People ask police to die for them, though frankly it seems to me they primarily die for a law, whether in the U.S. , Sweden , or North Korea , a law written primarily for the ruling class and the regime that happens to be in power at the moment.
People ask soldiers to die for them , though in many wars , non-combatants, like infants, too , though frankly I’m not so sure any current nation state is of any more transcendent importance than the Landgraviate of Hesse- Kassel , the Principality of Anhalt - Zerbst , or the Hittite Empire
In comparison to these probably futile and vain slaughters ? To ask Jesus to die for me seems rather a modest and restrained demand.
So maybe best to ignore the whole concept, live life in North Korea .
If what I often read about millionaires in Hollywood is even half true ,
Then , " live life in the moment " doesn’t even work very well for the rich , the beautiful , and the popular , who live in Disneyland .
With an old friend of mine, who as an atheist, would always ask me God questions. And it always ended up the same way. Nowhere.
So my last response to him was, using the Paschal wager argument, (I paraphrased)
I said to him,
if you’re right and I’m wrong then no harm no foul. We’re just dead. No consequences either way for any good we did or bad we did. No winner no loser, it’s just death. Then I said, if I’m right and you’re wrong, you’re screwed for eternity. No getting out of it.
Thus the wager. Only one can win that. The other will lose…big time
He still wasn’t buying it. So I said to him, take all that you own, down to the change in your pockets, go to a casino of your choice, have your net worth notorized, and converted to chips to play in the casino. He said to me what a stupid bet that would be. I said why? He said I could lose everything. I said but you could also win? Besides, in your case, if you’re right, why care, you’ll be dead and no memory of anything awaits you.
Even atheists who live solely in the here and now, can see some truths they weren’t ready to step into