
LOL! My thoughts exactly.How does being a white person have anything to do with this topic?
LOL! My thoughts exactly.How does being a white person have anything to do with this topic?
I hope you all don’t end up thinking that I am nuts, but I would like to get some opinions on this.
I have a 10 year old daughter who is telling me that she sees people in the house that aren’t there. This is frightening to her,
My family had a very similar experience about 25 years ago when we were living in Rhode Island. We moved there because of my job and bought a very nice home in a wonderful neighborhood. Almost as soon as we moved in we all started having similar experiences of sounds like slamming doors, slamming windows, popping light bulbs, and so forth. But no doors, etc. were actually slamming. They were auditory phenomena without a corresponding physical event. One evening during supper we heard (and felt) a slamming noise that sounded like someone hitting the outside of the house with a heavy sledgehammer. We all heard it: even the dog leapt in the air. I raced outside to catch the culprit. No one there. I examined the paint to see where the blow had been delivered, thinking there had to be a huge dent in the wood and cracked, blemished paint. Nothing. Not a scratch.
Looking back on our experience now, I’m quite certain that the house was either haunted or otherwise troubled in some fashion by demons. If I had to do it all over again I would have gone up the street to our church and talked it over with the pastor and asked either him or some other understanding and sympathetic (and believing) priest to bless the house and/or to perform a rite of exorcism.Code:We owned that house for about 14 months. I was told by a neighbor as we were preparing to put it on the market that a woman had died there (apparently from cancer) about 16 or 17 years before, and that it had been bought and sold eight times since. Of course, we didn't know that until we'd gone through some very bewildering and troubling times.
Code:Father Amroth's two excellent books are required reading. A great deal of what he says resonates perfectly with me.
I an going to order Father Amorths books online, I went to the local Catholic Bookstore, but they don’t carry it. (They carry Tim LaHaye, but I digress.) Does Father Amroth’s book talk about things other than exercism’s ? Are there similar cases to this in them?Father Amroth’s two excellent books are required reading. A great deal of what he says resonates perfectly with me.
I will do as you suggest. I have not had a priest bless the house, because it wasn’t until the past couple of days that I really put it all together. These are things that have puzzled us at different times, but I really wasn’t concerned much. The oddities of the alarm, and the cable connection, didn’t worry me in themselves, technology can be a funny thing.
My daughter is not having any trouble in school or otherwise. When I put this all together I just thought that I would deal with it right away rather than waiting to see what else might happen.
No, no psychological questions. There have been 2 incidents within the last few days, and none before that for quite some time. Although I might have forgotten some things that were maybe dismissed as her imagination.
The fact that a small child (baby essentially) would see a relative who died before she was born makes me wonder if that in particular is not from God. Could it have been from God? Could this be of God, and the rest be coincidence, or possibly a toatally different issue?
I will check into having the priest bless the house when I go to mass tomorrow.
I an going to order Father Amorths books online, I went to the local Catholic Bookstore, but they don’t carry it. (They carry Tim LaHaye, but I digress.) Does Father Amroth’s book talk about things other than exercism’s ? Are there similar cases to this in them?
All Catholic bookstores are definitely not created equal.
Fr. Amroth ranges over a lot of topics, so I think you’ll find him very helpful, not just in the matter of exorcism. A much bigger problem in my experience is finding a priest who believes, who won’t scoff and will do something helpful. Those are a rather rare breed these days…
Sarcophagus,I had an “unusual experience” last night…I need some opinions. I couldn’t sleep so I went out onto the couch and left my husband in bed. The cat was driving me crazy so I let her outside. As soon as I fell back asleep I heard this loud screaming noise. I opened my eyes (more like jolted out of sleep) and looked around. Nothing. Then I could here this scratching noise…almost like footsteps coming down the hall. I looked out the window to see if it was the cat and it wasn’t. So I laid there for a little while longer and the noise kept coming so I closed me eyes. All of a sudden I felt this presence beside me like someone was hanging over me…I didn’t open my eyes cause I was terrified of what I would see. I said an our father and a hail mary, swung my pillow in that direction as hard as I could and then ran back into the bedroom. I told me husband that I had heard noises and was creeped out.
About an hour later, ,my husband woke me up and told me to roll over and hold his hand. He said that something just petrified him. I said a hail mary for him and made the sign of the cross for him. It didn’t matter where I moved in the bed, he was right there, holding my hand and wouldn’t let go.
This morning, he told me what had happened. He said he had heard this noise like a radio frequency, ,kinda like screaming. Then he felt a presence beside him but he couldn’t move or talk. He said he was screaming for me but all that came out was this muffled sound and I wouldn’t wake up. He said a prayer and the thing disappeared and he felt all tingly. That’s when he woke me up.
What do you think? After reading some of these threads, I immediately thought of evil. What should we do? My husband isn’t catholic so we may scough at the suggestion of demons.
I was not considering asking for an exorcism. I do not believe that she is posessed by evil. My concern is that there may be something in the house. Also, she has not been seeing these things for 7 years, she saw two or three things before the age of 3, which is actually quite common. She saw something recently, but it is possible that she dreamed it.This is a case you shouldn’t bother to ask the Church about. Asking for an exocism is a very foolish thing to consider. It is most likely a medical case. Get the opinions of professionals. Many people hallucinate constantly, this can be caused by disfunctions in the brain. Since you said she’s been seeing them for 7 years it’s most likely not made up and a SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION. Of coarse, I could be wrong, but the professionals should be of great help. I hope this helps!
Sarc, I know you’ve been considering becoming Catholic lately. I would go to a priest immediately. The devil knows where the truth lies, he will attack when he feels threatened. Also I would surround your self with sacramentals. Holy water, get a St. Benedict cross and have it blessed then hang it in your home. Pray for intersession from St. Michael the Archangel.I had an “unusual experience” last night…I need some opinions.
What is a St. Benedict cross, and what is the significance of it?Holy water, get a St. Benedict cross and have it blessed then hang it in your home.
rayne89 said:ewtn.com/library/MARY/CSPBMEDL.htm
The following is a partial list of the many pious purposes of the Medal of St. Benedict.
1. It wards off from both the soul and the body all dangers arising from the devil.
2. The Medal is powerful in obtaining for sinners the grace of conversion.
3. It obtains protection and aid for persons tormented by the evil spirit, and in temptations against holy purity.
4. It procures assistance in the hour of death.
5. It has often proved an efficacious remedy for bodily sufferings, and a means of protection against contagious diseases.
6. Expectant mothers have obtained special assistance for a safe delivery.
7. In time of storms, tempests and other dangers on land and sea it has been found to be a protection.
8. Even domestic animals have been visibly aided by it when infected with disease.
As St. Therese said, “everything is a Grace.” God is certainly calling you to something. Ask and He’ll grant you what you seek.Religion isn’t a cure all.
I have had a St. Benedict cross on my rosary for going on three years now. I still have terrible nightmares almost every night. I used to believe it would help. I don’t anymore.
Please, don’t get discouraged!Religion isn’t a cure all.
I have had a St. Benedict cross on my rosary for going on three years now. I still have terrible nightmares almost every night. I used to believe it would help. I don’t anymore.
I didn’t get that from any of your posts. Honestly, I think you have probably spent more brain cells on this then the situation warrants.PLEASE! DON’T ANYONE THINK THAT I HAVE CONSIDERED REQUESTING AN EXORCISM FOR MY DAUGHTER, I HAVE NOT EVEN CONSIDERED THAT.