Update on RyanL's Wife's Journey (for those who asked)

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I was born and raised Lutheran, converted to non-denom./pentecostal and am now Catholic.

I left the last protestant church because it was too internalized, no outreach or service. I didn’t go anywhere for a while. From my apartment; the Lutheran church I grew up in and the Catholic church I go to now are both 3-4 blocks away.

The Sunday after Christmas I thought I would try the Catholic church. I got there early and was walking around. I saw the mission statement posted on the bulletin board.
It fit exactly what I was looking for. After mass I talked to Sister about books or classes I could take to see if there was a place in the Catholic church for an outspoken pentecostal like me.😉

I wanted to know more and see if there was church doctrine I absolutely could not accept and if I believed differently about an issue that the Church would “allow” me my differences.
I started taking the RCIA classes and was confirmed that year.
I had always considered myself a Protestant, I never would have considered the Catholic Church. God has a good sense of humor!

The last pentecostal church I attended spoke heavily on prophecy and the return of the Lord. I believe that He is preparing to do something very special with the Catholic church, and I want to be a part of it. The spotlight on the priest issue is just one area that demonstrates this. I figure it this way, when you are expecting important company what is the first thing you do…clean house.
There are bad people in clerical positions in every denominiation known. The “house cleaning” will continue until the Church is the way HE wants it.

The Real Presence is a part of what made me Catholic. The non denominational churches say the bread and wine/juice are “symbols” of Christ. The Lutheran church teaches that Christ is ‘in and with’ the bread and wine.

This is an area where taking the Bible “literally” is actually true.

When Christ said “This is My Body and this is My Blood”


Why would I want less of Him?

I love knowing that during the Mass, there are Catholics all over the world joining at the same time in the the Eucharist and even more astounding; is that the believers who have passed on are all joining us in the “Communion of the Saints”.

I just disovered information about my paternal great grandmother - I didn’t even know her name. I had the Mass for her on her 150th birthday. During the Eucharist, I looked up toward heaven and said quietly - Happy Birthday Grandma Mattie!

All of us together sharing in that great mystery!

It is truly a universal faith!
Thanks for sharing that!

And there is always a place for outspoken pentecostals in the Catholic Church, even though some Catholics are not aware of this yet:D
I have had numerous people ask me over the last few months how things were coming along as far as my journey goes. I decided that instead of answering people individually, I would just post the answer and then refer inquirers to this post.

(So, if you have no idea who I am or my story, I won’t be at all offended if you stop reading now….)🙂

Basically, someone suggested I “meet the Holy Spirit half way and attend RCIA” So, I went through the entire RCIA process and am still attending the mystogogy at the request of the director. However, I did not join the Church.

The reason why? Honestly. I do not believe God has called me to join the Church. And it is that simply. Trust me, joining the church would make my life so much easier. I could participate fully with my family, I would have the opportunity to teach my children in CCD or other such programs, I wouldn’t feel like an outsider every Sunday, etc etc. However, this isn’t something I am willing to do out of convenience for myself. This is something between God and me. If He isn’t calling me to join then it isn’t something I am willing to do.

But do I believe all that the Church teaches? Quite simply. I don’t know. However, I would have no problems believing all the Church teaches if God calls me to become Catholic. If it doesn’t make sense to you, I don’t think I could adequately explain it. Basically, the beliefs of the Baptist church, from a Baptist’s perspective (interpretation) make perfect sense to me. And, the Catholic beliefs, from a Catholic perspective (interpretation) make perfect sense as well. I could very easily believe either one. I choose to let God lead me to the right one. Right now, he isn’t leading me to the Catholic Church.

Some of you may not believe me. Some of you may think I haven’t tried, or I am not giving Him a chance. However, I do not know what else I can do at this point. I attend Mass every week with my family. (Sometime more…. as my RCIA class went to Mass every Tuesday throughout Lent) I pray every night that God will give me an answer: Catholic, Baptist, something else??? I even prayed a novena with my Bible study group, begging for an answer. (The divine mercy, I believe it was…) The only things I haven’t tried are Eucharistic Adoration/exposition, or just returning to my Baptist Church. (Which I am sure you will all be against.)

I do know that my beliefs tell me my husband is the spiritual leader of my house. So right now, while I wait for an answer from my God, I will follow my husband as far as I can without deserting my Lord. (Which, while you won’t agree…… if God wants me to be Baptist in the end…. Joining the Catholic Church would be turning against Him in certain aspects, but lets not get into any of that.) Therefore, I will continue to attend Mass, but cannot officially become Catholic without God’s “blessing” or call.

Why isn’t He giving me an answer? I have no idea. Usually when no answer comes, it means wait, it’s not your time yet. So that is what I am doing. I am waiting. I am sure there is a good reason. I just don’t know what it is. So I will do my best to be a faithful Christian in every way I can until that answer comes.

The post isn’t meant to start a debate or discussion. It was written just to give an answer to those who pop up sporadically and ask where I stand with the Catholic church.

God Bless,
RyanL’s Wife
I was reading through your post and the Scripture about “Kicking against the goad” came to mind… Acts 26:14… I’m a former Baptist and I’m not trying to convince you…that you have to do on your own…
You are in my prayers…
God bless you.🙂
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