Very few make it to heaven?

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The trick is to realize that we do not get there through our own puny efforts but through the great love and mercy of God. We then turn more to him in everything.
I heard a great point on this on a Catholic program. I was also struggling with it, and, as a bit of a perfectionist it wasn’t healthy. Remember that it references Spiritual perfection. Not easy but never forget we are relying on God here, Jesus can accomplish anything!
It’s not impossible. Most of it is ignorance and self love.
(Continued from yesterday) Throughout Gospels Jesus places what many would say are radical teachings, like Luke 14:26-27
26 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even their own life–such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
My personal feeling is, while these statements seem harsh and out of character for Him, the substance of being lost to the world, and alive in Yehoshua is the point. Many accuse the faithful over statements like these as if to prove Him wrong or inconsistent, and we as just stupid.
The truth is, I discovered having immense abundance in material goods, fine art, great house, winter trips to Caribbean and fine food, was for nothing if I wasn’t willing to do what Jesus asked of the rich man. I couldn’t give Saint Augustine a pretty good run for his money over being the worst sinner. I believed, but I couldn’t reconcile how to balance them both–I was an indecisive fence sitter–lukewarm.
Now am in process of selling ALL to live life in furthering the Kingdom, how ever he directs my steps. Thankfully I am older and wiser to understand my will versus His will, or I am a foolhardy fool willing to risk all for His sake. Kind of along the lines of St John of the Cross without having run nearly as far.
He saved me from myself and gave me a distinct understanding of living for him versus the world upon kneeling on the Scala Sancta at the Lateran Palace in Rome while John Paul II lay dying, my life was restored.
To say there are not enough workers for the harvest, is an understatement of the twenty-first century. Yet I believe Elohim shall call up many from all faith traditions and all nations to serve as the last Spiritual crusade or revival, who will become as one body, under one single conviction of soul, and under one single circumcision of heart–shepherds and workers to gather the flock, and prepare the harvest.
In the meantime I prepare by training for a spiritual and physical decathlon which is basically putting my household in order. The house being the interior–the intellect, the will and the heart; the exterior being the body with all its roudy members demanding their fill–the passions leading to deadly sins. “My house being now at rest” St John of the Cross ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ we can go forth unseen to obtain our orders from the Lion of Judah, King of kings, Lord of lords in whose name I am. Not saying I am the “I am” HaShem, but one whose life was restored from death, so now I am again.
Can’t say I had a physical NearDeathExperience where I died and came back, but many spiritually ones that could have taken me out.
As a practical guide on laymen learning to be as monks, I found the Philokalia to be a very relevant, not-overly-cerebral source for spiritual and physical life. And, of the many early Church fathers who penned Philokalia, many lived before the east west schism.
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A very holy, old Calendar Greek Orthodox Hieromonk taught me about watchfulness as a place to start, and it corresponds well with Dark Night of the Soul. The point of watchfulness comes from the Gospels: “But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:43-44
What does this mean…Jesus said this at one time in the bible…I am suffering greatly over this lately…
Re: Few make it to heaven, i.e. “Few saved”

Here’s 2 examples from scripture where “Few” is used regarding saved

8 saved

will few be saved Jesus didn’t deny the question. He validated it,

BTW, those who go to purgatory first, are in with the few who are saved, because they died without mortal sin on their soul AND everyone who goes through purgatory goes to heaven.
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It makes you wonder sometimes what the point of existing is if it is almost impossible to make it?
Those who are mystified by this I would suggest mix up the order in the following commandments

2 Commandments make up the whole law and prophets… as Jesus said
  1. Love God with all you got
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself
People who put #2 FIRST, and love creation and the creature more than the creator if even the creator shows up on their radar screen, screw up big time.

one example of how that happens

Deliberately missing Mass on Sunday is a mortal sin, and we see why.


According to Georgetown U , a Catholic univ, did a poll. Only ~ 23% of Catholics attend Mass faithfully. Therefore., ~77% don’t. Ergo most Catholics are walking around in mortal sin. And if they don’t go to confession 1st before taking the Eucharist they heap sacrilege on top of their mortal sin.

