in a private home.
Little Flower,

You may very well be correct, but I have never been refused.

& I always got my cars and motorcycles blessed too. (by a priest)

I never got my dogs blessed but they wore blessed metals on their dog tags, and I prayed for them a great deal.
I hope you all don’t end up thinking that I am nuts, but I would like to get some opinions on this.

I have a 10 year old daughter who is telling me that she sees people in the house that aren’t there. This is frightening to her, and we have explined to her that these thing were probably dreams since she was quite possibly dosing off at the time. I would just leave it at that, but there are other things that have happened when she was much younger. Once when she was about 3 she said to me “Mom, who is that lady” she was pointing at the wall in the kitchen. When I questioned her about what lady, she just continued to point, and then began to get frustrated as if she thought that it should have been plain to me. She did not get afraid at that time, but she did act as though she thought that I should also be seeing what she was seeing.

There have also been times when she was younger than 3 when she seemed to see people. My husbands grandmother died just shortly after we were married My daughter was born about 2 years later. She would often point and say Nana, again there was nothing there. Many times when she would do this a lightbulb would burn out in the room, sometimes 2, at the very moment that she said Nana.

In our home, we also have problems with some types of technology. We once had a wireless alarm system installed, and it would arm and disarm by itself. The tech said that he wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it. This is an impossibility with this type of alarm, there was never any explanation, we switched to a system with wires. We also have a similar problem with our internet going out, the cable company is puzzled at the problem we have, again, they claim that it is an impossibility. We have also had difficulty with our lightbulbs burning out in very short periods of time. Once we ordered bulbs with a 5 year warranty, when we called them three months later and told them that they had all burned out they refused to replace them because they didn’t believe us. We have moved since then, and the problem isn’t any better in this house.

I hope you don’t all think that I am crazy, but when she claimed that she saw someone walking up our stairway when we both new that there wasn’t anyone there, I put all of this together, and wondered what could be the explanation.

Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might handle it if the next time she is not about to go to sleep. The occurances when she was little happened when she was very much awake, I am afraid that I won’t know what to say if this is the case the next time it happens (if it does).:confused:
GET YOUR HOME BLESSED BY A GOOD PIOUS HOLY PRIEST WHO IS VERY FAITHFUL, you don’t have to get into the why with him: just tell him: well, I am a catholic Father and I would really be honored if you could bless my home: make sure he blesses EVERY room in the home: EVERY!!! Even the bathroom.
okay, here’s the article:

Redemptionis Sacramentum:

*[108] The celebration of the Eucharist is to be carried out in a sacred place,unless in a particular case necessity requires otherwise. In this case the celebration must be in a decent place. The diocesan Bishop shall be the judge for his diocese concerning this necessity, on a case-by-case basis.

*i would say just to have the priest bless the house and your family. good luck.
I guess I passed for a decent place. Many priests have a “travel kit.” If a priest is required to say mass every day, and say he is traveling, would he then need the Bishops permision to say mass in his hotel room?

Maybe we can ask a priest exactly how this works?

I had a photo I treasured, of a priest using the hood of a jeep as an altar in WWII, will all the GI’s kneeling at the elevation. It brings me to tears. I know that is a special case.
Exporter said:
**** Did you ever have a babysitter near your daughter before she was 3? Was it a non-white person? Is there anything in your house that a stranger may have left there? Was your first house lived in by someone else before you lived there? **

How does being a white person have anything to do with this topic?
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