Vandals Part 2

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· A handmade nativity scene was destroyed by vandals on the property of a family in Lincoln, Nebraska.

· A nativity scene set inside Plexiglas was smashed to pieces in Mineola, New York.

· A front-yard nativity scene was damaged in Farmington, Illinois.

· Students at Taylor University in Indiana went on a rampage, vandalizing several Christmas decorations, including the nativity scene, and started a bonfire.

Catholic League president William Donohue commented as follows:

“This is the worst we’ve seen, and most nativity scenes have yet to be erected. It speaks to a problem that deserves a public discussion.”
Forums such as this are the only places it will be discussed. The MSM will report it on page 4 if at all. If they do report it they will treat it a if someone sprayed graffiti on a wall but if it was a non-Christian symbol it would be front page and a hate crime. :mad:
In Chicago, the recent theft (and recovery) of the baby Jesus from the manger set in Daley Plaza downtown was all over the major news outlets.
Here in Colorado Springs people were going all over town stealing baby Jesus out of Nativty scenes.

They were warning that you have to take him in if you can’t watch him or you are going to sleep. The police said nothing could be done unless someone could catch the people doing this and then call the cops. So here we are supposed to catch them ourselves and then let the cops have them

On a similar note, a huge menorah on the campus of University of Michigan was vandalized last night.

And a little more astray from the main topic: A group of students from a local Catholic university vandalized a Jewish cemetery by cutting down several evergreen trees (to use as Christmas trees) from a Jewish cemetery.

On a similar note, a huge menorah on the campus of University of Michigan was vandalized last night.

And a little more astray from the main topic: A group of students from a local Catholic university vandalized a Jewish cemetery by cutting down several evergreen trees (to use as Christmas trees) from a Jewish cemetery.

Oh this is horrible! It’s bad enough all this vandalism is going on,but for Catholics to vandalize a Jewish cemetary. Satan is trult working overtime this season. Maybe it’s a tempertantrum over the election:D God Bless
Pictures acompany this story:

The statue of the Virgin Mary with a baby Jesus in her arms stood in front of the Knoxville Diocese since September of 2003.

It was installed to celebrate a church anniversary. Now, the statue is tarnished with an upside down red cross.
“We were suprised this morning by a disturbing act of vandalism and we really don’t know why something like this would have happened,” says Father Vann Johnston of the Diocese.

Parts of the Jesus were destroyed and thrown in through the front door. The violence quickly became the topic of the Sunday sermon.
Pictures acompany this story:

The statue of the Virgin Mary with a baby Jesus in her arms stood in front of the Knoxville Diocese since September of 2003.

It was installed to celebrate a church anniversary. Now, the statue is tarnished with an upside down red cross.
“We were suprised this morning by a disturbing act of vandalism and we really don’t know why something like this would have happened,” says Father Vann Johnston of the Diocese.

Parts of the Jesus were destroyed and thrown in through the front door. The violence quickly became the topic of the Sunday sermon.
Now, that makes me want to throw up.Just a reflection about the baby Jesus,I notice the head was cut off,it looks like some abortion pictures I have seen.Like I said satan is busy these days. God Bless
a very disturbing trend…especially the “catholics” vandalizing the Jewish cemetary 😦
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