Oh, there is plenty of room for criticism of the post Counciliar Church in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. You asked earlier why the Church did not “gradually phase things in”. The progressives of the time would say they did. But by any historical standard, many of the changes were a sudden tsunami. Why did the Church move so quickly? I think that is very complicated. The radicals wanted to move as fast as possible while they had the opportunity. Indeed, there had been liturgical reforms going on for a couple of decades, a new missal was issued in 1962. It certainly had not gone far enough in their mind. Paul VI wanted to implement the desires of Vatican II in a timely fashion. He was probably correct. Just look at the mass. The extent of the changes in the OF compared to the EF, one could not have gotten from point A (1962 missal) to point B (Paul VI’s missal) over a long period. It would have been interrupted somewhere in the middle. Maybe that would have been better, who knows.
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