"Vermont to question schoolchildren over Thanksgiving gatherings, and require quarantine for violators"

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Vermont to question schoolchildren over Thanksgiving gatherings, and require quarantine for violators​

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I have not noticed whether any other US state will do the same, but perhaps they have simply not announced that they would.

Anyway, why not go shopping and forget your cares !

Thanksgiving and Black Friday Store Hours 2020

I have not noticed whether any other US state will do the same, but perhaps they have simply not announced that they would.
Just tell your child to say “I was not around anyone who was sick”.
But more importantly, the science says children do not readily spread the virus. Schools are not a particular source of virus spread.
Using little 5year olds to tell on parents --so sick. This is not new just more obvious and devious.

If they tell they get to do remote learning for 2 weeks.
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Getting children to report their parents to the authorities… Now, where have we heard that one before?
Just a little note to put things in perspective here.

Up until a few weeks ago, Vermont had the lowest rate of positivity and COVID spread in the nation.

Around the time of Halloween, a couple of superspreader events took place. And suddenly cases SKYROCKETED.

And they did contract tracing. And they found that, guess what, over 70% of the clusters were from people who had gone to the ‘spreader events’ (a hockey get-together) and had then go on to small events; getting together for meals with a couple of local friends/families, and then those people going on, etc.

All of a sudden, after months of a death rate at 58 for the state, we’re up to 64. Several community care homes and assisted living are reporting 30 and 40 residents, and 15-20 staff, testing positive. The hospitals have people in the ICU.

All this because, after months of people actually wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands, with the state looking ‘safe’, people decided to forget about the rules. They felt safe going to see their best friends, or having small gatherings.

So even though it’s true that children will probably not be affected as much as adults, I can tell you that older children, ie. Junior high and high school age, were involved in the original superspreader events along with their parents and friends, who went on to see their parents and friends, etc.

Unfortunately we have too many situations where people can just ‘do as they please’ because there has been so little ‘holding to account’.

Let me ask you, if there was a pandemic out there that affected say 50% of the population instead of maybe 5%, would you be more on board with the idea of tracking down those who were skirting around the law and perhaps infecting others? If you thought you or your family were more ‘at risk’, would you be a little more concerned?

Vermont is a small state. Outside of big ol Burlington most of us are in smaller cities, towns, villages. We have smaller hospitals. We have longer distances to travel for care. We’re approaching winter and it’s a lot harder to get around in snow and ice.

This is not a punitive, “you bad kids now you must be punished and your families shamed’ attitude. This is a CONSEQUENCE thing. “OK, you might have been exposed, so as a consequence you need to quarantine the regular time.”

If you happened to know somebody who is now up in the ICU or having a long slow recovery in the COVID unit or who DIED in the last couple of days you might have a more balanced view of the whole scenario.
In my area there have been a handful of cases in the school district.

All the cases contracted outside of school, no spread inside the classes.
And as long as they are interrogating the children, they should ask if mom and dad keep their home-heat above a certain level in the winter.

Also check on how many guns dad and mom have too.

And ask the kiddies and see if mom or dad have ever “spanked” too.

And as long as they are at it, question about the neighbors too. See what THEY are up to as well. Our phones tracking us and listening in on us, is no longer enough.

Isn’t this just “groovy”?
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Unfortunately we have too many situations where people can just ‘do as they please’ because there has been so little ‘holding to account’. . . .

. . . If you thought you or your family were more ‘at risk’, would you be a little more concerned?
Do you think we need more jail time for the hockey moms? If not, what is the accountability answer you are seeking? More fines?

I am at plenty of risk . . . (old, sick, and immune supressed) and I think the same thing.

People should make their own decisions on these things. Just like they did last year during flu season.

If we are scared, we can remain hold-up without imposing our will against others.

At this point the emotional appeal, is having less and less effect.

We all (or at least many) have had family members or extended family members now who have had COVID. Myself included.
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Also in schools in my area. They immediately go to remote learning if they have a reported case in school.

Some schools are extending the holiday season as an added precaution. I see no need to individually question children and assume they will get the virus. If a case or cases come up they will go remote

The schools have all been open and believe when cases show up, the word gets around on what schools. There has not been a major issue so far with how the school department is running their program.

Knowing people in Vermont I can’t believe they will not tell their children to tell a white lie.
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Oh bah. I mean really. A lot of the schools are already on a hybrid schedule or doing remote learning, and it is a slippery slope argument to imply that educators are going to ‘interrogate’ for unsavory or ‘not PC’ practices.

This is VERMONT you know. Been solid ‘blue’ for nearly 60 years. Lots of Sanders supporters, etc.

But it isn’t the fewer ‘reds’ who are going around with COVID uptakes. It’s the ‘blues’ as well and the purples too. Because the whole idea of ‘not going with the rules’ is not limited to Republican deplorables who ‘don’t care about others’, nor is it limited to Democratic virtue-shamers who, knowing they are ‘on the right side’ choose to make ‘informed decisions’.

Rather it is the engrained behavior of the entitlement class, which transcends age, sex, and political class in these USA, including Vermont.

As others say, plenty of families will tell the kids to just take the 5th or say no, not because of politics (and the whole ‘report to the government etc’ IS pure politics) but because the entitlement which has been adopted by ‘rugged individuals’ and “we think for ourselves’ self-esteem-inflated ‘citizens’ means that ‘we do what we want, when we want; we’ll condemn bad behavior by others but excuse it in ourselves’.
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it is a slippery slope argument to imply that educators are going to ‘interrogate’ for unsavory or ‘not PC’ practices.
Aside from the fact that there was NO “unsavory behavior” in any of my examples, I disagree with the “slippery slope” charge.

No slippery slope argument when it is already occurring.

From the OP article . . .
The state of Vermont has announced that schoolchildren and their parents will be questioned about the nature of their Thanksgiving gatherings after the kids’ return to school . . .
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Getting children to report their parents to the authorities… Now, where have we heard that one before?
I heard about it as a school kid. Regarding living in communist countries.
November 26, 2020

American Stasi​

. . . One of the Stasi’s main tasks was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants . . .
. . . Let’s focus for a second on that “vast network of citizens turned informants.” First, those people could hardly be accurately described as citizens, as they were more like subjects, vassals, serfs and comrades in the communist system set up under the supervision of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). . . .

. . . Anyway, try to imagine living in a society like that where everything you said or did was subject to oversight not only by the repressive government but also by your neighbors, your coworkers, passers-by in the street, or even your family. Such a society is completely alien to our American way of life. Or at least it used to be.

In the wake of the pandemic currently wreaking havoc on our society and cultural norms . . .
Townshend: "American Stasi" World News
November 26, 2020 American Stasi By Bruce Townshend History. It’s a curious thing. We learn from it, or at least we should, and we try to use it as a guide for the present and the future. Of course, we all interpret it a bit differently. At the close of World War II in 1945, the nation of Germany was partitioned into two distinct nations. The Bundesrepublik Deutschland in the west, or West Germany, and the misleadingly named German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) in the …
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And as long as they are interrogating the children, they should ask if mom and dad keep their home-heat above a certain level in the winter.

Also check on how many guns dad and mom have too.

And ask the kiddies and see if mom or dad have ever “spanked” too.

And as long as they are at it, question about the neighbors too. See what THEY are up to as well. Our phones tracking us and listening in on us, is no longer enough.

Isn’t this just “groovy”?
You forgot to ask them if mom or dad ever insisted little boys can’t be little girls and little girls can’t be little boys.
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