Not only is there variation between one community and another, there’s major difference over time. The major Franciscan Orders, both men and women, are not more or less concerned for the poor than 55 years ago.wouldn’t describe Franciscan Spirituality and ministry as “liberal”. It’s not political. It’s Catholic. What you will often find though, is a greater emphasis on social issues than some other religious communities
What has changed among some, not all, is a far greater conformity to trends of the secular media. Franciscan colleges, with some exceptions like Steubenville, are mostly like small versions of state colleges, maybe with some religious extras.
The difference between mainline Franciscanism 1968 and 2018 is greater than between Capuchins and OFMs, arguably as great as between msinline Franciscanism and another religious order. The CFR, FFI, and small, newer orders are flourishing, but they had to go outside the mainstream orders. So also with newer convents. The liberal, mainstream have no vocations.
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