Vatican once ran brothels?

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What is it with this accusation that the Vatican once ran brothels??? is this true?

It wouldn’t shake my faith any if it was… I mean I know we’ve have some corrupt leaders in the Church in the past… that doesn’t change the fact that it is the True Church…

I just want to know if there is any truth to this?
where do you hear this?
Several Protestants that I know… which I why I am now asking if there is true to it…
I suggest that you ask the person who said so to provide supporting evidence for this accusation, since it would be pointless to discuss something that has no basis in fact. Let the accuser prove his facts.

Gerry 🙂
Yeah, my teacher actually said the same thing. I never looked into it because I’ve always been afraid of what I’d get if I googled “vatican brothel”. My teacher said that it was right before the reformation that the Vatican sponsored a brothel.
What is it with this accusation that the Vatican once ran brothels??? is this true?

It wouldn’t shake my faith any if it was… I mean I know we’ve have some corrupt leaders in the Church in the past… that doesn’t change the fact that it is the True Church…

I just want to know if there is any truth to this?
Evidence, please, evidence? What century? What year? Who did it? Who knew? Which city? Which country? Is so easy to make accusations and so difficult to defend the Church because it requires “research.”

Antonio :confused:
as it does, in fact, run exactly contrary to the church’s teachings on fornication and/or adultery, i think evidence would be extremely necessary to make any such claim. there is no motive and no victim to consider in this case… 🙂
I don’t think the Vatican actually ran brothels but it may have received license fees from brothels in Rome, at least that is what some anti-Catholic websites say. Supposedly, Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484) started licensing the brothels of Rome and the licenses were not suppressed until Pope Paul V (1605-1621). I have not been able to verify this info from any Catholic sources though.
We had some bad boy Popes in the past. Some brought into the world illegitimate children. One had a bastard son, who became the next Pope. One Pope was murdered for his Papal chair. And I heard one Pope was found out to be a woman, dressed in men’s clothes.

Ron from Ohio
Oh, good heavens… Don’t believe everything you hear, for Pete’s sake: the old whopper about “one Pope was found out to be a woman, dressed in men’s clothes” is just that, a ridiculous whopper. There is no truth to the story.

Yeah, there have been a few bad popes (bad in their personal lives, not in teaching), but twelve or so in two thousand years ain’t bad: most monarchies have had more than that in far, far less time. Don’t believe all the garbage that is spewed regarding the papacy.
The 2000 year history of the Church is filled with scandal, but that is exactly what it is; scandal. Things go bad in non-Catholic churches also, but I know as a fellow Catholic Christian that it is a scandal and can see through wrong and see what parts are right.
We had some bad boy Popes in the past. Some brought into the world illegitimate children. One had a bastard son, who became the next Pope. One Pope was murdered for his Papal chair. And I heard one Pope was found out to be a woman, dressed in men’s clothes.

Ron from Ohio
While it is true that there were corrupt Popes during those days, there is no historical evidence whatsoever that there was a Pope who was killed after being exposed as a woman. It is at most historical fiction being presented as fact by certain parties…

Gerry 🙂
The 2000 year history of the Church is filled with scandal, but that is exactly what it is; scandal. Things go bad in non-Catholic churches also, but I know as a fellow Catholic Christian that it is a scandal and can see through wrong and see what parts are right.
There is a saying that “there are vipers in every forest”. Yet we never say that forests are ugly because of them, but rather forests are still beautiful inspite of them.

Gerry 🙂
I know of no evidence of the Vaitcan running brothels.

But like many anti-catholic accusations there is a smuggen of truth taken to an extreme. In the middle ages the church did nothing to crack down on brothels the reason was according to some midevil theologians it was better for men that strayed to fornicate with a few as women as possible so they not bring other women into sin. IF the same women sinned this would stop the man from sinning with a woman who was not a prostitute for example another married woman or a single woman neither of whom would be prostitutes fornicating with this same adulterous man. While this was surely an interesting way to look at it in no way did the church endorse prostitution or ran brotherls being tolerant (something we aren’t accused of) we allowed them to exist but it was still a mortal sin condemend by the church but unlike Protestant communites no one was burned at the stake for such actions. The banning of brothels and the burning of adulterers and the identifying of such people if they were lucky were publically disgraced by being jailed in the public sqare and forced to wear marking identifiers as an adulterer forever. Ever head of the Scarlet Letter? In Reformed Clavinist society and Puritan societies this was extremely popular. So you see tolerance of sin is far different than punishing of sin that included capital punishment or extreme disgrace. Perhaps the catholic church went a little soft in this area but for sure the Protestnat church went to far in persecuting this crime.
Mercy with justice is the best remedy here.
I’ve never heard of this either, though it occurred to me that an interesting quirk exists in Elizabethan English in which the word “nunnery” can refer to either a convent or a brothel. Perhaps this is part of how the rumor was started?
It’s always possible (absent proof) that over umpteen centuries people who served at the Vatican ran brothels or frequented them. If they did, they brought scandal onto the Church by betraying Christ, but certainly no more scandal than Judas brought by betraying Christ. Scandal among the clergy is a fact of life that we were taught by Christ himself when he picked Judas for one of his apostles.

It is truly inconceivable that any official Church teaching approves of brothels. This is where your Protestant friends will come up empty handed.
Web site
uses as its source the testimony of Malachi Martin, a laicised Priest.
And you would use Ian Paisley’s web site as proof??? :tsktsk: Oh boy!! Do you know who Ian Paisley is? :eek: He is the self-styled moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland and the most vile anti-Catholic I have ever heard of or come across. He would say anything and use or misuse anything to spread hatred of the Church and the Pope. :banghead:

Whether or not Malachi Martin made the statements attributed to him by sour old Ian is irrelevant. Ian Paisley hates the Catholic Church - he is just like Jack Chick.

Quite simply, if Ian Paisley claims something bad about the Church, then he probably made it up himself.
I read a very good book called Pope Fiction by who I can’t recall (?) I bought it at the Catholic Bookstore and it puts to rest many of the falsehoods about Popes. The woman Pope was one I remember reading about - not true.
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