Ok, I’m going to break out my Spanish dictionary and get to work. Islam win? Never! Deus Volt! I’ll take the cross especially after September 11, 2001. Remeber what Admiral Yamamoto said, “We have awoken a giant and filled him with terrible resolve.” Don’t let the American media fool you. We are every bit as resolute as our parents were in the 1940s.
We are with God and we are winners, but if we don´t have strongs pastors , bishops and priests many people have to go to the hell, this is the danger, islam has simple truths, is a communism with God, and is agree with divorces for men, abortion( Muhammad thought that a soul was created in 4 months) and they don´t say anything about anticonception.
They have more children because they want to conquer the world, islam is the perfect religion of war.
However christianism, is different, we are sons of God and brothers of Christ, we are nor individuals neither colectives, we have the eucharisty, we can receive God all the days, we aren´t slaves of God, we are sons of God, we heir his kingdom. But many catholics and many western non-catholics despise Jesus and God, they don´t want to be sons, they want to be God, and judge what is good and what is bad, they don´t have faith, they don´t leave in God and they don´t embrace the cross, the cross of routine, the cross of having children and not a confortable life, they don´t want the cross to evangelize, although ridicules, evangelize to Christ, we aren´t Christ.
The Christ of loving our enemies is very popular, but Christ throwing the marketers in the temple wasn´t so popular, but all is Christ.
Excuse me for this long Post.