Not quite. In its modern sense, usury is charging excessive interest on people who are desperate for cash. Usury is typically called predatory lending now, and usurers are typically called loan sharks.
In its ancient sense, usury was charging interest on money that someone needed to purchase items of basic necessity. Its ancient sense was tied to the way money was used in economies where money was scarce. In a poor economy, the lower class doesn’t have much money, and the money they have is almost exclusively used for items of basic necessity. When people have “extra” money, they can use it for things like recreation and expanding their income through investments. Those things aren’t necessary, and if people have a good reason to borrow money to pay for such things, it is not a sin to charge them for your loan.
In the patristic ages and the scholastic age, you sometimes see authors who condemned all interest-taking because there were virtually zero people who were in a position to borrow money for non-necessary reasons. People who had lots of money didn’t need to borrow, and people who had little money couldn’t afford to borrow for recreational or other purposes. If they requested a loan, it wasn’t because they
wanted to borrow money, it was because they
needed to. Usury is a sin, but in our economy usury is not identical to charging interest.
The Catechism mentions usury in two passages: CCC 2269 and CCC 2438.
CCC 2269 says: “Those whose
usurious and avaricious dealings lead to the hunger and death of their brethren in the human family indirectly commit homicide, which is imputable to them.”
CCC 2438 says: “There must be solidarity among nations which are already politically interdependent. … In place of abusive if not
usurious financial systems…there must be substituted a common effort to mobilize resources toward objectives of moral, cultural, and economic development, redefining the priorities and hierarchies of values.”
Other recent condemnations of usury are collected here:
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