US Government to Authorize Nazi-Like Human Experiments

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This Pro-Family Law Center alert is cause for concern. :eek:
The Pro-Family Law Center has just discovered that the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is considering new rules that would allow scientists and doctors to conduct “emergency research” on unconscious or other incapacitated patients. This “emergency research” could be conducted without any informed consent from the patient or their designated representative. The proposed regulations known as “Guidance for Institutional Review Boards, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors; Exception from Informed Consent for Emergency Research” are set for public hearing on October 30, 2006. Most American citizens have no idea that this hearing is to take place. Moreover, most wouldn’t know what to do about it.
I always said I wouldn’t object if Bush went to jail for war crimes when all is said and done…
I’ve said all along TimOliv, people need to wake up and realize that supporting politicians isn’t going to end abortion. When will the Democrats and Republicans wake up and stop betraying the babies. This supposed “baby step” process to ending abortion is a step by step process to nowhere. We rely on God to end abortions period. Plain, pure, flat and simple. Bush supported Planned Parenthood the day he came in office. I even signed a petition asking Congress to remove funding to Planned Parenthood. With one stroke of the pen President Bush could have removed funding from Planned Parenthood. With one stroke of the pen he could have made all abortions illegal. Pro-life Bush is not.
Well as soon as an injustice is committed on one group of people, there is no stop down this slippery slope.
If anyone has been paying attention to the Bush administration’s policies, the possibility of this coming true should not be shocking.
Bush supported Planned Parenthood the day he came in office. I even signed a petition asking Congress to remove funding to Planned Parenthood. With one stroke of the pen President Bush could have removed funding from Planned Parenthood. With one stroke of the pen he could have made all abortions illegal. Pro-life Bush is not.
The POTUS can’t change laws, only Congress can do that.
The POTUS can’t change laws, only Congress can do that.
And the so-called “pro life” Republican Congress has not acted in a pro-life manner.

So much for a government representative of its constituents.
And the so-called “pro life” Republican Congress has not acted in a pro-life manner.

So much for a government representative of its constituents.
Yes, and the Republican party only pays lip service to Catholics. Catholics are as a lady friend of mine described, “Politically homeless.”
It sounded like you were defending Bush’s pro-abortion stance.
You need a little reality check: this country isn’t a dictatorship; I don’t like abortion anymore than you do but you don’t swap one evil for another. in addition, you sound like a spoiled child b/c your response to everything you don’t like is either along the lines of “so” or “it shouldn’t matter,” etc.
You need a little reality check: this country isn’t a dictatorship; I don’t like abortion anymore than you do but you don’t swap one evil for another. in addition, you sound like a spoiled child b/c your response to everything you don’t like is either along the lines of “so” or “it shouldn’t matter,” etc.
No, I’m just telling you that Bush has done little to end abortion. It’s against the rules to call other people names. You of all people should know better than that. Shame on you.

Consider this quote from Judie Brown courteousy EWTN!

Re George Bush,Republicans
Question from on 08-28-2006:
This is in response to the posts about George Bush and the other republicans. The sad fact is this:Republicans are majority in both Houses, and we have a Republican president.If they were really pro-life, they could have accomplished much more in this area. We need to pray that God’s will be done, not that certain political parties be elected! Yours in Christ, Kayla

Answer by Judie Brown on 08-29-2006: Dear KaylaThank you for those wise words. I think sometimes people really believe that the only answer to ending abortion is electing Republicans. Frankly, Repunlicans, Democrats or Independents … each person needs to believe that abortion is an act of murder, not a political issue. The ultimate answer resides in changing hearts and that requires prayer, sacrifice and dedication to the babies, not the parties.
God be with you.

Notice the key words “abortion is not a political issue”. Go back and learn the meaning of those words then post.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

The purpose of **some **of this is not to authorize “Nazi Like Experiments”

Heres an example:

The USDOT sets the MAXIMUM guidelines for paramedics in the US. State EMS agencies can take away from, but never add too techniques Paramedics can do.

Medical Directors of EMS systems dictate what paramedics can and cannot do, based on the agency or county. In New Jersey, paramedics CANNOT do rapid sequence intubation. (only flight medics can). Medical directors are sometimes idiots, and just allow a minimum set of practices for Medics, where other agencies allow just about everything.

So if a person gets whacked a mile form the NY-NJ state line, medics in NJ cannot RSI the trauma patient. If they are in a big accident where multiple EMS agencies are involved, there is always a danger of haivng ones license suspended if you are working with a paramedic from an agency that does not allow a technique **you are performing, and allowed to do. you become guilty by “association”. ** its so convoluted its almost impossible to explain.

the same holds true for MDs and hospitals.

What this is aimed at, is the ability of Medics, and MDs to obtain authorization for an FDA approved technique/treatment, and be able to do such above and beyond their local scope of practice, as long as Medical Direction is involved.


There is almost no standardization of EMS care, and we Medics have been screaming for a solid standard so we are able to provide YOU with the best, most advanced care when you are hurt. DO NOT LET A FEW MORON MDs JEAPORDIZE YOUR HEALTH BY BEING TOO CONSERVATIVE IN THEIR MEDICAL DIRECTION.
What war crimes?
Pre-emptive strike against a nation exhibiting no immediate threat to the U.S., not following due process of law with regards to prisoners and suspects, employing torture, reckless offense leading to widespread civilian death, forcing our governmental influence on another country, maintaining what amout to concentration camps…

And back home? Illegal monitoring of private citizens should be enough to get him impeached. To paraphrase a famous quotation: If you think it’s okay to relinquish freedom for security you deserve neither security or freedom.
Our politicians are not people who dropped from the sky to impinge on our daily lives. They are us. We put them there and they ultimately reflect our values as a nation.

We want our cake and eat it too morally and put people in office that will give us this (or a least the illusion).

Like the cliche goes, we have met the enemy and they are us. Thank God that His kingdom is not of this world.
It already does. Consider what it allows on aborted children.
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