Even the word ‘discriminate’ has been redefined.
This is the power of academia which has been a source of hard modern day divisions in society.
The traditional definition meant to choose between two things.
Examples : discriminate between good and evil, or to be a discriminating shopper.
Then discriminating had an element of unfairness introduced to the definition so that it became a slur - ‘you discriminate!’ oh no, you’re bad’. Once this redefined word could be used as a slur it was unleashed on Christian morals in a one directional manner.
For example, if one favoured the wife to be looking after the children it was discriminating against women. If one favoured the wife working you were modern and progressive and supporting the liberation of women.
If one favoured people to be married to have children you discriminated against 'lifestyle choice. If one favoured babies outside of wedlock yet again you were progressive and supported the modern redefinition of family.
This has been a constant play of using existing words in the community with one meaning and then taking it over and teaching children through education a new politicised meaning.
In this way it is easier to mask the foreign and aggressive nature of new ideologies.
I think the church, which should have been the bulwark against clear attacks on Christian culture, should have been stronger in opposing this while they had the strength but the first step was to recognise who the enemy is.