Vaccines using cells from aborted babies?

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Amidst this whole scandal with Planned Parenthood selling baby parts for research purposes it has come to light (at least to me) that some vaccines use a cell line starting from those of aborted babies. Pharmaceutical companies don’t continually harvest cells from aborted babies. I have a 7 month old baby and I had been vaccinating as usual, but now I am having trouble trying to figure out this and how to proceed. I want to vaccinate my baby but I have no idea if it’s okay to do so, at least with the vaccinations that use these cells. I have read on the Children of God for Life website that the Church wants us to vaccinate and be as healthy as possible, so if there is no other type of vaccination for a certain illness then it’s okay but if there are several variations of a certain vaccine that don’t use the cells then to use those ones instead. Is this really what the Church teaches? :eek:
Amidst this whole scandal with Planned Parenthood selling baby parts for research purposes it has come to light (at least to me) that some vaccines use a cell line starting from those of aborted babies. Pharmaceutical companies don’t continually harvest cells from aborted babies. I have a 7 month old baby and I had been vaccinating as usual, but now I am having trouble trying to figure out this and how to proceed. I want to vaccinate my baby but I have no idea if it’s okay to do so, at least with the vaccinations that use these cells. I have read on the Children of God for Life website that the Church wants us to vaccinate and be as healthy as possible, so if there is no other type of vaccination for a certain illness then it’s okay but if there are several variations of a certain vaccine that don’t use the cells then to use those ones instead. Is this really what the Church teaches? :eek:
I believe this is the Church’s position according to what I read a few months ago on the Ask an Apologist Forum. In fact, you might want to ask the apologists here this question again. Maybe they will be able to direct you to further information concerning the issue.
They started using these lines in the 1960s, for “research” purposes, and then developed vaccines from them.

Others can make their own decisions but for a variety of reasons, we did not vaccinate any of our children for anything.
Amidst this whole scandal with Planned Parenthood selling baby parts for research purposes it has come to light (at least to me) that some vaccines use a cell line starting from those of aborted babies. Pharmaceutical companies don’t continually harvest cells from aborted babies. I have a 7 month old baby and I had been vaccinating as usual, but now I am having trouble trying to figure out this and how to proceed. I want to vaccinate my baby but I have no idea if it’s okay to do so, at least with the vaccinations that use these cells. I have read on the Children of God for Life website that the Church wants us to vaccinate and be as healthy as possible, so if there is no other type of vaccination for a certain illness then it’s okay but if there are several variations of a certain vaccine that don’t use the cells then to use those ones instead. Is this really what the Church teaches? :eek:
No, it isn’t really okay even if no alternative vaccines are available unless the risk to public health is sufficiently grave. In America we reallt aren’t at a point where the use.of the problematic.vaccines is.justified, but that is a moral quandry best worked out with a trusted spiritual director because there are various factors to weigh. The letter from the Vatican and the. are great resources and I encourage you to spend some time praying over them.

I’ll just add that kids do not even really need the full schedule of vaccines anyway. The Varicella vaccine, for example, often uses aborted fetal cells. I cannot see any real justification to given.the relatively benign nature of chicken pox. So at least some of the problematic vaccines are really unnecessary anyway.
Thank you for the link, which I just read. It is surely comparable to a rigorous Talmudic interpretation!
Its complicated for sure. From my reading the Church says you can use the vaccine if no other versions are available
I think you have your facts wrong.
Planned Parenthood doesn’t “sell baby parts” for research.
Mothers have the option to donate fetal tissue for research if they want to, for free; neither Planned Parenthood nor the mother gets paid for this.

If they weren’t selling baby parts for research all they would have to do when asked about the cost is handout the UPS rate schedule . The sixth video came out today and only someone who is seriously detached from reality can claim Planned Parenthood is not selling baby parts . Of course the real scandal is there is a legal way to dispose of baby parts May God have mercy on this country
If they weren’t selling baby parts for research all they would have to do when asked about the cost is handout the UPS rate schedule . The sixth video came out today and only someone who is seriously detached from reality can claim Planned Parenthood is not selling baby parts . Of course the real scandal is there is a legal way to dispose of baby parts May God have mercy on this country
It’s complicated. Fair warning: The following article is disturbing.

God bless and have mercy,

Please everybody, vaccinate your kids.

You know the anti-caccine crowd is a strange group. You’ve got militant folks playing around in the woods and new age vegetarians in the same boat.

What holds them together is that they lie in the fringes of thought. Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans understand the importance of vaccinations.
Please everybody, vaccinate your kids.

You know the anti-caccine crowd is a strange group. You’ve got militant folks playing around in the woods and new age vegetarians in the same boat.

What holds them together is that they lie in the fringes of thought. Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans understand the importance of vaccinations.
The Lord may never bless me with children but if He does I wouldn’t vaccinate them. The extreme increase of autism over the past 20 years correlates to the increase in vaccinations. When I was in college I did detailed research report on vaccinations and the testimonies of parents who had otherwise healthy babies before the vaccinations that died after were horrific. I never knew aborted fetuses were used in vaccinations before reading this.
The Lord may never bless me with children but if He does I wouldn’t vaccinate them. The extreme increase of autism over the past 20 years correlates to the increase in vaccinations. When I was in college I did detailed research report on vaccinations and the testimonies of parents who had otherwise healthy babies before the vaccinations that died after were horrific. I never knew aborted fetuses were used in vaccinations before reading this.
There is no relation between autism and vaccination. The Church has stated that it is morally permissible to have children vaccinated.
The Lord may never bless me with children but if He does I wouldn’t vaccinate them. The extreme increase of autism over the past 20 years correlates to the increase in vaccinations. When I was in college I did detailed research report on vaccinations and the testimonies of parents who had otherwise healthy babies before the vaccinations that died after were horrific. I never knew aborted fetuses were used in vaccinations before reading this.
There is no relationship between vaccines and autism. Numerous studies have shown this. Not vaccinating ones children IMO is tantamount to child abuse. It is a parents right to not do so but they should not be surprised when the schools refuse to put other children at risk because of their ignorance
There is no relationship between vaccines and autism. Numerous studies have shown this. Not vaccinating ones children IMO is tantamount to child abuse. It is a parents right to not do so but they should not be surprised when the schools refuse to put other children at risk because of their ignorance
Totally agree. 🙂
The Lord may never bless me with children but if He does I wouldn’t vaccinate them. The extreme increase of autism over the past 20 years correlates to the increase in vaccinations. When I was in college I did detailed research report on vaccinations and the testimonies of parents who had otherwise healthy babies before the vaccinations that died after were horrific. I never knew aborted fetuses were used in vaccinations before reading this.
The increase in autism over the past 20 years is because they changed the definition of autism.
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