US politician hopes to speed building of third temple,

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"Orly Benny-Davis has come a long way from her youth in Ramat Gan. Today a well-known US political activist, Benny-Davis ran for the senate last year in her home state of South Carolina. On Monday night, she was in Jerusalem to attend the 11th annual Temple Mount dinner and to ** help speed up the construction of the third temple. **

Close to 1,000 right-wing religious activists converged on the Jerusalem International Convention Center to celebrate Tu Bishvat and listen to speakers on various topics – ranging from what the economy will be like in the time of the third temple to what type of government is ideal according to the Torah.

“The temple is part of our history,” Benny-Davis, who sponsored the festivities, told The Jerusalem Post. “When I argue with people who criticize us that we are occupying another nation, I explain to them that the land has been ours for thousands of years. Just look at the Temple Mount” …

Calling her 2004 bid for the senate “a battle for God,” Benny-Davis said she is in the process of lobbying congressmen to pass a resolution that would ensure Israel retains sovereignty over all of the holy sites, including the Temple Mount.

The point of the festive dinner, she said, is to get people excited about their Jewish heritage. “We need to get the ball rolling and to get people excited to make things change,” she said. Prior to the festive dinner, the Temple Mount Faithful met in the foyer to look at the most recent temple artifacts Rabbi Menahem

Makover, of the Temple Mount Institute in the Old City, has constructed … ** How will the temple be rebuilt while the Muslim mosques are currently standing?** “No one knows how the temple will be built,” he said. “But that is not the main issue. What we are here to do is to inform people of the importance of the temple and to show them it is not a theoretical idea but is real and alive.”

Not everyone agrees with Makover that the way to rebuild the temple is not known. “Maybe there will be a tsunami-like disaster similar to the one in Southeast Asia which killed hundreds of thousands of people,” said Baruch Ben-Yosef, a member of the Temple Mount Faithful. "The mosques will be moved to Mecca where they should be, and we will climb the Mount to build an altar and conduct sacrifices."
Who is Benny-Davis? I don’t recall seeing her name on the ballot in South Carolina. Does she go by another name? And, what is the purpose of this post other than trying to spread your obvious hatred of Jews?
John TE said:
"Orly Benny-Davis

Orly Benny Davis was a very minor candidate in the primary. She didn’t get very many votes.

This is a non-story.
This is a non-story.
This story, which the Jerusalem Post saw fit to print, is in your opinion, a non-story?

If these people, who ought to be put in straight jackets, are successful in moving or destroying the Dome of the Rock and building their third temple, the hatred towards the US, which is already off the charts, will be very newsworthy, I assure you.

The most active supporters of the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, which was twice destroyed by God as punishment for Israel’s apostacy, are American Christian Evangelicals and joining their ranks are many nominal Catholics. This insanity is based not in the teaching of the Catholic church, but in dispensationalism.

These maniacs, who believe that their actions will bring about the coming of the messiah, are missing an important fact: that God doesn’t want the temple rebuilt, blood sacrifices are no longer needed or desired by God. Our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross has replaced this practice.

There have been attempts to rebuild the temple in the past which have been abruptly halted by the hand of God: Julian the Apostate attempted to rebuild the temple in the fourth century, an act which was answered by God’s wrath.

Cardinal Newman wrote an essay in which he collects all of the historical accounts of the miraclulous halting of Julian’s temple building project and sorts them out. It’s very interesting.
“And did we see at this day a great attempt made to reinstate the Jews as Jews in their own land, to build their Temple, and to recommence their sacrifices, did the enemies of the Catholic Church forward it, did heretical bodies and their officials on the spot take part in it, and did some catastrophe, as sudden and unexpected as the fiery eruption, befall the attempt, I conceive, whatever became of abstract definitions, we should feel it to be a Divine interference, bringing with it its own evidence, and needing no interpretation.” Cardinal Newman…-7.html#return9
John TE:
This story, which the Jerusalem Post saw fit to print, is in your opinion, a non-story?

If these people, who ought to be put in straight jackets, are successful in moving or destroying the Dome of the Rock and building their third temple, the hatred towards the US, which is already off the charts, will be very newsworthy, I assure you.
Ain’t going to happen. They don’t have any power.
Ain’t going to happen. They don’t have any power.
The Zionist lobby has no power? They were able to build a state on someone else’s land. What makes you think they won’t build a temple on someone else’s temple?

