US Catholic Bishops on Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines

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Days after some Catholic bishops shared misinformation on social media about Covid-19 vaccines that may soon hit the market, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops distributed a memo to all U.S. bishops stating that at least two of the vaccines are considered ethically sound…

“Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccine involved the use of cell lines that originated in fetal tissue taken from the body of an aborted baby at any level of design, development, or production,” reads the Nov. 23 memo, signed by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades, who chairs the bishops’ committee on doctrine, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, the head of the committee on pro-life activities.

From the Office for Life and Family at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia:

The supposed connection to aborted fetal cell lines in patents does not cite the correct Moderna patent related to its vaccines, and the cites in the incorrect patent are to research concept examples unrelated to the actual vaccine production. Some Moderna collaborators (NIAID/UT) did use abortion-derived HEK293 cells to produce viral spike protein to test its shape and antibody binding, but their test did not determine the design or production of the nucleic acid sequence, and in fact was done only after Moderna had already determined the genetic sequence needed, developed their mRNA sequence vaccine, and begun production of the mRNA vaccine. Moderna is not producing a spike protein for its vaccine, nor does it use cell lines (aborted fetal cell or otherwise) in the production of this mRNA vaccine. Moderna’s vaccine is mRNA (instructions) that tells the body how to produce its own spike protein. Bottom line, Moderna vaccine production does not utilize aborted fetal cells and its design did not rely upon aborted fetal cells.

Covid-19 Vaccines Explained | Office for Life and Family
I thought it was very important because some Catholics have ethical concerns about how the vaccines were developed and produced, particularly Moderna’s vaccine.
While I am mainly commenting on this to bump it back up to the top of the forum (even though it will be deleted by the end of December) this has been a nice end for the 20-30 minutes I have wasted. Thank you all.
I thought it was very important because some Catholics have ethical concerns about how the vaccines were developed and produced, particularly Moderna’s vaccine.
I’m hearing so much different info that I don’t know what to believe. Short of a mandate it will be a while before I make a decision anyway, but I’m hearing conflicting info coming from sources I trust.
I’m hearing so much different info that I don’t know what to believe. Short of a mandate it will be a while before I make a decision anyway, but I’m hearing conflicting info coming from sources I trust.
There was a lot of misinformation about Moderna’s vaccine. Bishop Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler tweeted misleading claims about Moderna’s vaccine (which along with Pfizer’s are most likely to be the first available in the US). The US Catholic Bishops and various other pro-life organizations are trying to set the record straight because Moderna’sis one of the more ethical vaccines. And it is very important to get COVID under control, and Moderna and Pfizer have vaccines that are safe for Catholics to use in good conscience.

Good luck all! I do not have sufficient immune system to generate antibodies. Therefore, my vaccine is popcorn and a computer screen.
The US Catholic Bishops and various other pro-life organizations are trying to set the record straight because Moderna’sis one of the more ethical vaccines. And it is very important to get COVID under control, and Moderna and Pfizer have vaccines that are safe for Catholics to use in good conscience.
Thank you. The NCBC confirmation reassures me. I tried looking at their site, but wasn’t able to find an explicit statement. The one I found of Pfizer initially seemed to say it was fine, but then talked about testing, and I was concerned.
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