US bishops dismiss spokeswoman in wake of tweets praising Trump

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Cant imagine this happening if it were any other president except trump. And it definitely wouldnt have happened if Hillary had won and she tweeted support for a woman president. If this is the sole reason for the dismissal then the US bishops should take another look at their PR.
“The bishops, not staff, set the conference’s federal policy positions,” Rogers said in mid-July. “We should be mindful not to create confusion as to where the bishops might be on any particular federal policy issue. The conference is nonpartisan and does not endorse political candidates. We take this very seriously."

Perfectly reasonable position.
Oh yes that position is reasonable. I’d bet my Catholic gold medal that if in an alternate world she had tweeted support for president Hillary’s immigration policy she would not have been fired because Hillary isn’t pro life. And the flip of those two issues are exactly why she was let go.

Imagine the storm that would come down on the bishops if the tweet from a woman who represents the men of the US bishops was “I’m with her” on immigration and they fired her!? There would be riots in the pews.
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They let Tony Spence go when he supported liberal positions. I think you’d lose your Catholic gold medal on this one.

She violated the terms of her job. There was nothing inappropriate about their actions.
I could be wrong. It could be cynicism. I just think I’m right though. The US bishops has followed the lead in this papacy and has weighed in on politics far more than in the past.
Businesses, parishes, Dioceses, schools, have social media policies these days and many times these extend to personal social media accounts. If the employee violated that policy, why the outrage?
I guess Trump having hate and racism in his heart is the official position of the USCCB?

And yes, he “deleted” his tweets. I wonder if she was given the same option?
Why am I not surprised by this???
I’m right there with you. I too am not surprised that LifeSite has cranked out another “News” article based mostly on rumor and speculation. Good call.
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