The Christian Evangelicals have no power? They were able to get GW Bush elected twice. What makes you think they can’t get their temple?

If these groups “don’t have any power,” who does have power then? The Palestinians?
John TE:
The Zionist lobby has no power? They were able to build a state on someone else’s land. What makes you think they won’t build a temple on someone else’s temple?

The Christian Evangelicals have no power? They were able to get GW Bush elected twice. What makes you think they can’t get their temple?

If these groups “don’t have any power,” who does have power then? The Palestinians?
  1. The Israeli lobby in the US is more interested in keeping the support of the US than building another temple
  2. The Christian Evangelicals didn’t get W reelected, the Republicans did, and in no small way: Michael Moore did and the radical Democrats did.
  3. The Christian Evangelicals are more interested in stopping homosexual marriage in the US than they are interested in a Jewish temple in Israel
  4. The Israeli government has shown no real interest in reserrecting the temple.
I think you are concerned over nothing.
I think you are concerned over nothing.
And so is the Jerusalem Post, apparently.

BTW, 97 posts in the past 24 hrs… that’s a lot of work, Gilliam.

Why don’t you get a bite eat; use the bathroom or something? This forum will still be here for you to obsessively propagandize when you return.
John TE:
And so is the Jerusalem Post, apparently.

BTW, 97 posts in the past 24 hrs… that’s a lot of work, Gilliam.

Why don’t you get a bite eat; use the bathroom or something? This forum will still be here for you to obsessively propagandize when you return.
Just answering your anti-Jewish statements. Not sure why you hate them so much.
Just answering your anti-Jewish statements…
It’s actually quite the other way around, Gilliam.

You had about 4000 pro-Zionist posts under your belt before I wrote my first post.

Spin is your game, apparently.
John TE:
It’s actually quite the other way around, Gilliam.

You had about 4000 pro-Zionist posts under your belt before I wrote my first post.

Spin is your game, apparently.
I strongly suspect that what you are claiming was your first post was not:nope: Your post style is suspiciously like St.James.
John TE:
It’s actually quite the other way around, Gilliam.

You had about 4000 pro-Zionist posts under your belt before I wrote my first post.

Spin is your game, apparently.
4,000 pro-Zionist posts hey? I think the only time I talk about Israel is when I respond to anti-zionist posts… and that can’t be anywhere near 4,000 times.
There is no need at all for another Temple, and if work ever does start on such a Temple, then it is the work of the anit-Christ. Jesus ended the era of the Temple cults.
It is possible to be against the Zionist programme without being anti-semitic. I am against racism whether it is anti-Jewish or anti-Palestinian.

I want to make it perfectly clear as a supporter of the right of Palestinians to live in peace and security within the borders of their own state that I dissassociate myself entirely from John TE/St James and his anti-Jewish rants
It is possible to be against the Zionist programme without being anti-semitic. I am against racism whether it is anti-Jewish or anti-Palestinian.

I want to make it perfectly clear as a supporter of the right of Palestinians to live in peace and security within the borders of their own state that I dissassociate myself entirely from John TE/St James and his anti-Jewish rants
Matt25, thankyou for your disclaimer, I will take note of it,because I am very much offended and distressed by JohnTE and his posts.
John TE has a pathological hatred. I don’t understand why, but bigotry never makes sense. If I came upon a website that allowed a poster to make almost all of his posts against Catholics, I would be very unhappy with that website as well. From what I understand, there are people like that out there who hate Catholics deeply, for no reason.

Why, John TE, do you feel the need to spread lies and hatred about Jews? These crazies who want to rebuild a Temple mount are a tiny portion of Jews. Most Israelis and Jews do not agree with their agenda, but you portray them as mainstream Zionists to further your propaganda against one people.
Why, John TE, do you feel the need to spread lies and hatred about Jews?
I’ve spread neither hatred or lies in regard to Jews. I posted a news article from the Jerusalem Post (hardly an anti-semitic rag) .

If you don’t like how this story was covered, write to the Jerusalem Post about it. I happen to believe that the story brings attention to a movement that is gathering momentum, not only in the Jewish community but in the Christian Evangelical community and it’s expanding even into the nominal Catholic community as well.

All of these communities separately wield great influence, together their influence is even greater. This cannot be denied.

A powerful group of people driven by an insane apocalyptic ideology is a very scary thing. The fact that these people are messing with what is already a powderkeg, the temple mount, should be a concern to any reasonable person.

Dismiss it all you want. Time will tell who is correct.
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