USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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The law is not fixed in stone that is true. The law can always be changed preferably to one which is just and compassionate at the same time. I will agree with you on that point. I also agree with you that immigration law needs reforming.

However comparing our laws to Sharia law is a bit over the top don’t you think?
It [the State] must rather augment his [citizen’s] freedom while effectively guaranteeing the protection of his essential personal rights. Among these is a man’s right and duty to be primarily responsible for his own upkeep and that of his family.
Mater et Magistra (“Mother and Teacher”), Pope John XXIII, 1961 #55
This is a red herring. Your family is not at risk if refugees are treated humanely.
Since resources are always limited, when does one’s duty to upkeep one’s family necessarily defer to one’s duty to help the stranger?
The Catechism says it very well: “as they are able.”
The catholic view of immigration is wrong. The only thing the bishops want is more democrat voters. If they were so worried about the immigrants they would be demanding that Mexico takes them in and that Mexico improve the living conditions in its county. They want the USA to be flooded with 50 to 100 million plus immigrants so the usa becomes a fully blue country turn it into another europe. another part of the world that is quickly becoming a, what did trump call them?
The catholic view of immigration is wrong. The only thing the bishops want is more democrat voters. If they were so worried about the immigrants they would be demanding that Mexico takes them in and that Mexico improve the living conditions in its county. They want the USA to be flooded with 50 to 100 million plus immigrants so the usa becomes a fully blue country turn it into another europe. another part of the world that is quickly becoming a, what did trump call them?
I will remind you that the quotes I gave on the Catholic view of immigration are not all from Americans. Several were from Saint Pope John Paul II. Are you accusing this Polish pope of just wanting more democratic voters in the US? In any case, I will side with my Church.
“Some” means more than none and less than all.
So as long as we’re not attempting to keep everyone out, we’ve met our moral obligation to welcome the stranger? It doesn’t matter if we prefer the rich over the poor? You must be joking.
Are you saying that unless we accept everyone that wants to come here we have not done our duty at all to accept the stranger?

It is not about accepting the rich over the poor. Countries have every right to demand that potential residents will not be a drain to society.

Sure they may need a temporary helping hand, like the number of refugees that have come here but in the long term they should be a contributing member of society.
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So as long as we’re not attempting to keep everyone out, we’ve met our moral obligation to welcome the stranger? It doesn’t matter if we prefer the rich over the poor? You must be joking.
I think a lot of countries prefer to the rich over the poor.

As someone who will reach “senior citizen” status shortly, since I have money I could move to Italy and play bocce in my retirement and they’d be pleased to have me. If I was broke and living hand to mouth, they’d say “no thanks”.
Same thing with Canada and Australia, yet everyone sees Canada as the good country while people demonizes the US for insisting that people respect its laws.
The catholic view of immigration is wrong.
I you referring to Catholic doctrine, because I have no answer to that, but to remind you that this is a Catholic website. Arguing against this doctrine makes no more sense than someone saying that abortion is okay, or God is not a three persons in one unity, or Jesus was just a man. It is the problem with an error in the beginning, starting with God as an absolute.
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“Some” means more than none and less than all.
No joking. Never wrote that a preference for the rich is moral. Why do you deflect and put words into my mouth? If you don’t like “some” then I ask you again, “What is the correct number?”

Go beyond your emotions and give a rational principled argument in support of that number.

But I expect I’ll not get an answer, again.
An analogy is different from a comparison. Sometimes it takes an absurd example, Sharia law in this case, to show the fallacy of someone’s argument.

I don’t like to hear people hiding behind laws to justify atrocities. We can question, challenge, and even disobey unjust laws.
We can question, challenge, and even disobey unjust laws.
Good. Then you do agree with efforts of Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor in standing up to President Obama in regards to health care.
This article is a little silly, particularly in the context of this discussion.

The “open borders” strawman is getting exhausting.
These words of Pope Francis, delivered in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País on January 22, likely came as a surprise to those, Catholic and non-Catholic, who assume that the Church is committed to unrestricted immigration.
Who on earth said that “the Church is committed to unrestricted immigration?”
Who on earth said that “the Church is committed to unrestricted immigration?”
You’ll have to ask Scott Richert, the article’s author here at Catholic Answers.

Scott P. Richert is the Senior Content Network Manager for Our Sunday Visitor, and Editor at Large for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture.
Just wait until we get an african pope. Get in a conservative pope and the progressive catholic will stop siding with the church
The Catholic view of immigration is not progressive or conservative. It predates both of those ideologies.

It sounds like you are much more concerned about the Church siding with you than you are about siding with the Church.
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Nope it is just that I understand why the bishops want what they want. If the church called for the end of the welfare state I would support their position. But that would fit within their progressive beliefs. Their whole desire is to transfer all power of the individual to the state.

BTW there is a place all these immigrants can go and not be separated from their families. Mexico
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