I like movies but entertainment is my least priority. We must always try to put God first.
There are some negative movie reviews on certain movies but on another site someone disagrees from a rating system from AI to O (CNS USSBC) A to F (decent films) ECT
From the MPAA and so on
Example Matrix first matrix received O.
Sequels recieve L.
Another example
Final Destination A-III
Sequels basically mostly O lol.
John wick O
JOHN Wick 2 rated L
I saw something like this and what I heard is
Does it want you to go out and sin do bad things ECT. Do you understand the reality from fiction?
(When it comes with magical elements in movies)
No movie I’ve seen so far makes want to bad things niether do I support any voilince.
If I can give advice ask your local Priest spirturaly Director bishop for example.
So what are your opinions please I’d like to know God bless all you are in my prayers.
There are some negative movie reviews on certain movies but on another site someone disagrees from a rating system from AI to O (CNS USSBC) A to F (decent films) ECT
From the MPAA and so on
Example Matrix first matrix received O.
Sequels recieve L.
Another example
Final Destination A-III
Sequels basically mostly O lol.
John wick O
JOHN Wick 2 rated L
I saw something like this and what I heard is
Does it want you to go out and sin do bad things ECT. Do you understand the reality from fiction?
(When it comes with magical elements in movies)
No movie I’ve seen so far makes want to bad things niether do I support any voilince.
If I can give advice ask your local Priest spirturaly Director bishop for example.
So what are your opinions please I’d like to know God bless all you are in my prayers.
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