UPI: Israel To Carry Out Assassinations In Other Countries

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UPI - Israel is embarking upon a more aggressive approach to the war on terror that will include staging targeted killings in the United States and other friendly countries, former Israeli intelligence officials told United Press International. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has forbidden the practice until now, these sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Israeli statements were confirmed by more than a half dozen former and currently serving U.S. foreign policy and intelligence officials in interviews with United Press International. But an official at the Israeli Embassy in Washington told UPI: “That is rubbish. It is completely untrue. Israel and the United States have such a close and co-operative intelligence relationship, especially in the field of counter-terrorism, that the assertion is ludicrous.”

With the appointment of Meir Dagan, the new director of Israel’s Mossad secret intelligence service, Sharon is preparing “a huge budget” increase for the spy agency as part of “a tougher stance in fighting global jihad (or holy war),” one Israeli official said. . . A former Israeli military intelligence source agreed: “What Sharon wants is a much more extensive and tough approach to global terrorism, and this includes greater operational maneuverability.” Does this mean assassinations on the soil of allies? “It does,” he said.

Church Leaders’ Inaugural Letter to President Bush
                  **~January 21, 2005~**


                                Dear Mr. President:        

     As leaders of Orthodox, Catholic and        Protestant Churches and Christian organizations with millions of members        across the country, we encourage you to lead a political process that will        end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As you begin your second term, the        vision of a two-state solution is coming back into focus after having        faded into obscurity.  Will Palestinians finally be free? Will Israelis be        secure at last? As people of faith and hope, we say yes! 
   This is the time for you and for the 109th Congress, and for        friends of Israel and Palestine, to have the courage to be peacemakers,        and to press both Israelis and Palestinians to seize the future; where        each recognizes the other's right to exist and is willing to work together        for security and economic well-being. 
   For the sake of our own country as well, Mr. President, we appeal to you.        The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a threat to the people of the        United States. Every day the conflict continues, hatred of the United        States government is fueled. With each news report of Palestinian        suffering -- whether the death of an innocent child, the demolition of a        family's home, or the confiscation of farmland for the separation barrier        -- popular support in Arab and Muslim countries for terrorism grows and        the threat of attacks directed at the United States increases. The        continuing conflict has also resulted in suffering and loss of life among        Israeli citizens. We want Israelis, too, to live without fear or threat in        their own country.
   A hallmark of your campaign was the commitment to defeat terror and make        our country more secure. We believe that the promise of peace in Jerusalem        is the best defense against terrorism. We encourage you to maintain the        faith, the courage and the resolve to work with other world leaders toward
   negotiations that guarantee two viable states, Israel and Palestine,        living side-by-side and sharing Jerusalem as their capital. 

     Finally, Mr. President, we urge you to        follow the examples of the great prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, who        declared that God calls all nations and all people to do justice to one        another. We join you in praying for peace in the Holy Land and at home.       


Church Leaders’ Inaugural Letter to President Bush

~January 21, 2005~

Dear Mr. President:

As leaders of Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant Churches and Christian organizations with millions of members across the country, we encourage you to lead a political process that will end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As you begin your second term, the vision of a two-state solution is coming back into focus after having faded into obscurity. Will Palestinians finally be free? Will Israelis be secure at last? As people of faith and hope, we say yes!

This is the time for you and for the 109th Congress, and for friends of Israel and Palestine, to have the courage to be peacemakers, and to press both Israelis and Palestinians to seize the future; where each recognizes the other’s right to exist and is willing to work together for security and economic well-being.

For the sake of our own country as well, Mr. President, we appeal to you. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become a threat to the people of the United States. Every day the conflict continues, hatred of the United States government is fueled. With each news report of Palestinian suffering – whether the death of an innocent child, the demolition of a family’s home, or the confiscation of farmland for the separation barrier – popular support in Arab and Muslim countries for terrorism grows and the threat of attacks directed at the United States increases. The continuing conflict has also resulted in suffering and loss of life among Israeli citizens. We want Israelis, too, to live without fear or threat in their own country.

A hallmark of your campaign was the commitment to defeat terror and make our country more secure. We believe that the promise of peace in Jerusalem is the best defense against terrorism. We encourage you to maintain the faith, the courage and the resolve to work with other world leaders toward
negotiations that guarantee two viable states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side and sharing Jerusalem as their capital.

Finally, Mr. President, we urge you to follow the examples of the great prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, who declared that God calls all nations and all people to do justice to one another. We join you in praying for peace in the Holy Land and at home.

I think the spirit of this letter is wonderful. Peace is not possible until the Israelis have someone to negotiate with, someone who is actually in charge and can maintain a cease fire. Let’s all pray for peace.
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