There’s a classic example of few vs everybody else.

As we’re warned, in scripture and the teaching of the Church, dying in mortal sin one goes to hell.
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Another thought…
It’s pretty much beyond my rank to say who gets in Heaven and who doesn’t. Jesus compares the parable of the workers who all received the same wage for different hours they worked, and some who worked longest grumbled. But it meant
He also said that it is the will of His Father that he should loose none of those given Him but the son of perdition.
Another: many called, few chosen? However, I heard this: God didn’t save me from the lake I was drowning in, just to throw me back in.
Then revelations says, like the other brother mentioned, an uncountable vast number of people in Heaven all rejoicing the Trinity at once.
The faith that saved me is a gift that I’m keeping. However not knowing the manner in which I may die permanently, I still know I must die to desires and passions of this world to be battle hardened and used for HaShem’s purpose. This is an incredibly important teaching by our Lord and Messiah found in all four gospels: “to save yourself, loose yourself for my sake.” We cultivate spiritual virtues before physical virtues, and crucify spiritual passions with physical physical passions so that we are made complete lacking nothing.
To accomplish this as a lay person is as important as for a monk. However, be glad for monks who have been in constant prayer 24/7 365 days times 1000 years plus. They live lives of extreme deprivation to our ways of living existing on very little sleep with liturgies that last hours without sitting, eating very meagerly, working long hours.
Our problems lay in living apart. Living in a community of lay brothers may sound bizarre, but these are being formed in not too distant future so that we depend on the strength generated by community.
If you want an idea of how this works and don’t have time to read DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL, try this abridged version of Philokalia isbn: 978-1-59473-103-7. Or, there is a free version of the Complete Philokalia online:

Philokalia is a collection of teachings begun by early church fathers accepted by West before Schism.
It is a treasury of practical wisdom on living as Christian ascetics which is how we all should live if just to be in control of our house as St John of the Cross says: “My house being now at rest…”
You can find DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL here:
Go to page 13 where his poem(?) starts. It’s about 20 lines, and is the souls reaction to meeting our Savior as we must do now.
Believe me, it isn’t a long dark grey road of monotony and boredom. However, St Pio did battle HaSatan all his life. HaSatan wanted St Pio dead from the beginning when he was a small boy praying under his special tree in the pastures of Pietrelcina, Italy.
FYI: There’s a very good movie about Padre Pio on YouTube from 1980s? I prefer the Italian subtitled version, but there’s a dubbed English version too. You’ll like this film about St Pio, he’s a strong champion of ours.
If you begin to feel spiritually sluggish, or that your not going to make it? Remember it is HaSatan whose power will increase over the world in the last days, but do not fret says the Lord. He has already overcome the world and our trials are to refine us as He wills us to be purified.
Be in the world, but not of it. There is no thing, no fallen nature or passion that will fill you, but only drain you. Lusts of any variety can NEVER be fulfilled as it’s against their very natures to be anything but rowdy, demanding and annoying, even to the point they lie to us. But we will fall into sin many times before drawing last breath, but we must get up, and keep on the path. Humility is one of the keys to Heaven’s gate; Patient endurance, Faith, Hope and above all, Love–developing them all.
Be full in the Peace and Grace of our Messiah always…Shalom.
DFor some reason, I’m not able to edit the errors I see.
In the above I said I COULD give St Augustine a run for being bigger sinner.
Also please know, for some time (years) I’ve been target of those who work against salvation. They love to disrupt my writings anyway they can. ESPECIALLY my writings to LBGT community, and here too. If I don’t continuously copy and paste as I write, they will delete it all, and I’d have to start over. For this reason, I am going to try and disappear to overseas, but as the majority of my tormentors are freemasons, I am not sure disappearing can be done very easily. Thanks for understanding.
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But we know from revelations 7:9 that multitudes from every nation will be worshiping in His kingdom, as one voice.
John 15:5 “Without me, you can do nothing.”
If you find you’re thinking on worldly things, stop and redirect your focus on the Jesus prayer until you say it always.
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