US Government to Authorize Nazi-Like Human Experiments

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Yeah, the evils committed around the world is nothing compared to what our nation does. And abortion is the pinnacle of all of them.
I keep saying that. We criticize the Muslims and yet there are so many millions of babies being aborted for whatever reason. As Fr Corapi says again and again (I went to his conference this week-end), we are going to pay dearly for this abomination before the Lord if abortion is not eradicated. Period!
I keep saying that. We criticize the Muslims and yet there are so many millions of babies being aborted for whatever reason. As Fr Corapi says again and again (I went to his conference this week-end), we are going to pay dearly for this abomination before the Lord if abortion is not eradicated. Period!
Yes, and it’s funny how our nation condemns terrorism, when our nation harbors terrorists themselves. Like the pornagraphy and abortion industres. The war on terrorism is punishment for our sins of abortion, homosexuality and pornagraphy. That’s the truth of it really. And to tell you the truth the war on terror is a WWIII! During WWII you at least knew who the enemy was by the helmet right? This is even worse because we don’t know who the enemy is. Get the picture?
I keep saying that. We criticize the Muslims and yet there are so many millions of babies being aborted for whatever reason. As Fr Corapi says again and again (I went to his conference this week-end), we are going to pay dearly for this abomination before the Lord if abortion is not eradicated. Period!
That is really scarry to hear. How do we end it? We have had very little luck in the political arena. Of course many of us pray for an end to abortion. What else do we do?
I don’t suppose it crossed your minds that these “Nazi-like experiments” might have saved Terri Schiavo? Did it ever occur to you that the very name of the law reveals its true nature? Essentially, it allows the use of risky, not-entirely-approved or -sanctioned therapies in life or death situations. I didn’t even have to read Bio Catholic’s post to know that, but it confirmed my interpretation of the bill’s title. But you didn’t see that, did you? You saw “Experiment” and like Pavlov’s dogs you leapt to the conclusion they meant Dr. Mengele.

Frankly, you people make me question this whole movement–not its aims, but its sense, and certainly its current legitimacy. Your constant criticism of every compromise–generally by the entire government, though you blame it on Bush, and treat each one like open profession of the worship of Moloch–reveal the truth about you. You’re simply being contrary, because being ‘above’ politics makes you feel superior.

There is one alternative, and one only, to voting for Republicans, who occasionally enact pro-life legislation. It’s not the Constitution party, which is just about the most bone-headed thing Pat Buchanan has ever done (!). It’s revolution. If you don’t like the way the mostly-legitimate government handles things, then by all means, tear it down. But make no mistake, that will involve soaking yourselves in blood, much of it relatively innocent.

So: do you have the guts to fight for your uncompromising ideal, or will you simply complain on internet forums, secure in your knowledge both of your own righteousness, and of the fact nothing will ever be demanded of you?
I don’t suppose it crossed your minds that these “Nazi-like experiments” might have saved Terri Schiavo? Did it ever occur to you that the very name of the law reveals its true nature? Essentially, it allows the use of risky, not-entirely-approved or -sanctioned therapies in life or death situations. I didn’t even have to read Bio Catholic’s post to know that, but it confirmed my interpretation of the bill’s title. But you didn’t see that, did you? You saw “Experiment” and like Pavlov’s dogs you leapt to the conclusion they meant Dr. Mengele.

Frankly, you people make me question this whole movement–not its aims, but its sense, and certainly its current legitimacy. Your constant criticism of every compromise–generally by the entire government, though you blame it on Bush, and treat each one like open profession of the worship of Moloch–reveal the truth about you. You’re simply being contrary, because being ‘above’ politics makes you feel superior.

There is one alternative, and one only, to voting for Republicans, who occasionally enact pro-life legislation. It’s not the Constitution party, which is just about the most bone-headed thing Pat Buchanan has ever done (!). It’s revolution. If you don’t like the way the mostly-legitimate government handles things, then by all means, tear it down. But make no mistake, that will involve soaking yourselves in blood, much of it relatively innocent.

So: do you have the guts to fight for your uncompromising ideal, or will you simply complain on internet forums, secure in your knowledge both of your own righteousness, and of the fact nothing will ever be demanded of you?
Although I tend to agree with you in that it appears to be for life-saving techniques, I am wary that this is being presented as a stepping stone to other procedures.

But the rest of your post is rather uncharitable and inflammatory. Do you really think your post presents anything more lucid and better than what you condemn?
This jumping to conclusions, just so they’ll look “independent” of the only political party that’ll even consider their views, annoys me intensely. I also have a deeply chivalrous streak that gets enraged when I see anyone or anything attacked unjustly, especially in ignorance. This kneejerk “Bush bad!” response is simply unjust, puerile, and unproductive.

And I’m dead serious about the alternative. If they meant what they said about this being an all-overriding issue, they’d take up arms in opposition to the government. The only legitimate reason *not *to simply shoot abortionists is concern for public order. Since they seem to hold that the government’s order is no longer legitimate, they should, logically, be willing to overthrow it and work against the agents of the culture of death in the only way available outside of the government’s legalities: mob justice.

But of course, they don’t mean it. It’s all posturing and self-righteousness, a disingenuous facade of morality concealing their fundamental unwillingness to commit themselves to anything. Rather than risk themselves by allying with fallible humans, they will always keep back at the last second, justifying their hesitation with a list of their potential ally’s shortcomings. So they will be utterly neutralized, and the innocent they might have protected will die–all so they can feel superior.
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