Valid or Invalid Marriage?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monicathree
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Hello brothers and sisters,

Quick question. If two Lutherans are married according to all the rules and regulations of that church, is that considered valid…in that, if they divorce and one wants to remarry will that be considered adulterous. Or, what if two Protestants of different faiths are married and then divorce…same question.
I have heard yes and no. My husband has a coworker who actually impressed me with her insight. She used to be married to a pastor’s son, divorced him, and is thinking of remarrying. Yet, she told my husband that she is concerned if that would be considered adulterous or not. If it is valid, obviously, yes…but we weren’t sure what to tell her because I am not sure of the validity( I know it, obviously, is not valid a Catholic valid marriage). I am just glad to hear her concern as to not offend the Lord. Thanks in advance for your replies.

The Catholic Church does not hold Protestants up to Canon law. If two Protestants are married in a Lutheran Church the Catholic Church recognizes these marriages.
Two Lutherans who were both free to marry are validly married whether married by their pastor or even a justice of the peace. This marriage is sacramental and indissoluble until one of them should die. That means if they divorce neither can remarry whether to a Catholic or another Protestant without committing adultery against the Lutheran spouse they divorced. A tribunal may deem their marriage null and void if the case is made for it but no civil court can free a Lutheran froma sacramental marriage.
Thanks for the replies…
I think in this case they might be just from maybe baptist background…what about in this case, or even two non-denominationals??

Unfortunately many of these cases are not so clear cut, at least not without greater knowledge of the individuals disposition. Protestants have valid baptisms and marriages (these are the only two sacraments that they have maintained) but these can still be invalid in a Protestant setting. The Form, Matter, and Intent must still be present.

In this particular case, I think that the question would surround the intent of the couple. If they did not intend to form a bond for life, it could be argued that intent was not present. In the Catholic Church, marriages are assumed valid unless otherwise decided by the Church, but if the couple does not submit to a higher authority in such matters, I don’t know how their union could be declared anulled. Thus I think that it needs to be assumed sacramentally valid even if a reason is known that would normally be grounds for an anullment.
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