Some months back I began reading a book “from the visions of…” the aforementioned person. On or about page 72 I stopped because of the following:
(in regard to the" Immaculate Conception: the Birth of Our Lady", approximately second paragraph beginning with “When seventeen weeks and five days after the concept of the Blessed Virgin Mary had gone by… I saw that this was the instant in which for the first time the child moved with in her…It was made known to me that the Blessed Virgin’s SOUL (my emphasis) was united to her body five days earlier than with other children, and that her birth was twelve days earlier.”
Essentially, this text tells us that the SOUL of a Human Being is not united to the BODY in utero until SEVENTEEN WEEKS GESTATION. This belies our belief that ALL life, even one day after conception, has a soul and a purpose. In fact, not only does it belie that belief, but it also exonerates ABORTION OF AN EMBRYO OR FETUS before SEVENTEEN WEEKS GESTATION, which means (if one is to follow this logically) that ABORTION of an unborn child INTO THE FOURTH MONTH OF PREGNANCY is not sinful since there is NO SOUL present. I stopped reading this book at this page. I have no idea why this woman is called “venerable” but I know full well that the soul is part of the moment of conception. WHAT SAY YOU TO THIS? Agree, disagree? Other comments?