I had a couple of friends when I was 13-14-15 who would buy a ticket to go to one film and then once inside the theater, simply go into another movie. The theater didn’t care since they had paid an admission and there were no guards or anything watching what movie you went into. Sometimes they would see the PG film they purportedly went to see, and then sneak into one or more of the R-rated films afterwards. I was too much of a goody-goody or a chicken to disobey my parents in that way and I also thought it was probably a sin what they were doing, so i didn’t do things like that, any more than I would have snuck out of the house to go somewhere or lied to my parents about where I was going/ who with. I just wasn’t very adventurous I guess, and I was afraid my mom would find out and she would have been upset with me literally for days and caused turmoil in our home. A year or two later both the girls who did this movie-sneaking turned on me in a really awful way and things got really bad with bullying and my parents having to go to the principal and all sorts of other stuff which confirmed to me at the time that these girls were “bad companions”.
The next girl I chose for a good friend was somebody whose father was so strict, she wasn’t even allowed to do as much as I was. I don’t think it was an accident that we became friends as we were both just trying to keep peace in our lives and homes and didn’t want to push boundaries.