fix: This is a direct quote from HV from the Vatican website.
… Consequently, it is a serious error to think that a whole married life of otherwise normal relations can justify sexual intercourse which is deliberately contraceptive and so ***intrinsically wrong.
***The English translation of
Humanae Vitae from the Vatican website is obviously a little different than
the translation EWTN has on their site, and yet I don’t think it changes anything with respect to our discussion at hand.
If we parse the above, I think we would see that what is described as
intrinsically wrong is “sexual intercourse” modified, of course, by the phrase “which is deliberately contraceptive”.
As I read it *Humanae Vitae, *or at least the portion of it quoted above, does not call contraception itself
intrinsically wrong, but rather calls sexual intercourse which is deliberately contraceptive intrinsically wrong.
This is a critical difference with respect to contraception in the cases of rape. It is the crucial difference which determines whether or not it is a sin for a woman to contracept (not abort) after she has been raped.
If contraception* itself *is intrinsically evil, it can never legitimately be engaged in regardless of the circumstances.
On the other hand, if it is the
sexual intercourse with the intention of contracepting that is a sin rather than the contraception itself, a woman who has been raped is obviously not guilty of any sin for contracepting.
In such a case she is not guilty of any sin of contraception because contraception itself is not a sin
per se. She would also not be guilty of the act of illicit sexual intercourse because she did not consent to the act but was forced or coerced into it. As I understand it, this is the position of the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities of the USCCB.
Of course this may be mostly semantics. Whether contraception is “intrinsically evil” but only under certain circumstances, or whether it is contraceptive sexual intercourse that is intrinsically evil, the bottom line in this regard with respect to our discussion is the same – It is not necessarily sinful for a woman who has been raped to attempt contraception.
***It is intrinsically evil within the congual act. The Church understands that to mean the coming together of man and woman, married or not. It is always wrong within that context.
It would seem from the different translations as posted on the Vatican & EWTN website that the translators are using “conjugal act” & “sexual intercourse” interchangeably and that would, of course, support your contention and that is what I had always believed. But I had also always believed, perhaps mistakenly so, that contraception itself – deliberately thwarting conception as a consequence of any individual act of sexual intercourse – was inherently sinful.
Rape is never a conjugal act.
Upon what do you base this contention? If the English translators of Humanae Vitae used “conjugal act” and “sexual intercourse” interchangeably, it would seem to me that rape
is a conjugal act – an act of sexual intercourse.