Urgent Help Required to Stop Scandal - Stand up for Christ

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We are having Big Problems in the UK. Please e-mail the UK Cardinal - Cormac Murphy O Connor and “Beg him in charity to issue a definitive statement to put this Scandal Right, it is getting way out of hand.” - Stand up for the Truth, Christ and the True Church. Less talking, action please. To whom much is given, much is expected.

The Cardinal’s Secretary is at archbishop@rcdow.org.uk

I have already e-mailed him and writtent to Rome. See my previous posts on CAFOD. My US friends , please help us out here.

If this press release does not move you to action, then nothing will! Please leave a message to show your support.

Press Releases

**For Immediate Release
November 30, 2004
www.condoms4life.org**Media Contacts: Michelle Ringuette:
Office: +1 202 986 6093

Condoms4Life Issues Good Shepherd Awards
to Catholic Bishops from Four Countries on World AIDS Day

**Catholics for a Free Choice applauds efforts of some bishops who have made common sense steps to permit limited use of condoms and chastises as “lost sheep” those bishops who have impeded prevention efforts.

WASHINGTON, DC—As the world marks the 17th World AIDS Day on December 1, 2004, the Condoms4Life campaign, a project of Catholics for a Free Choice, has issued Good Shepherd Awards to some Catholic bishops for their positions on condom use to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy O Connor - wins one of the awards!!!
Full Article - condoms4life.org/news/2004/113004GoodShepherd.htm
Please also e-mail all your Catholic friends to do the same.

God Bless you all
God bless you in your struggle for truth. Keep up the good fight.
God bless you in your struggle for truth. Keep up the good fight.
Your assistance is appreciated.
My email to His Excellency:

Subject: Use of Condoms May Be Licit?

**Your Excellency, **

**Scandals rock this Church we love. **
**Statements which appear to defy the Church’s infallible teachings confound the faithful. **
**Surely, the use of condoms is never licit, particularly when used between individuals engaging in illicit sexual acts. **
**Please put right this scandal with a definitive statement reaffirming the Church’s teachings. **


Hope this helps some. 😦
The Cardinal has issued a statement. Thanks for the pressure, it has worked. We still need CAFOD to retract its policy though.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’ConnorArchbishop of Westminster

06 December 2004


In response to a number of articles and letters questioning the fidelity of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales to magisterial teaching following recent statements by the Catholic aid agency CAFOD, a letter has been sent today to one of those publications by Mgr Andrew Summersgill, General Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference, on behalf of its President, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. The letter reads in part:

The [bishops’] conference’s position [has] been made clear in its 2004 teaching document, Cherishing Life, Section 170, which deals specifically with the question of Aids, and concludes that “the only assured way to prevent passing on [sexually-transmitted diseases] is to express love in ways other than through sexual intercourse.”

In order to clarify any possible misunderstanding, the Cardinal would like to make clear:
  • The Bishops oppose artificial contraception and do not advocate the promotion of condoms as a means of combating Aids. The way to combat Aids is through the Catholic sexual ethic of monogamy, fidelity and abstinence.
  • The magisterium of the church always maintains the objectivity of the moral law, whilst also recognising the particular circumstances in which individuals endeavour to live her teaching.
It is therefore quite misleading to seek to portray the position of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales as being at variance with magisterial teaching on this question.

Finally, with reference to CAFOD, it is the development agency of the Bishops’ Conference and cares devotedly for the poorest people in the world and does so in accordance with the teaching of the Catholic Church.
The Pressure appears to have been partuially fruitful.CARDINAL SPEAKS ON THE USE OF CONDOMS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HIV/AIDS

In response to a number of articles and letters questioning the fidelity of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales to magisterial teaching following recent statements by the Catholic aid agency CAFOD, a letter has been sent today to one of those publications by Mgr Andrew Summersgill, General Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference, on behalf of its President, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. The letter reads in part:

The [bishops’] conference’s position [has] been made clear in its 2004 teaching document, Cherishing Life, Section 170, which deals specifically with the question of Aids, and concludes that “the only assured way to prevent passing on [sexually-transmitted diseases] is to express love in ways other than through sexual intercourse.”

In order to clarify any possible misunderstanding, the Cardinal would like to make clear:
  • The Bishops oppose artificial contraception and do not advocate the promotion of condoms as a means of combating Aids. The way to combat Aids is through the Catholic sexual ethic of monogamy, fidelity and abstinence.
  • The magisterium of the church always maintains the objectivity of the moral law, whilst also recognising the particular circumstances in which individuals endeavour to live her teaching.
It is therefore quite misleading to seek to portray the position of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales as being at variance with magisterial teaching on this question.

Finally, with reference to CAFOD, it is the development agency of the Bishops’ Conference and cares devotedly for the poorest people in the world and does so in accordance with the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Panis Angelicas:
My email to His Excellency:

Subject: Use of Condoms May Be Licit?

**Your Excellency, **

**Scandals rock this Church we love. **
**Statements which appear to defy the Church’s infallible teachings confound the faithful. **
**Surely, the use of condoms is never licit, particularly when used between individuals engaging in illicit sexual acts. **
**Please put right this scandal with a definitive statement reaffirming the Church’s teachings. **


Hope this helps some. 😦
God Bless your (name removed by moderator)ut, (name removed by moderator)ut like this does work. Stand up for truth.
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